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Everything posted by 701

  1. You always throw in those "x's" in your signatures, and honestly it isn't needed and looks sloppy. The signature as a whole seems a tad washed out, but the effects on it are pretty good. Very simple, but it works. One of your better signatures I have seen.
  2. What is that darkening right at the head of the render, it looks bad tbh. Very simple, and I guess it does its purpose. Only one stock from what I can see, and some simple text. Seen better from you man, but good to see you getting back into the graphics world.
  3. Simple and effective. I think the background could be BnW and this would look better, with some blue pop to it. Render effects are kind of week and the sharpening seems a tad strong. Text is good, and the stock work isn't terrible. Keep it up Kendrick.
  4. I think you might of whipped this one out quickly, and it's easy to tell. The render is good, but outside of that I see one stock and some text. Text looks like its off the AntiAlias, making it a tad choppy. I've seen better from you Jala.
  5. Two things that immediately stick out to me, this signature is (at least the render) is way oversharpened here and the other thing would be how washed out it looks in general. The font isn't the best, and could use some work. Lighting is alright.
  6. Very simple, yet effective. The render effects work perfectly here, not too strong but just strong enough. The text is good, the subtext could be better, but it isn't bad. The smoke effect is good, but could be a tad stronger imo. Great job overall
  7. "there is no difference" okay, I am done wasting my time if you can't see the clear difference lmao.
  8. Difference between you and I though is I let him know near the start of the VHLM playoffs.
  9. I just don't get the big deal honestly, if someone thinks switching will make them more active (and the position they are is NO need in the VHL whatsoever) they should be able to change as long as they are not on their team of the future. Maybe even like a week before so they can't talk to teams about switching positions.
  10. I'm trying my best to stay active here, and I am liking it here, if I can't move I understand m8 but thanks for trying at the very least to @Draper but im demanding and being a dick.
  11. That being said, I am glad to join a franchise like Seattle, thank you for taking an opportunity on me.
  12. Lmfao, first of all I was saying no VHL team being interested in me would LIKELY kill my activity. I joined back here in attempts to be active, and the whole draft experience was lame knowing only Calgary would possibly want me. I can gladly go back to Goalie if it will make all of you think different about it. "Of course 701 being a dick if he doesn't get his way." Are you high bro? I got my way here, and no, I didn't bitch to get it.
  13. Fuck yeah thanks man
  14. Feedback: I promise to give you questions if you PM me weekly reminding me to, deal? If not, I will continue to not give a shit/forget. Don't bring back Vasteras LMAO @ the fart, technical difficulties. "I need to fire back" It's good to hear that you're still faithful to Helsinki, but I think it'd be best for you to move. What a cocky SOB, you could never be a VHL GM. Playmakers don't work? hmm, I believe Jive was and did well. I too enjoyed the stories GOB wrote. Awkward enough, my balls itch too. Peace.
  15. The random box on the left is a bit distracting, and the coloring seems a bit off. Font is alright in my opinion. The effects on it are alright, but the right side effects could be infused with the render.
  16. I apply. Another thing worth a shot
  17. This is nuts, really nothing but great things to say about this one. Love the effects done, and the font is good. Maybe just move the bottom text equal? or that might look worse.Good job as usual.
  18. I apply, can't hurt to put my name in
  19. I actually really like this, outside of the text. I think a different font would make this simple signature, very effective. It could use some color added, and some good lighting but it isn't needed really due to being on the meute.
  20. Not a huge fan of this one honestly. The render's face is too whitened out, and then it has too much blue in general. The grain effect is okay, but inconsistent in the signature. I have seen some great work from you lately, but this isn't it.
  21. Like Jack said, it isn't my favorite from you but it is still pretty nice. Lighting from the flare is a bit strong and in a bit of an off place. The render seems lower quality. Background is very meh, and coloring on here isn't the worst but it isn't the best. Interesting signature but you're better than this to be honest.
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