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diamond_ace last won the day on November 5 2021

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About diamond_ace

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    Eurydyka Sklodowska Dudzinska
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  1. Boneless wings are not a thing!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. diamond_ace


      No, but I saw that a few hours ago and it's what got me on the topic @Garsh - he's right. I've believed it for years, but never thought of some of the angles he took, and it brought the issue more to the forefront for me

    3. Devise


      I am all for the rebranding and stealing of the wing concept to call weird shaped nuggets boneless wings. Your not wrong with the arguments it's just, wings are messy and suck. You have to fight and work to get any scrap of quality meat no different than a rib. Society is stupid for liking these messy concepts. (And for eating at Carls Jr too, like what a slosh of mess their food looks like.) 


      Stealing the boneless wing concept opens the door for all us regular folk who enjoy food that goes in our mouth, sauce that goes in our mouths, and meat that isn't half fucking bone grizzle and garbage. We want to enjoy the concept of a wing, without the hassle. A Chicken McNugget isn't the same thing as a boneless wing from a wing place in terms of preparation, taste, and quality of food. 

      That said; I'll readily admit that I'm one of few who have this stance. People like their messy wings, their bibs to eat meat, their other associated gluttonous nonsense. You do you people, but I'll never stop calling them boneless wings. 

    4. Quik


      hear me out: wing shaped chicken breast cutouts, like with cookies.


      Wasteful? Yes. Factually correct? 100%

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