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The Seattle Bears - The BoG Perspective


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I don't often do this, but I'm going to give you guys some insight into the ongoing Seattle Bears crisis, and how it has been viewed by the BoG.


Currently, members (such as Greg) are calling for a GM replacement to Bushito. Something the Board of Governors discussed months and months ago. Bushito real life commitments have constantly put him in a position where he has missed league related things. Not all the time it greatly hurt his team. But around the time that there was the issue with signing his own draftee's the BoG came to a decision that Bushito should be replaced. Not due to his issue of skill or personal abilities at the position. We as a group (after debate of course) decided that he has shown far too often that he actually doesn't have the time to be an effective GM. We felt in the long run that would matter, and hurt his team.


At this point the entire Seattle Bears roster rallied together to try to keep Bushito in his position. Trifecta, Phil, the list goes on. They argued that he deserved another opportunity to prove he will do it. Bash was willing to step down, but his team fought for him. We didn't want to create a big stir so the BoG after debate agreed to allow Bash to stay on. But we do so with an asterisk.


The asterisk was simple, we felt we knew given Bash's history that this GM tenure would go south again. But we weren't going to interfere again. Meaning that this time out...there would be no "quick swap of GM's" to try and fix the team. The team would be left to deal with itself, and the consequences of choosing to keep Bash.


I have no doubt that chances are likely next season GM applications will go up, and Bushito will be replaced. But ALL of this could of been avoided if the Seattle Bears players listened to the Board of Governors in the first place. WE AREN'T STUPID. We don't hate the league and were not trying to interfere in your team. But IT WAS OBVIOUS Bushito has always had far too much going on his personal life to have the time to commit to being a general manager of a team in the VHL. That isn't an opinion, time and time again it has been proven to be a fact. 


Obviously I don't speak for all of the BoG here, and like I said debates were had. But even the majority of those against replacing Bash in the past slowly but surely turned towards the favor of seeing him replaced. Now Seattle sits, with a major player, arguably their biggest asset (probably top goalie in TPE heading into next season) retired. They have a slew of players who under performed or are now frustrated. And now as stated will be finding a new GM candidate heading into next season. 


The lesson of all of this? The BoG isn't some entity of god trying to force it's power onto the league. We rarely agree on things. When we do, they get implemented but with SERIOUS discussion. The nature of removing GM's or relocating teams is one that takes a long time to come to a decision on. Hell look at Vasteras, as a prominent member of the BoG for a while now there was a good calendar year where Vasteras and their situation was hotly debated before action was agreed upon.


Ultimately, when we come to a decision as a group, don't take our decisions so lightly. We don't come to them without looking at as many or all the angles as possible. The Seattle Bears situation with Bash currently takes up an entire 17 pages, started in August of 2014. Back then Kesler was the one having issues with Bushito, his GM. This post isn't to brag that we are smart, or we are great. It's again to issue a statement of warning, our actually decisions that can be agreed upon by the majority of us take a fucking long time to come to. Don't take them lightly. 


I wish Seattle personally the best of luck with what they do in the future and hope the unhappy players there can find some fun/solace in the league in other ventures. 

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Well Greg is with Davos, so draft picks/players would have to be given up. Seeing as Seattle has minimal draft picks and players who either are somewhat inactive or have the tendency to retire in a split second, that would be challenging.


Phil's player is in next years draft which means he could be auto'd to the team right now, but I know he doesn't really want the job. He also doesn't want to have to clean up a huge mess.


Higgins is a loose cannon, he does what he pleases. It's really hard to sell this job to an applicant because it's such a mess to be left with. 


Corco is pretty much sem-inactive.

R1ce is inactive by updating standards.

Boomcheck has gone into inactive mode.

Molholt is retiring

Phil is retiring

Stropko would need to be traded, good luck getting value back.

Strauss is a solid player and could fetch value.

Mikaelson reitred and unmerited so who knows whats next.

Carlton's development has slowed down since VHLM.

Escabar is a piece that could fetch some value.


Really it all boils down to if we had down this a season sooner, the situation could've been a lot better. However the support for Bash was high, and both the Blue Team and BOG had no clue why people praised the efforts.

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Higgins to GM is a no-brainer.. Mind you whether he has time or not is another subject. Pretty sure he'd be top five active members that would be capable of cleaning this mess in optimal time..


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Well unless Phil has told you personally, you can't take him off the table. As for Greg, his contract states he has a player option. That could allow Higgins to finish out the season and Greg could exercise his option to leave Davos and GM the team. No compensation would be needed if he left in the off-season due to his PO.

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So because Seattle made poor decisions Davos loses a good player for free? That's slimy..


Ultimately it would be his choice if he wanted to leave anyways. He could have exercised it on his own anyways. No one is forcing him to be the GM of the team, so no Davos don't lose a good player for free. There is no slime here if he decides to leave. Would you call him slimy for leaving if he wanted to on his own? Didn't think so.

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Ultimately it would be his choice if he wanted to leave anyways. He could have exercised it on his own anyways. No one is forcing him to be the GM of the team, so no Davos don't lose a good player for free. There is no slime here if he decides to leave. Would you call him slimy for leaving if he wanted to on his own? Didn't think so.


I don't think he is really calling that side of things slimy. He is more less pointing out the obvious, when it comes to giving or thinking of the best scenario for Seattle it should be thrown out the window. Let's not forget Bushito was backed by his team, let the team sit in it for as long as they can handle it before the retire...or un-retire.

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I don't think he is really calling that side of things slimy. He is more less pointing out the obvious, when it comes to giving or thinking of the best scenario for Seattle it should be thrown out the window. Let's not forget Bushito was backed by his team, let the team sit in it for as long as they can handle it before the retire...or un-retire.


Well good thing the VHL doesn't work by your standards. It actually works to benefit the actual league. We did stand by Bushito and we have paid for it more than once this season. We have missed out on some trades that could have helped us last season and this one. Plus the fact of having to have people on the team who shouldn't have to submit lines because our GM decided to be inactive really screwed us as well.

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Ultimately it would be his choice if he wanted to leave anyways. He could have exercised it on his own anyways. No one is forcing him to be the GM of the team, so no Davos don't lose a good player for free. There is no slime here if he decides to leave. Would you call him slimy for leaving if he wanted to on his own? Didn't think so.

It's slimy because we are talking about it right now.. However I don't believe Greg will up and leave for nothing. Either way there are a lot of qualified people to take over. While greg's history with Seattle is prominent, I still see someone else taking over.. But who knows..

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It's slimy because we are talking about it right now.. However I don't believe Greg will up and leave for nothing. Either way there are a lot of qualified people to take over. While greg's history with Seattle is prominent, I still see someone else taking over.. But who knows..


When it all comes down to it, the blue team will fill the void however they think will help the team. If Greg has something in place where he wants to leave and GM and they are on board, then it happens. If they make it someone else, then that works as well. I was just stating that if he wanted to leave, it would be his choice. It's not slimy because they got him in FA and Toronto never got anything in return for him. Therefore if he left, Davos isn't "owed" anything for him leaving on his own.

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