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Curious - Attributes In The Sim

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If you go to the sim index for both the playoffs and the regular season this year XXX had 92 in endurance. 


All non CPU players should have 99. This isn't a "re sim my team lost thing". Depreciation doesn't affect Endurance. Not a single other player in either sim engine has less than 99 endurance who is not a CPU. Realistically it's only 7 endurance, what difference does it make? But something like this is about integrity. 


XXX was depreciated and played on New York last season with 99 Endurance. Which means someone had to go in and CHANGE his endurance to drop it. Why was it touched? Was it an accident? 


Realistically it was probably the person who updates attributes in the sim, adding depreciation to him without thinking and accidentally taking off endurance. However simmers should be going through to ensure at the very least the base stats that are to remain at static numbers like endurance remain at 99. I mean are we as players really supposed to be watching the attribute section after every sim to ensure that the players are updated correctly/not fudged with? We've had incidents with players accidental have passing way too low (Tyler with Denis in New York) and other attribute issues in the past. This is probably something we should try to make sure no longer happens. I realize the job of simming is tough and thankless, as is the job of updating stats, but it's kind of important this stuff gets inputted, added, and deducted correctly. A second pair of eyes from the simmer going over things after he knows an update would be done is probably not a bad idea. 

Edited by Mr. Power
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Whoa I did feel a little tired at times.....




(But in all seriousnous, do I need to be more paranoid about my stats now? hmmmm)

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resim the whole S43 playoffs. this must be the reason why Seattle won.


Good joke. :P 


Realistically I want to clarify this isn't a cry for a re sim of any capacity or a means to say "Seattle won because of this." XXX had 92 endurance the whole season and in the playoffs. There was zero change from season to playoffs so it had no influence on a result from that standpoint. The same Cologne team with 92 endurance XXX beat both Davos and Stockholm and lost to Seattle.


It's more a point of contention and integrity as stated in my original post. Given that this isn't the first time the last several seasons we've seen mistakes with attributes in the sim, I'd like a little more commitment and effort from the simmers and the person updating stats into the sim (I don't know who has the job at the moment otherwise I'd name them) to ensuring we get this right before games are simmed. 

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The S43 index literally says "GMs please review your rosters and let us know if there's issues."


I think you're supposed to thoroughly check in the preseason to ensure it is right before the season starts. Some accountability is on the guys updating the file and the ones simming, but they also asked for GMs to double check before the season started. Doing a thorough check after the season doesn't help a whole lot unfortunately, except in pointing out future errors.

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The S43 index literally says "GMs please review your rosters and let us know if there's issues."


I think you're supposed to thoroughly check in the preseason to ensure it is right before the season starts. Some accountability is on the guys updating the file and the ones simming, but they also asked for GMs to double check before the season started. Doing a thorough check after the season doesn't help a whole lot unfortunately, except in pointing out future errors.


Rosters. Not player attributes. Different thing. They are asking you to make sure all the players who are supposed to be on your roster are. Which of course I do every season, I can check that when I do lines. 


Unless you are essentially saying the responsibility is on all the players themselves to go into the sim and ensure after every single update (which happens a lot more frequently now) that their attributes are accurate reflected. Which is kind of insane honestly. Generally people only check that stuff when they begin to notice serious performance issues, like the Denis situation. I occasionally check my updates when my players are newer to see what has been updated already so I can gauge what to expect from my player based on where they are at.

Edited by Mr. Power
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Whoa I did feel a little tired at times.....




(But in all seriousnous, do I need to be more paranoid about my stats now? hmmmm)


No this is what happens when we give Bash a team and he bails. They fluke into a win right before they name a new GM. S31 Davos for example.



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Alright so to whoever creates the index: include a note that says "GMs please review your rosters and player attributes and let us know if there's any issues."


Problem solved.


That still shouldn't take the onus away from the simmer and the people updating attributes.


Let us assume a big error happens. Let's say someones scoring drops to 10 because of a fudge up. Not that unrealistic considering Denis had what 04 passing? Let's say that teams GM is having a busy work week and only checks the league for 10-20 mins that week, they have no trades on the go they have lines they are comfortable with and they are checking game results and posting in the locker room. They finally get days off 5 days later only to find out that their player had to suffer through 5 days worth of simming at 10 scoring? How is that fair to the team or the player?


The fact is, after an update the attributes can be tinkered with incorrectly. It's the same as Drapers reasoning on the sim not saving correctly for him. He posted the sim, saved it, then went on his business. The next day he goes to open it and finds it didn't save correctly, has to resim. He should be checking the moment after he sims, before he posts the results up to ensure the save is correct. Does it add extra thankless work? Sure, but if your going to do the job that important it has to be right the first time. Re sims do nothing but hurt the integrity of the league. The same goes for attribute updating in the sim. Accidently putting a 5 first instead of a 9 on 95 even if it is for 4 or 5 games can make or a break award voting, team placement, the works. 


While I will certainly accept an onus to pay attention to some of these things myself, as it seems every member should there needs to be a commitment from Blue Team and the stats updater to go over them after they update them to try to spot issues. 

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If ever there was a post for which I would create 100 accounts simply to like 100 extra times, it would be this one.



Says the guy who hasn't won a cup since just over 20 seasons ago.


New York dynasty on the re sim, you and Jericho win as many Cups as you had final appearances. Reverse NY curse. :P 

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No this is what happens when we give Bash a team and he bails. They fluke into a win right before they name a new GM. S31 Davos for example.




More like #newstrategy


Find an inactive GM to put the roster together then fire him just before playoffs start to ensure win.



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If ever there was a post for which I would create 100 accounts simply to like 100 extra times, it would be this one.

Says the guy who hasn't won a cup since just over 20 seasons ago.

I like this.

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I think things like this fall on the individual player to fix. It's happened to mine in the past and a simple PM has rectified the error rather easily.

But like has been said already, noone checks their player in the sim after every update. I do prior to the regular season beginning, but that's not even something I should have to do because I'm not being regressed. There's no TPE moving and it's a linear increase, minus regression, so the only things being adjusted should be going up.


Have both the sim updater and simmer(s) verify the stats after the sim is updated. It's a bit more work, but between the 2-3 people involved in the sim and having something like less then 50 players who update, it shouldn't really be an issue.

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Jardy didn't update his own player during a playoff series against New York. Quit your bitching and sit the fuck down. 

Edited by Frank
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