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Recruitment Team Job Opening


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Hello everyone,


With me officially becoming the Head Of The Recruitment team, as Beav has stepped down. I will be looking for someone to take my old position. I'm looking for someone to help me in the day to day running's of the recruitment team. A successful applicant would have to be extremely active and have great knowledge of social media etc. Having Video/Graphic skills would be a huge bonus for me. You would need to chat with me almost daily about how to bring more members into the league. It has a pay of 6 TPE weekly but I must warn you, almost everyone that's ever joined the recruitment team has fallen to burn out. So you must keep this in mind when applying for this position. 


You can apply in this thread or by dming me here on the VHL or on Discord. 

Question you must answer to have a serious application:

Given all the variety of methods the Recruitment team currently uses to bring in members. What would you add to that list and or change?


Good luck to all applicants. 

Edited by MexicanCow123
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I will be applying. I would begin to reach out to more platforms for VHL advertising, one would include Snapchat for example. The more platforms, the bigger the audience. I will work to attract to a wider audience through advertising with shorter and to the point messages, with more trendy and modern looking graphics: images that fit the modern trends on the internet. That would be just the beginning; DM for more info.

Edited by Bobo
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Reminder guys. For me to consider you an applicant I need you to answer this question in your thread.


Given all the variety of methods the Recruitment team currently uses to bring in members. What would you add to that list and or change?



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I'm not applying as I'm already busy with VSN but I'd be happy to chat about increasing social media awareness. As @Bobo said, I think we can widen our reach a lot and I would also add that we should be promoting some of our great articles on social media as well and not just scores and players.

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For instance, since we were giving 1 Uncapped TPE for commenting on Reddit, how about we give 1 TPE per week for a link to what someone shared/posted about the VHL (approved wording/tagging or otherwise) in their own social media account?

Edited by animal74
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I apply, i don't have facebook knowledge but i have run some pages on instagram, if i would be appointed to this i would start to use a lot of hashtags as they are the main way to gain followers that are interested in for example hockey, as i said earlier i have run some pages which i think was successful for the amount of followers in the days i had it, i do have a lot of time as there isn't much in school rn, the only time i'm not active is when i'm in school or at practice there might also be a time zone differential as im in GMT +1 and i have no idea on what timezone your in.

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I'd like to apply, and to answer your question. I'd likely start a large social media presence on facebook, and twitter. I know the VHL has a twitter, however it doesn't seem to be spoken about? I would also offer limited time events that give new players a certain amount of bonus TPE to get them started on their first player, for example, if we had an event where we advertised on social media and told potential new recruits that they would be given 5 TPE just for signing up and making a new player, and 1 tpe for completing their first season where they updated at least clicker status each week. 

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Tried getting involved with jobs but sick of applying and with only 2 jobs in 2 years, I'm realizing how easy it is to smooth sail as a fantasy manager.. So I'm taking back my interesting for the recruitment job. Time to sit back and relax 😛

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19 minutes ago, MexicanCow123 said:

@N0HBDY @16z Again if you want a series application you need to answer this question. Given all the variety of methods the Recruitment team currently uses to bring in members. What would you add to that list and or change?

In league advertising is what I think I would change. The promotion of merchandise or even donating into the league for some tpe is known but if it were more advertised or encouraged occasionally to donate it might lead to an increase of funds for the league to possibly put into 3rd party advertising to try and bring more people into the league. Also the league could run occasional promotions ex. donate x amount of money and maybe get a little extra tpe for a one time purchase during the in league promotion.

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