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If Persona 5 comes out this year, im going to die of happiness

Too true, P4 Golden is probably my favorite ever video game. I was worried at first because it seemed like it was only coming to PS3 (which I don't have), but now it's coming to PS4 (which I do have), I can't wait.

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I'm fucking late, but I just can't play Skyrim. I've started a new character and it's soo boring. I don't know if it will change at some point. There tons of loading screen and I don't seem to find the controls as "fluid" as I thought. I know everyone said that it was a very good game, but it just doesn't fit with me I guess. And the fact that there's no mini map is really bothering me.


Fuck yooooooouuuuuu, Skyrim is, like, the best game ever :D! It has been out for more than 3 years now though so maybe it doesn't feel as fresh anymore and I have never played it on console either, so if that's the platform you played it on then I guess I can't really comment. Don't know what exactly your issue with the controls is but the fighting mechanics are indeed one of the few weaknesses of the game, battling enemies just doesn't feel as smooth and exact as in other RPGs so I'll give you that. But what would you need a mini-map for? I never really missed it, especially with both the radar and the regular map helping you navigate.


I really suggest that you keep at it and give the game another chance, the world and the freedom are just amazing imho.

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So I beat The Order earlier today. It was rather good to be honest. Some flaws for sure but damn those production values.


Hey, I'm not alone! I honestly really enjoyed the game. There are plenty of flaws, but I adore the world that has been crafted, the story wasn't anything special but kept me engaged, the production values blow pretty much anything else out of the water, the feedback on the weapons is incredible, and the epilogue had me dying for more. Highlight for spoilers: YOU'RE STEAMPUNK BATMAN WITH NICOLA TESLA AS YOUR ALFRED, HOW AWESOME IS THAT!?

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Yeah I actually dug the narrative. The dramatic ending was fantastic. I really felt that it had some of the best QTE I've seen and had a good frantic pace that was tense very often. It was rather short, could of used some more variety in the encounter design and some more to do with the unique weapons. But this is all stuff they can address if they get a chance for a sequel.

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I'm pretty stoked for Bloodborne. Kind of odd that there's no videos or anything on it yet but it makes sense I suppose with it being 2 weeks away.


As a Souls fan I'm going to be playing the shit out of Bloodborne. 

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Fuck yooooooouuuuuu, Skyrim is, like, the best game ever :D! It has been out for more than 3 years now though so maybe it doesn't feel as fresh anymore and I have never played it on console either, so if that's the platform you played it on then I guess I can't really comment. Don't know what exactly your issue with the controls is but the fighting mechanics are indeed one of the few weaknesses of the game, battling enemies just doesn't feel as smooth and exact as in other RPGs so I'll give you that. But what would you need a mini-map for? I never really missed it, especially with both the radar and the regular map helping you navigate.

I really suggest that you keep at it and give the game another chance, the world and the freedom are just amazing imho.

late again, but yes, playing on ps3
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Just started Gauntlet over the weekend on Steam. Such a throwback to one of my favourite arcade games from the 90s: Gauntlet Legends. 


Would be neat if anyone here plays it on Steam. If so - hit me up.


That or Left 4 Dead or Payday 2 (2 games that apparently are great MP but I have not yet played)

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I played Alien Isolation for about 40 minutes just now.


It's still so early I don't really know how the rest of the game is going to play, but my god... the atmosphere is incredible. This isn't some game based off of Alien... This is Alien. And it really freaks me out a bit. The attention to detail is amazing.

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I played Alien Isolation for about 40 minutes just now.

It's still so early I don't really know how the rest of the game is going to play, but my god... the atmosphere is incredible. This isn't some game based off of Alien... This is Alien. And it really freaks me out a bit. The attention to detail is amazing.

Yeah, I bought it on a whim when it was on sale and don't normally touch horror games. I'm about 1.5 hours in and just saw the Alien for the first time. God damn the atmosphere is great!

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I just bought Alien Isolation (75% off on Steam atm) and I've only heard good things. 


I intend to play it at 3am (maybe whilst high) and in my basement with the lights off.... soooooo exicted

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I just bought Alien Isolation (75% off on Steam atm) and I've only heard good things. 


I intend to play it at 3am (maybe whilst high) and in my basement with the lights off.... soooooo exicted


This is a great idea.


I don't know when I'll pry myself away from Bloodborne to truly start Alien. I need to get one last DLC trophy on AC Unity for 100% and I can clear 55 gigs from my hard drive. Staving off a hard drive upgrade for another day!

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Beat Bloodborne. Take note that I did not say finished. :P


Wow. A couple of the last bosses I fought took a helluva lot out of me, but wow. This game is really something special. Now I don't know whether to take my current character into NG+ or start a new character with a different build.

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