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Bears are ****ed


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So it's around 3 am EST and like most nights I've woken up in the middle of night. I usually try watching a couple of episodes of TV show to fall back a sleep and while that is happening I quickly check the VHL for new games cause Jardy has usually posted them around midnight. Once again Jardy did that so I check them out but unlike most nights a big announcement has come while I was sleeping. Niklaus Mikaelson aka Da Trifecta has retired his goalie and has recreated. Now usually this isn't that big of a deal but Mikaelson was only in his 3rd season, had over 600TPE and was on a playoff bound Bears team. So why did he retire? well he didn't feel like sticking around on a Bears team that looks to be in trouble after this season. For me he jumped the shark as he was the best goalie of the future/present but he just didn't want to stay on the Bears. Oh course there are ways to fix that like asking for a trade/demanding for a trade but Da Trifecta didn't feel like he could wait till the off-season where the Bears problems could be fixed by either a new GM or the current MIA GM. Can't blame him for his disussion but probably wasn't the right one.
Now that leads me to the current GM Bushito who has disappeared again on the Bears and has left the future of the club up in the air. Even more so with the early retirement of Mikaelson, leaving the Bears without a goalie moving forward and very little opportunity to replace him in the near future. For a while people have been calling for the firing of Bushito and while I've had mixed feeling about Bushito since I gave him the job, even calling him out really early on in his tenure. I think it's time to fire him, you can't have members retire so early in their careers because there GM sucks. Bushito has done an okay to good job creating a good team but things are starting to fall apart and he is nowhere to be found to fix the problems. 
Seattle was my VHL home for a very long time, longer then some members VHL and I really do care about how they're doing. Right now they're in a bit of trouble and all I want to do is help. Of course I can't really do anything as a normal member on another team. So to the Blue Crew please fix the Bears, get them a new GM (I even volunteer if you want) and help return them to a team that people either hate or love. I'm not leaving the VHL with the Bears in trouble.  
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Nope I take no credit for this mess.

Actually I'm tempted to retire and continue the deep cycle (that links back to you as Quebec GM) and be drafted by Helsinki with the likely Seattle lotto pick that was dealt for Faraday.

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Nope I take no credit for this mess.

Actually I'm tempted to retire and continue the deep cycle (that links back to you as Quebec GM) and be drafted by Helsinki with the likely Seattle lotto pick that was dealt for Faraday.

Still not as good as me being traded for Munk twice... wow my value is low.

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It has gotten low hasn't it? Especially considering I have triple the amount of cups that you have.

Never said I made good players, plus you have been here quite longer.


Also first time in a while you used English in your post?

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Nope I take no credit for this mess.

Actually I'm tempted to retire and continue the deep cycle (that links back to you as Quebec GM) and be drafted by Helsinki with the likely Seattle lotto pick that was dealt for Faraday.


U mad. 

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Never said I made good players, plus you have been here quite longer.


Also first time in a while you used English in your post?

Yes, go after his grammar because that is your strength.

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