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Halifax GM Opening (and Las Vegas GM Hiring)


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The massive annoucements from earlier today from our friends in the VHL and VHLE had some repercussions on the VHLM. Two of our teams are getting promoted - or more like, they are folding and some teams sharing their names are debuting in Europe - to solve some roster issues. Two of our GMs are moving up with them: @Laine is following the Storm back to Oslo and @Brewins15 is taking over the Rush in their move to Geneva, Vienna, or some other mountain . Then, the VHL announced they were replacing literally 25% of their managers, taking @Domg5 to take over Malmo. I wanted to take the time to thank these three GMs for all the time and efforts they put to make these new members at home in our community. The efforts didn't go unnoticed, we were blessed to have all of you in our ranks. Good luck in the VHL and VHLE to all of you!


So, this whole personnel shift makes it so, at the end of the day, the Halifax 21st are now without a GM, which is mainly why I'm writing this today. If you are interested in that job, please apply directly in this thread.




On another note, @JigglyGumballs has informed us earlier in the season that he planned on stepping from his role as the Las Vegas Aces GM at the end of the season. Thanks for your service in the VHLM, thanks for helping our new member base for such a long time. I might be mistaken, but I believe you were currently the longest-tenured GM. I have no idea who holds that title now, the turnaround has been insane recently. This opening has been known to us for a while, so we already have someone lined up for it - someone who barely missed the cut in the previous process, but has been relentlessly active on both the forums and Discord. Jiggly's replacement is:




Congrats and good luck in Las Vegas!


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