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The Chat System


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  • Senior Admin

As you have probably noticed before reading this, the instant messaging system is no longer active. 


We've been debating about it a lot and we ultimately decided to disable it in favour of upgrading to the new and improved version of IPB. Key factors in our decision were:


(1) The cost of the chat system is by far our biggest expense

(2) There was no way for us to upgrade to the new version without disabling chat

(3) Many members believe the chat may actually take away from the forum as a whole


We know it's a big change, and we will be actively looking for alternatives, but for now the chat system will be disabled. Expect to see the forum upgrade take place sometime within the next week or so. Additionally, if there happens to be any downtime within the next week or so, it will likely be because of the upgrade. It has a lot of new features and a more modern/easy to use design, so we're excited to implement it.


Higgins and I will do our best to answer any questions that you may have if they are posted below.


-The Blue Team

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Awful decision. Chat is half the reason I come on here. Chat is what separates us from other sim leagues, as we are the only one with chat. How does an extra useful function take anything away from the league?

It takes money away from the league, for one. I don't by the "it takes away from activity" part but some people believe it does. I do remember previous times when it has been down, though, people were clamoring for the issue to be resolved (well, as much as people clamor around here anyway).

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  • Senior Admin

so how am i supposed to do trade neogotiaions without taking half an hour


when a noob logs in and has a billion questions, are we just going to send a billion pms


Every GM in the league has skype for the draft so it shouldn't be a big deal for you to do trade negotiations.

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  • Senior Admin

I understand wanting to rid of it if it's a big cost, but with the amount of donations this site gets... did it really cost that much to be an issue?


We could have sustained the cost, yes, but it's not like we're just going to sit on the money saved by removing it. The hope is to put it into recruitment efforts and potentially new features for the upgraded forum. 


Additionally, the second and third issues I posted remain regardless of the cost. 

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I disagree with this for most of the reasons Eagles posted above. Chat was my primary means of communication on this site, whether it was talking with teammates, negotiating trades, or welcoming new members into the league. 


I would imagine there will be a shout box of some sort then, but I don't think they accomplish the same thing at all. If I wanted to ask a question in a shout box or just talk to people, why wouldn't I just make a post instead?


As for the cost, yes, it may be our most expensive aspect of the forum, but are we really in the position where we need to be cutting costs? As for adding this money to recruitment, we've been saying we'd do this for seasons now, and for a variety of reasons, it either hasn't been done or has failed. I think everyone can agree that we need to step up our recruiting efforts, but I don't see why we should take away parts of our site which could be a draw to the league in order to do this.

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  • Senior Admin

I disagree with this for most of the reasons Eagles posted above. Chat was my primary means of communication on this site, whether it was talking with teammates, negotiating trades, or welcoming new members into the league. 


I would imagine there will be a shout box of some sort then, but I don't think they accomplish the same thing at all. If I wanted to ask a question in a shout box or just talk to people, why wouldn't I just make a post instead?


As for the cost, yes, it may be our most expensive aspect of the forum, but are we really in the position where we need to be cutting costs? As for adding this money to recruitment, we've been saying we'd do this for seasons now, and for a variety of reasons, it either hasn't been done or has failed. I think everyone can agree that we need to step up our recruiting efforts, but I don't see why we should take away parts of our site which could be a draw to the league in order to do this.


Maybe making a post instead is a better option?


The cost was only part of it. The real reason we started looking into removing it was because it has to go in order for us to upgrade which, in fact, could be adding to the site rather than taking parts away. 

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As for adding this money to recruitment, we've been saying we'd do this for seasons now, and for a variety of reasons, it either hasn't been done or has failed. I think everyone can agree that we need to step up our recruiting efforts, 

Well you were in a position to do something about that as well.

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