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My interest is fading


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Hello VHL


I still consider myself a fairly new member here as I'm only just on my second player. To be honest though my interest in the league as a whole is getting pretty slim. I've had jobs in just about every aspect of the league I guess and each one has been enjoyable. But there are a few things that have slowly been pushing me away.


1) depreciation for Sundqvist was honestly a part of his career which I did not like. You work your butt off every week to grind that tpe so when depreciation hits every 8 weeks you can go straight back to where you were. It's a lot of work for a zero net gain.


2) making a goaler afterwards. I played on a vhlm team that had 0 players when I signed so I did not ever take away any ice time from a first gen. Then I went up to the vhl to be a backup and that lack of starts really I think grinded my interest down a lot more.


3) the racist meme is honestly becoming too much it was funny at first and I always played along but it spread throughout the league and now people know me as just the racist guy. This includes getting the occasional discord message with messages that people would expect to be sent to a real racist.


I feel like I've tried to add to the league during the time whilst I've been here but I feel like with the theme week being alternative reality. If I never joined would the league be worse off without me. I don't think so. 


Grinding for tpe to me I just don't get the same enjoyment any more. I will keep doing it so I don't let down the team as that's the person I want to be but this could be my last player.



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12 minutes ago, Berocka said:

If I never joined would the league be worse off without me. I don't think so.

Would have been for me. You helped me in my early days with the hounds, introduced me to the IHL and HCL, and all of my interactions with you have been nothing but great. Would be tough to see you leave.


And of course there’s the huge success of VSN Australia with boot. I understand the fading interest, but I don’t think it’s fair to say the VHL would be the same without your contributions.

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@Berocka I never heard of that racist meme untill now and I can see why people like to troll you a bit as you are well known around the league and we just like to mess with our friends from time to time but if its getting to a critical point where you get bullied in PM, I do agree that this meme needs to stop. It sucks to see such an active member thinking about leaving because of something like that. 😥

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Berocka you are awesome I have no idea what you are talking about with the league being better off without you? 


And the racist meme I always considered to be along the same as Gustav horny police meme - just a joke. People think you are actually a racist? 

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Yo Berocka. I know we don't interact a ton but I wanna say I have always appreciated your presence in the league. I can't attest to what you may deal with re: the racist meme, but I wholeheartedly understand when you're part of a meme like that and it starts to make you feel like it's how people legitimately perceive you. I will say I definitely do not see you that way.


The league is a better place with you in it. ❤

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2 hours ago, Berocka said:

This includes getting the occasional discord message with messages that people would expect to be sent to a real racist.

woah that's fucked up. yeah I don't know the history of the meme or anything but it always kinda made me uncomfortable cause you're such a great guy and definitely not hateful. I hope you can find ways to make life here fun because the VHL is definitely a better place with you in it. Town of London game soon??

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2 hours ago, Berocka said:

You work your butt off every week to grind


My recommendation is not to go 100% all out for every player. You just can't. Like you said, it results in burnout. There is nothing wrong with doing welfare and getting 10 or 11 capped TPE a week. Of the 7 players I've had, I've gone all out on 3 or 4 of them, and of those 4, I didn't last all 8 seasons of top TPE earning. 


Being a goalie comes with its own sets of challenges, and I can't comment on it, because I made 1 and it was bad.

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I'll echo what everyone else is saying in that I can definitely understand why/how the racist meme affects you/your enjoyment, and that it needs to be put to rest now.


As for the other stuff, if you're feeling burnt out, you don't owe anyone your time, and if you need to take a break, or scale down your commitments here, then you should do what is best for you, but you're definitely appreciated and the league certainly is a better place with you in it, than without.

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  • Head Moderator
8 hours ago, Berocka said:

3) the racist meme is honestly becoming too much it was funny at first and I always played along but it spread throughout the league and now people know me as just the racist guy. This includes getting the occasional discord message with messages that people would expect to be sent to a real racist.



Has this been expressed to the mod team?  First I've heard of it

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I think a lot of people experience the dip in interest at some point but at different times in their player careers. I hope you can find the interest and enthusiasm for being here as well as contributing to the league like you have since you started. Plus, you need to formally assume the role of the leagues favourite Australian. You already are, so let's make it official. If you need any help or advice or anything tbh, let me know mate. 

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