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Everything posted by diamond_ace

  1. No one has to "defend their vote" - everyone can vote for the award based on what criteria they personally see fit. You insisting on "destroying their argument" is really just you insisting their vote conforms to your criteria. You don't get to choose what stats other people value. Besides, the percentage of a team's goals a player was involved in (which is generally your go to case in your article) isn't even an actual stat, nor does it allow goalies to win the award ever, since they wouldn't be involved in goals. You don't make the criteria. You don't decide whether someone "understands the award" or anything to that effect. A different viewpoint isn't a less valid viewpoint, it's simply different. (and since people always have to clarify this fucking bullshit with you because they're not allowed to have an argument otherwise, I voted for Cornerstone, because Cornerstone the player is a separate entity from Boubabi the member)
  2. This is what I mentioned in your creation thread. I'll offer $1m to join Ottawa. We're looking at being a contending team (Saskatoon are probably the prohibitive favorite early on, but once my guys develop we should be up there) and I did just pick up a lot of guys in the draft, so you'd start off on my 3rd line, but you'd be able to move up fairly quickly. A lot of the draftee guys are just as new and if you're more active than they are, there are spots to be won on the 2nd and possibly even the 1st. Some of the teams that are set to be a little lower in the standings might be able to offer you $2m (the maximum deal for a VHLM guy prior to the VHL), or a bigger role immediately. It's all up to what you prefer in a team. There are 5 teams, Ottawa, Saskatoon, Yukon, Oslo, and Vegas in the VHLM.
  3. 1. Why is Quik trying to figure out your password with question 5?
  4. Available to take any questions; also asking questions of my team, which you can answer for TPE if you choose. 1. What do you think about getting your careers started with the Lynx? 2. Any preliminary opinions on which teams at the VHL level you might eventually want to play for? Any you'd rather avoid? If you don't know, that's fine 3. How are you looking to build your player? Stylistically, and/or players you're modeling after? 4. Long term goals? Cups, HOF, etc? 5. Member-wise: favorite hockey team? @dea5shot @declanburns @CookieJo @Benm2110 @TWalkerFC @Hoopydog @street @iRockstar @Beketov @Ahma @DeathOnReddit @eaglesfan036
  5. Just missed the draft, so you'll likely be able to sign with a VHLM team of your choosing over the next day or two (among those who offer you a contract), for the upcoming season. The commissioners will create a thread and tag you in it, at which time VHLM GMs will post offers in said thread. Expect one from me (GM of Ottawa Lynx) and probably most teams, when the thread is up.
  6. Ottawa selects Marvin Cookie @CookieJo
  7. Ottawa takes Hinga Dinga Durgen @Masxn1
  8. 32nd overall, Ottawa selects Euan Hamill @Hoopydog
  9. 27th overall, Ottawa selects Declan Burns @declanburns
  10. 24th overall, Ottawa selects Chat @eaglesfan036
  11. 22nd overall, Ottawa select Mikhail Vega @iRockstar
  12. 19th overall, Ottawa selects Tomos Walker @TWalkerFC
  13. 17th overall, Ottawa selects Brendan Wilson @Benm2110
  14. 15th overall, Ottawa is very pleasantly surprised to be able to take Alvaro Jokinen @Ahma
  15. 12th overall, Ottawa takes Daniel Kenny @dea5shot
  16. 7th overall Ottawa takes Matt Thompson @Beketov
  17. 2nd overall Ottawa takes Samuel Gate @street
  18. Vilhjalmssons are great (yes I'm familiar, and in different circumstances I'd definitely like to have them back) but team needs bring my 2 overall in a different direction. I know who it will be (obviously I'm not relaying that here).
  19. Wouldn't mind Bayern doing it. Would especially enjoy Bayern knocking out RM in the semis and having an upset team get in by virtue of the other draw
  20. I don't think it's that close tbh. I'd be more inclined to have had Sevilla ahead of Pool (prior to them beating City) than behind or equal to Roma. Sevilla do well in Europe historically, there's something to be said for that. I'm happy to see some new blood in the semis, although I'm sure it's a Real Madrid victory lap now
  21. Same from Ottawa, my PM is always open
  22. Hilarious, the "worst" of the remaining teams advances
  23. Since you have a new guy: preferences of teams in VHLM, VHL?
  24. Ahh, good old cross state rivals (I'm a Riverhounds fan, have debated about getting season tickets). Are you guys part of Keystone Cup with us and Penn?
  25. I can say for a fact, Ottawa has noticed you, whether you're on the official list or not
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