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Everything posted by STZ

  1. Well, we made it two wins away from the championship. A bit of disappointment even though this was the first season of really competing for Analfist. Last season was rough and this one just seemed like things were clicking. Vancouver has some work to do with their cap, and it looks like GM Frank has done some work already dealing Henry Eagles for a cap friendly player and some other draft assets. Analfist decided to sign for 5 more seasons with Vancouver. I believe in this management team and the core we have. I'm more than excited to spend my entire career with Vancouver. I ended up applying for a VHLM GM position. I'm very excited to see if I end up getting a spot. There's three so I'm hoping I'd be given a chance to prove I still have what it takes. I have some good ideas to engage new members, and I'm really looking forward to going back to a role where I help push more members into the VHL. Been a wild week at home. The babe got chickenpox and there's a sickness just running through the house. Been a wild week at work too, just with some unexpected staffing changes. This summer just seems to be very random, and things are coming by here and there that are just throwing plans out the window. At this point I'm just happy I'm remembering that it is Sunday on a long weekend and I'm not missing all my PTs..
  2. Transaction ID: 48E33569K96318042 1M Playa Store 5 Uncapped TPE Doubles Week
  3. Q: HC Davos and Vancouver in the Finals; Are you at all surprised that these two teams have made the finals? Nope, knew it all along. Q: Who is the favorite heading into the Finals but in the end who is going to win the Continental Cup? Purple text, Davos took it home.. Q: Season Awards are being handed out, who do you think will win the Three Awards trophy this season? Why? Nicooo Q: Who was the team’s best defender this season? Why? Bouchard, becuase I think he'll read this answer and not Payne Q: Who do you feel was the teams Unsung Hero and why? Tough one, but I feel Eagles takes the edge with the GWG Q: Which player is been under played the most this season? Should @Frank play them more? It was Analfist... But my time will come, I gotta earn it.
  4. the numbers stopped going up.......
  5. Congrats David, well deserved
  6. I'm down but wont play for anything less than 1k
  7. Might not put this one in my signature...
  8. Yoooo the wolf bois are heading to the ship. Can't lie, this is amazing. It took me a long time to get here with my other players, and it really feels like this team has something special going on. Love the forward core and depth and the studs on defense and goalie. We kinda just blew through the North American Conference and now line up against a very strong Davos team. Would love to see the boys win it. It's been a few players since I've actually won a cup, so this would be pretty meaningful for me. My main objective with Analfist is getting Cups, so to see us compete in one, Year One is pretty special. Heavily considering applying for a VHLM GM Position in the off-season. After hearing about the openings I've been really reflecting and thinking about if this is the right time for me. I've always loved the VHLM GM position as a league job. I really enjoy engaging with new members or returning members to kickstart their career in the VHL. I always loved having a laundry list of graduates to the VHL - and I would love to continue that. I do question whether I have the time, just because I feel like this is such a huge responsibility. I don't ever like to half-ass anything, so I would only apply if I knew that I could commit to this job in a long term capacity. This is the part where I talk about my personal life. Not much to share really. The baby isn't really a baby anymore. Feels like the last few weeks he morphed into a toodler. He's moving all over the house and it's been a lot. Been very busy this week to say the least. Trying to find energy and time to do everything - but as you can see, I'm posting this with 20 mins left in the week and then claiming Pension... So I'm just getting by lol.
  9. Q: Wildcard rounds are over and Prague has advanced to play Moscow in the first round? Do you give Prague a fighting chance of beating the Continental Cup favorites? Yeah, it can definitely happen. Oh wait, they already beat them (eyes) Q: New York sneaks into the Wildcard and wins. Can they continue to surprise everyone by upsetting much more favored Bears in the first round? YES! they did. (eyes) x2 Q: Vancouver & Calgary; Who do you think wins and why? And does this team have enough to win the Continental Cup? Vancouver because I live in the future. I predict Vancouver to then sweep the next series as well and go to the Finals. Not sure how it plays out after that. Q: Riga and HC Davos are in the other series; what are you expecting from this series? Why? Davos. See previous future seeing answer. Q: Prediction time: Pick one team from each conference that is going to make the finals? Who are they and then who wins the Continental Cup? Why? Probabaly Vancouver and Davos... Dunno just a hunch. Q: Summer time heat; How do you break the summer time heat? (we hit 45C this past week, today is cool at 38C) Work.. I work in cooler..
  10. The Playoff Picture is set. The Wolves enter as the two seed and play up against number three Calgary Wranglers. This should be a very tight series. We get home ice, so that could be an advantage to us. It's hard to say though, as everything goes out the window when Playoffs start. We did have a better season offensively, and out D-core and Fuhr were really strong. We go up against a very deep team that have proven to be winners, and a team that can win as a lower seed. We shall see as we wait for the Wild Card to conclude. VHL is 16. Another year down, another TPE giveaway. Crazy to think this place has been around this long, really feels like time is flying by. The league seems pretty strong, and it seems like recruitment has been bringing in fresh faces, and we've even seen a few returning members back for the Trade Deadline recreation period. Cheers to another year, VHL. Well, todays the last day of my vacation. Really hate this feeling. I only have a 4 day week, as I took next weekend off. Had some nice time off with the family this week. Really, just trying to pickup the slack for my fiancee who is on maturnity leave. More trying to give her some help in mornings and nights with the baby, since she always lets me sleep when I have to go to work. Had a few rounds of golf in.. Almost had an insane round last Wednesday. Shot a 39 on the front nine, and then blew up on the back nine with a 50.. Still broke 90 which is huge for me.
  11. Q: July 18th, 2007; Where were you and what were you doing? If you can remember!! I would have been 20 years old. I would have been in University at that point.. About three years away from joining the VHL.. My whole god damn life ahead of me lol. Q: When did you join this league and why did you decided to stay? I joined in S29. I had just quit my job and went back to myold job. I had a bunch of spare time and had always been looking for a hockey simulator. I had stumbled upon VHL before, but didn't really understand it. In S29 I decided to try it out, and ended up really loving this place. Q: What is the best thing about Birthdays? Why? I love my kids birthdays. The joy they get and the anticipation is really fun. I never really cared for my own, but it is certainly special celebrating with the little ones. Q: What was the best thing about being 16? Not having to pay for a mortgage.. Getting to sleep in.. The lack of responsibilities.. Q: Since joining the league or in the past 16 years of the VHL; what has been the most memorable moment for you and why? Definitely my daughter's birth was huge. That was nine years ago, and it was a complete game changer. I just had my son last year, which was a huge moment as well, but it's safe to say I'm in a better place personally to be raising a child lol. Q: Riddle: How can you tell when a birthday is very emotional? hmmmm... not sure, but is it a play on "Happy" Birthday?
  12. STZ


    @Subject056 not gonna lie... missed oppotunity not going for #54... LIV in roman numerals tbh..
  13. I look forward to this more than my real birthday..
  14. Van City sitting solid in the NA conference with 78 points, good for second. We didn't make any huge splashes this season at the Trade Deadline, mainly because we are right against the cap. I feel good about our team, I think we will be a favorite coming out of our conference. The European Conference will be a dog fight too. It's actually interesting how the NA playoff picture is looking as LA DC and NY are all tied with 62 points Looking forward to the 18th, maybe some free TPE? Bday for VHL always usually means free giveaways, so that's something of note to look forward to. This week was pretty solid for me. I played two rounds of golf, one being my Personal Best score of an 86. That round also included my first ever Eagle. I have an extended holiday/weekend next week as I have Wednesday-Sunday off which I'm really looking forward too.
  15. Q: Malmo, New York, Helsinki and LA, where the four teams active during the trade deadline. Which team do you think came out the winner afterwards? New York adds Nezuko and Torq. I think they've made the moves that put them in a position to make playoffs. The NA is so tight and the other two competing teams made moves, but I like those two high TPE veteran adds. Q: Do you have one trade that stands out made during the trade deadline? Which one and why? The DC LA trade is interesting as they swap 1sts in different years and also swap two major players on each side. It's almost as much of a hockey trade as you can get. They are looking to shake up their teams. What makes it even more interesting is that they are both competing in the same conference and are both head ot head in points. Generally, a big trade in trade deadline includes a team selling off and another buying to make a push. Q: It feels like forever that I have asked about awards but really it wasn`t that long ago, who do you think is Vancouver Wolves current Unsung Hero? Why? Henry Eagles has been solid. He only has 70 points in the 62 games played, which is fifth on the team. What stands out is his 7 GWG. I think an honorable mention to Fuhr who has been outstanding, but I don't think he's unsung. Q: Who do you think is the Most Energetic player on the roster so far during the season? The team has been quite a bit more active in the LR than last season. I definitely notice Kerr a lot in there. Q: At the half-way mark of the season, who do you feel is the MVP of the team? I'd say our goalie Fuhr has been a good MVP canadite. We get scoring throughout our roster, but Brandt has reall been strong in front of the net. He has a 923 save percentage and 2.64 GAA. Pretty awesome numbers, imo. Q: With Payne & Bouchard being as equal as equal can be; Who do you think should be consider our top defenseman at this point of the season? That's a tough call. I actually love this duo. Payne has been so solid with his physical play and assist total has been strong. PEB has has a resurgence and seems to be playing better this season too. I think Payne edges him just based on the fact that I think his build contributes more defensively, and with a three amn crew back there I think it's so important.
  16. Wolf bois be buzzin. We were only .500 a few sims ago, and now we are sitting 30-15-1. It seems like each sim is solid and we've just been rolling lately. The fellas have been playing well and putting up good numbers. I haven't followed my VHFL Team too closely this season, but my players look pretty solid. I think all three of my forwards are on the top of the Hits Leaderboard and my two defense have been putting up points. I know Fuhr has been great lately - two shutouts in the last couple sims. So, that is good. Theme week was pretty intereting this season. Feels a little more original and not recycled. It's always nice when they give yuou motiviation to knock out a quick Media Spot, but also get a doubles week too. Hats off to those who were behind this year's theme week. This week has been about as crazy as the last few week's at work. I'm taking a few random days off through the next few weeks, so I have that to look forward to. I guess this is where the old guy talks about how time is flying by and can't believe what day it is... But yeah, have a few plans made for the next few weekends so it won't be all work on my plate.
  17. Q: If you were Commish, what is the one thing that you would change? Why? I would seriously consider bringing back the Grimm Jonsson Award. I elaborated a little more in my MS this week - but I think this is a cool award that would be a cool return to the league. Q: Trade deadline is here so what moves if any should Vancouver make? We could probably use some defense depth, but at the same time, we have abeen successful against top teams, might be good just to conitnue to run with what we have. Q: Are you expecting a lot of trades or just minor trades at the trade deadline? I think there will always be trades when we have this many teams and this much parity in the league. I don't expect this year to be much different than others. Q: Team has really turned things around after 11-11; if I remember correctly start and we are now 23-12-1 (12-1-1) in the last 14 games. What changed and why are we winning now? Could just be the sim engine starting to work in our favour. We do have good set of young players who have stepped up and earned some TPE that might have swayed things in our favour. Likely just the sim being kind. Q: Congrats to Nico Pearce @Spartan now the all-time TPE player. Do you remember the highest TPE player you created; who was it and how much TPE or is this your first player and where do you think you will finish in TPE? My last player Hard Markinson finished at 1786 and was Top 3 when he retired. My players have always finished in the Top All-Time TPE leaderboards but, likely wont be on that grind as hard at the end of Analfist's career. Still expecting about 1500 TPE for my guy right now, but I won't be sniffing 2000. Q: With half of the season soon to be behind us, can either Nico Pearce @Spartan or Oreo McFleury @JB123 catch that horrible hockey player John Jameson @Frank for goals? I think so. Anything can happen with this many games to go. We are really hot right now, would be amazing to see our boys catch the leader!
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