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Elsby's Apology

Spence King

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Hello Everyone,


I owe @Jubo07 and @BladeMaiden and the Helsinki Titans Organization as well as you all an apology. When I planned my most recent Media Spot “Welcome to Chicago” regarding my players most recent trade, I clearly wasn’t thinking. I now realize that what I wrote was offensive to you two, as well as the Titans Organization and most of all the incredible integrity that both of you show as human beings.


@BlaideMaidden, I’m grateful that you brought this issue to my attention and I Spence King the user and Spencer Elsby the player asks your forgiveness.

It was never my intention to cause anyone distress or slander anyone by any means but a “Just For Fun” attempt at making things realistic. Looking back, however, I can clearly see that I didn’t think things through before I decided on what I wrote. Next time, I’ll be sure to weigh my warped sense of humor against my sense of propriety and ensure my wording and choice of words that isn’t controversial.


I hope you’ll forgive me for making you uncomfortable. Please accept the cupcakes in the VHL Discord breakroom as a sincere peace offering.


Most Sincere Apologies,


-Spence King


Edited by Spence King
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18 hours ago, FrostBeard said:

I am sorry to ask @Spence King, but why would anyone need an apology for a Media spot? I read it through and there is nothing bad said (Unless you really edited it).

Users had reached out to me on discord that it was offensive. That was NEVER my intention and wanted to make it clear how much I loved my time with @Jubo07 & @BladeMaiden, and how amazing Jubo has been in particular the man deserves the utmost respect and playing in Helsinki is truly a luxury for any player ! 

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@Spence Kingwe got you buddy. If I ever trade you feel free to write a media spot about your player being pissed off. It is a league we are meant to role play in.


We brought you in to win championships in Chicago and that is what we are going to do.

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I know that sometimes intention does not matter, the end result of what someone said outweighs any intentionality, good or bad, the original person had. I can't speak as to why someone was offended by Spence's original article, but I hope they would consider Spence's intention in writing the original article. I think his intention was good natured excitement about his player and the league. I don't think he intended to offend anyone. Maybe this is one of those instances where the harm caused is egregious enough that Spence's intention doesn't matter, I don't know. What I do know is that Spence is a caring, loving person and anyone who thinks he was acting out of some dislike or malice is very misguided.

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Clearing the air at least from my perspective. I don't know the full extent of what happened here but I have spoken with a few members through PM to gather more info. I reached out to Spence for more information as well. Anyhow, I'll deal with what I can here and hopefully no hard feeling prevail. As I said before I wish Spence all the best with Chicago. Honestly could not have sent him off to a more dangerous looking team, and the defending champs at that.

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