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The Bad
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Everything posted by Phil

  1. Ahh totally makes sense as to why you don't facecam. TRUE DAT DOUBLE TRUE - yea I was talking about XCOM: Enemy Unknown. You got it - How do you see half the guys you shoot at!? - Wow.. he murdered that tank for the last kil aha -
  2. hey - a shutout!
  3. besides.. I was still first star - the fuck did you do?
  4. Small sample size brah! 1/3 - one goal one missed net and one save. early dayz brah
  5. Awesome guys!! But since I've done it the past two games: 3 games... 16 goals.... 0 points
  6. I'll check this out in a bit - gonna start off by playing XCOM first though.
  7. KnightTime #77 This edition features the answers to questions from @der meister, @mpclardy, @Kendrick, @TheLastOlympian07, and @gregreg! Thanks for the questions brothas. Shawn, your player profile will have to wait, as I talked for 30 minutes with those questions. Some great questions so check out how I answered them! Knight Brothers Question Thread Songs: Romeo & Juliette - Dire Straits This is a division of KnightTime Radio. Run Time: 35 minutes
  8. Answered and editing! Thanks for the questions gents!! Anymore for next week!?
  9. Phil

    Quick New Rule

    I'll build a wall around the VHLM and @mpclardy's gonna pay for it
  10. 11 goals..... 0 points. I r sad
  11. 7 goals... 0 points. I r sad.
  12. LOL
  13. Penalty Shot by Phil Hamilton for Legion - Goal! IT WORKS! I WAS RIGHT!! FU @sterling
  14. "The F.A. have sentenced Aguero to 5 years in prison for attempted murder."
  15. You forgot the dick that's supposed to be shoved in his mouth
  16. At LEAST 4 games for Auguero - possibly five, since he got sent off for violent conduct already this season. Fernandinho will probably just get 3... but slimy Fab should have also been sent off. But Auguero;s the biggest dickhead with the smallest dick
  17. Phil


  18. Alright people! I'd love some questions for my KnightTime #77! If you can spare a couple of seconds, that would be much appreciated! @Beketov @boom @Kendrick @TheLastOlympian07 @DollarAndADream @Draper @eaglesfan036 @der meister and anyone else who wants to ask!
  19. I'm working Christmas eve and Christmas morning so fuck y'all complaining bitches. But chin up @ADwyer87. Shit show is synonymous with college/university. Hang in there and it'll be worth it in the end. And besides the people who give... and expect something back are a) missing the point of xmas and b) selfish fake cunts.
  20. Fuck you, XCOM, for taking my life from me

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Devise


      You playing original or the upgraded Enemy Within version? Also did you know they made a sequel aka XCOM 2? Sorry I've ruined your life forever now, aka your free time. :P 

    3. Phil


      Enemy Unknown is what I'm currently playing. Did obviously did about XCOM 2, but have to start from the beginning :)

    4. DollarAndADream


      I never played the first XCOM. Started right away with XCOM2 when it came out with the rave reviews. Lol.

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