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2022 Holiday Celebration


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  • Commissioner

The year is almost over which means it's time for everyone's favourite time of year in the VHL, the holiday celebration! From the charity drive to the auctions to the free TPE everyone loves the holidays in the VHL!


This year, we've chosen The SickKids Foundation for our Canadian side and St. Jude's for our American side. These are, of course just our league-supported charities. As always, you are free to donate your funds to any registered charity anywhere in the world and count it towards the auction and our total numbers; all we ask is a screenshot proving the donation (though please remember to react ay personal information). 100% of the money raised by the league will be donated to the two organizations, and the VHL will not take any cut. On top of that the league has decided to one-up ourselves this year. After our first three charity drives have been huge we've decided to match up to $1000 when the final donation is put in. That means if the league donates $2500 total we'll put the donation up to $3500!


In addition to the Donation Drive, we will also kick off our Charity Auction and 12 Days of Christmas. How will it all work? Essentially the same as past years, but here are the exact details for each portion of our holiday season for 2022:


Charity Drive: December 11th - 24th

Starting right now, members can begin donating. Whether you do so through the league, by donating HERE, privately to either organization, or any charitable foundation of your choosing (receipt proof required for donations made outside the league), it will all count towards the overall contribution from the league.


From that overall contribution, the league will match donations up to $1000 CAD, and add that to the donations through the league, splitting the total contribution (money donated through the league + the league contribution) equally to both organizations.


Please post all confirmations of donation, including Paypals through the league, auction wins, and private donations to THIS THREAD. Any donation of $5 CAD, or more, will result in an automatic personal reward of 2 Uncapped TPE + a Full Free Week (12 Capped TPE), as well as an entry to each of the first 3 tiers of the 12 Days of Christmas Raffle.


Like last season as well we will be accepting blood donations in the charity drive. Blood is in high demand all year round, but especially at this time. Give the gift of life to someone. If you schedule and follow through with an appointment to donate blood that will count the same as a $5 donation and have the same rewards outlined above and below. For proof just post a photo from during your donation, it doesn’t need to include your face if you don’t want it to, a shot of the machine or your arm or whatever is fine, we’ll take your word for it.


As this is the season of giving, members may also donate on behalf of one other user.


Holiday Charity Auction: December 13th-20th

@Acydburn will be posting the auction items in the next couple of days but for now the full rules from last season are available here, they will not be changing. Go buy something fun offered up by our community members. Auction wins will count as personal donations for the purpose of individual rewards.


As always there are some amazing auction items that we're looking forward to this year so it should be fun.


12 Days of Christmas: December 12th - 23rd

This year’s 12 Days of Christmas will be similar to last year’s, where there will be a daily thread to claim “tickets” into our final raffle, which will be drawn on a live stream. For this raffle, there will be 4 tiers of prizes, with each day contributing to your entry into each tier, as follows:


Dec. 12 - 14: Post in the corresponding thread each day for an entry into the Tier 1 raffle (1 ticket gained per day)

Dec. 15 - 17: Post in the corresponding thread each day for an entry into the Tier 2 raffle (1 ticket gained per day)

Dec. 18 - 20: Post in the corresponding thread each day for an entry into the Tier 3 raffle (1 ticket gained per day)

Dec. 21 - 23: Post in the corresponding thread each day for an entry into the Tier 4 raffle (1 ticket gained per day)


Number of Winners per tier:

Tier 1: 10 Winners
Tier 2: 5 Winners
Tier 3: 3 Winners
Tier 4: 1 Winner


Rewards and Donation Milestones

As previously mentioned, there will be personal rewards to those who participate in the charity drive / holiday auction, as well as stretch goals to hit which will result in rewards for the community as a whole!


$500 Community Donations: 2 Uncapped TPE for Everyone + @nurx will give a guided tour of Chattanooga
$1000 Community Donations: 4 Uncapped TPE for Everyone + @Phil will host a Christmas themed DrunkCast
$2000 Community Donations: PT Doubles Week for Everyone + @Beketov will host a live children's bedtime story stream (blame @Moon for this idea)

$2500 Community Donations: 6 Uncapped TPE for Everyone + Christmas metal songs courtesy of @DarkSpyro

$3500 Community Donations: 8 Uncapped TPE for Everyone + @Beketov will once again stream Zoo Tycoon 2 Ultimate and name animals after chat


**Disclaimer: Rewards may only be applied to players created on, or before, December 25th, 2022**


Let's do this @Members!

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  • Commissioner
4 minutes ago, UnknownMinion said:

can we gift donations again?


1 hour ago, Beketov said:

As this is the season of giving, members may also donate on behalf of one other user.


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3 hours ago, Beketov said:

As this is the season of giving, members may also donate on behalf of one other user.

Man, what idiot would totally forget about this and try to do it for his whole team.... Ha ha.......



Sipping Jennifer Lopez GIF

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Commissioner

Just a reminder to everyone, today is the last day for your donations to count for the drive. By my current estimations we’re sitting somewhere in the neighbourhood of $2100 right now which is amazing but there’s still room for more if you want that last stretch goal.

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3 minutes ago, Beketov said:

Just a reminder to everyone, today is the last day for your donations to count for the drive. By my current estimations we’re sitting somewhere in the neighbourhood of $2100 right now which is amazing but there’s still room for more if you want that last stretch goal.

I want to donate soooo bad but if I’m being real, I couldn’t afford a 2 dollar coffee. Still sad I didn’t get added to the stretch goals 😞 

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  • Commissioner
5 minutes ago, DarkSpyro said:

I want to donate soooo bad but if I’m being real, I couldn’t afford a 2 dollar coffee. Still sad I didn’t get added to the stretch goals 😞 

What was it you were offering again? We could always add a level. I just skimmed through the goal offers and added the ones that seemed to make sense for league wide ones.


And don’t stress about not donating if you can’t afford it, not everyone can and that’s okay.

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1 hour ago, Beketov said:

What was it you were offering again? We could always add a level. I just skimmed through the goal offers and added the ones that seemed to make sense for league wide ones.


And don’t stress about not donating if you can’t afford it, not everyone can and that’s okay.

My first offer was I would cut off my hair to donate to sick kids, however it needs a couple more inches before I can donate it😅.
So instead, I changed my offer to singing/ screaming a holiday jingle like “Merry Axemas by Ice Nine Kills” which is a very heavy deathcore song/ band lol😂  


As someone who knows the impact of giving anything at all to help others first hand, I really wish I could do something.. even if it’s not a monetary donation to help the cause.

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  • Commissioner
2 minutes ago, DarkSpyro said:

So instead, I changed my offer to singing/ screaming a holiday jingle like “Merry Axemas by Ice Nine Kills” which is a very heavy deathcore song/ band lol😂  

If you add in X-M@$ by Corey Taylor a I’ll throw it in at $2500 haha

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6 hours ago, Beketov said:

If you add in X-M@$ by Corey Taylor a I’ll throw it in at $2500 haha

Ohhhhh I’d have to relearn X-M@$ 😂 it’s been a hot minute since I’ve heard that jam~ I almost completely forgot about it lmao 🤣 


What if I open it on Smule (singing community for those that haven’t heard of it) as a video and promote the VHL over there 🤔

I could  just say “I’m doing this for a charity, more info in description” then link the VHL?

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  • Commissioner
1 hour ago, DarkSpyro said:

Ohhhhh I’d have to relearn X-M@$ 😂 it’s been a hot minute since I’ve heard that jam~ I almost completely forgot about it lmao 🤣 


What if I open it on Smule (singing community for those that haven’t heard of it) as a video and promote the VHL over there 🤔

I could  just say “I’m doing this for a charity, more info in description” then link the VHL?

No idea what Smule is really but I'll add the stretch goal level haha

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  • Commissioner

Hello all @Members!


Another absolutely amazing charity drive has come and gone, our largest one yet! The total amount donated through the league was $2063.04 (CAD) to which the league will add an additional $1000 which means both SickKids and St.Jude’s will be receiving $1531.52! We’ll be making that donation shortly.


But wait, I said this was our biggest donation drive ever didn’t I? Well that’s because the above does NOT count all the amazing direct contributions people made. Add those in and, even without the league’s $1000 matching, we raised a total of $3607.73!


That means of course that we have some amazing rewards for everyone! All of our reward tiers were hit which means everyone can claim 20 uncapped TPE plus a PT doubles week! To claim just link to this post, you can claim all the 20 at once and the doubles week can be claimed with any PT made between now and the end of January 2023.


I Want More GIF

Of course you can! Hitting all those tiers also means we get some bonus gifts from myself, @nurx, @Phil, and @DarkSpyro so get ready for some ridiculous streams and things in the new year. We’ll get the dates for their drops figured out and added to the events calendar soon.


Speaking of adding things to the events calendar: I’ll be streaming the results of the 12 days raffle sometime in the coming weeks so I’ll let you all know when that’s gonna be.


Thank you to everyone for once again making the VHL holiday season an amazing time and for your great donations to worthwhile causes. Go and enjoy your TPE and we’ll see you later today for sims!


- @Commissioner


Edit: It has been pointed out that math and I don’t get along well, I have corrected the post to 20 uncapped as it should have been rather than the 18 I originally said.

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