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Jerrick Poole Left in Limbo

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Guess what guys, that's what can happen when doing a multi-part trade ;)... People love to split their trades up into multiple parts to circumvent the cap and draft pick restriction and all that but forget that there can also be a risk to it when the other GM just says "Nah, I changed my mind" or when the GM himself is replaced. Tough luck, you tried to trick the system but got tricked yourself, deal with it.

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How is that tricking the system? The league has a salary system that encourage Gms to trade players at the deadline. You can blame me for trying to fit under the 32M cap, which is somewhat my job to manage.

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Guess what guys, that's what can happen when doing a multi-part trade ;)... People love to split their trades up into multiple parts to circumvent the cap and draft pick restriction and all that but forget that there can also be a risk to it when the other GM just says "Nah, I changed my mind" or when the GM himself is replaced. Tough luck, you tried to trick the system but got tricked yourself, deal with it.

To be honest, a big part of the reason why I was upset with it is because the only explanation I had ever been given for why the TOR/HSK deal happened last season was something like "it had been agreed upon in the GM forum" or something like that. It's very possible that I mis-remembered what was said to me, or perhaps I misunderstood what exactly was agreed upon in the GM forum (allowing the trade, not the trade itself). That, plus things that Victor had been saying in the Stockholm LR while giving off the impression that he was speaking on behalf of the league as a messenger to us, make me believe that based on what happened then, something else should have been done here. Once that was cleared up with Draper and he finally told me what happened (thus sparking me to write a media spot so everyone else can know about it as well), I moved back to simply being annoyed and bitter about this not working out.

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I expect a GM to stay at least a season. The case wasn't that the same GM refused half way a trade, but more than a new GM not agreeing a deal that was already in place. And since there's no rule that could have helped me, I was stuck into a very hard position

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I just think that these multi-part deals have become so common over the last few seasons that some people have forgotten that there is a risk to them as well and maybe it's healthy that they have a little reminder now.


This is the sentiment I agree with. Inherent risk in multi-part trades that GMs need to recognize. Its unlucky for Boubai to be caught in the situation, but wouldn't be "unfair".

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I expect a GM to stay at least a season. The case wasn't that the same GM refused half way a trade, but more than a new GM not agreeing a deal that was already in place. And since there's no rule that could have helped me, I was stuck into a very hard position


That's exactly the kind of risk I'm talking about, you expected a GM to stay at least a season and you were wrong. You take advantage of grey areas and loopholes in the rules and have every right to do so, but the league has no reason to protect you or feel sorry for you if it goes wrong for once.

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I have to overpay a deal that was already agreed upon and it made me refuse a lot of interesting deals in the offseason because I was considering my part 2 trade. So yes, it's

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That's exactly the kind of risk I'm talking about, you expected a GM to stay at least a season and you were wrong. You take advantage of grey areas and loopholes in the rules and have every right to do so, but the league has no reason to protect you or feel sorry for you if it goes wrong for once.

The blue team pushed a guy to be the Gm and than says to me that they aren't responsible for his actions? That guy was trusted enough to be part of the BoG and the head of the recruitement crew but not enough to be a GM? What a strange scenario Edited by boubabi
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I have to overpay a deal that was already agreed upon and it made me refuse a lot of interesting deals in the offseason because I was considering my part 2 trade. So yes, it's

I don't know how often you want me to repeat it but that simply is the inherent risk of a multi-part deal. As long as it is not posted it is not official and it can always fall through. You can't take the pros of a muti-part deal (managing you cap, getting access to draft picks from later seasons) without the cons (the risk of the deal falling through/one side backing out).


The blue team pushed a guy to be the Gm and than says to me that they aren't responsible for his actions? That guy was trusted enough to be part of the BoG and the head of the recruitement crew but not enough to be a GM? What a strange scenario


Well apparently you trusted him enough to make a multi-part deal with him, so why should the blue team be responsible for this but not you?

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Grey area and loophole? Wtf are you talking about?


Multi-part deals in general. I'm sure that when this league was set up (and when you look at hockey leagues in general) that nobody had planned for deals like this to happen, but after a while GMs started to realize that splitting their deals up into multiple parts can give them a competitive advantage so they started doing it. It's not forbidden and the league hasn't taken any measures against it, but it sure isn't what people envisioned when setting up the rules, that's why I see it as a grey area.

Edited by RomanesEuntDomus
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Because I haven't name jala GM. I'm just doing my role, which is building the best team possible. You might not have access to my previous discussion with the blue team, but why should I be responsible of "training" other gms. If you feel comfortable (because it's now proven) to place jala in this position, take the consequences. It wouldn't be the first time we see one sided trade, and it won't be the last time. Trades during edgar and Corco's reign have been not so good for them and not a single word was made by the blue team. Plus, the analysis that everyone made was without knowing any facts of the trade and the reason it was made (Poole being less value in this deal) (me refusing trades involving Kowalski and Ruutu for a fair value). I find this tough to believe that anyone who had a pressure point in the upcoming decision has any real idea of the circumstances.

They only looked at it as : Stockholm flucked Toronto, lets refuse it.

If it would have been Advantage or any other Gm, everyone would have sucked his dick for his glory

Edited by boubabi
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It's not forbidden and the league hasn't taken any measures against it

I'm pretty sure it used to be worse, where it was actually enforced that GM's could make deals where the future deal was a part of the original deal. Then the VHL made a rule to stop that. But yeah, you're mostly right.

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