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Everything posted by STZ

  1. @Phil Saw this and had to post
  2. Great breakdown. Casey Jones for a Labatt?! Obviously everyone is overperforming - pretty damn exciting.
  3. Teams filled with rookies can't get lots of points...
  4. Im on dat pension plan yo
  5. I'll be leaving Sunday to go to Mexico for a week. Wondering if I can do my PT's and shit for that week the week I get back.. Lookin for the ok: @Will @Devise @Beketov FYI for my updatersss: @Kendrick @CowboyinAmerica
  6. Don't wanna be in playoffs.. what a bunch of winners lol
  7. helllllyeeee
  8. eeeek
  9. How all dem new playas doin??
  10. You know my click bait triggers
  11. You certainly are killing it with the Dad Joke gimmick lol
  12. RIP
  13. Player name : Ike Arkander Render name : Jacob Markstrom Thanks @boubabi
  14. Your faceoff stat is pretty wild. 1700 FO taken with > 57%.. Clutch winning percentage for a rookie tbqh
  15. JT is a winger but he plays a lot like Komarov. Scrappy and can put up points. NYR is struggling right now, so I wouldn't look much past it just being a card lol
  16. I used JT Miller for that card lol.. Who would you prefer? The next Low, though.
  17. lmao wtfffff
  18. @BOOM @der meister @Gooningitup @KGR #MakeAmericansGreatAgain
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