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Henderson Dies


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After his short lived career in VHL he got cast on a shitty Monday morning sitcom after about a year of that he got cast in a movie while on set he broke his arm. They gave him pain killers to dull the pain. He became increasingly addicted to them he needed more so he found meagan fox's number and she hooked him up. After many nights of banging the infected scarlet for drugs he went golfing,  he got hit hit in the head by the ball and went to emergency. After his release he went down to the corner store to buy a pack of smokes where he met an old Irish man who took him out drinking, when he awoke he was in amsterdam, scared and not sure how to get home he hid in the back of various cars until he got back to the usa, then he got back to his apartment he decided now was as good of time as any. He put on porn started to master bate and half way through his heart exploded. He was declared dead at the scene

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  • Senior Admin
8 hours ago, Kachur said:

After his short lived career in VHL he got cast on a shitty Monday morning sitcom after about a year of that he got cast in a movie while on set he broke his arm. They gave him pain killers to dull the pain. He became increasingly addicted to them he needed more so he found meagan fox's number and she hooked him up. After many nights of banging the infected scarlet for drugs he went golfing,  he got hit hit in the head by the ball and went to emergency. After his release he went down to the corner store to buy a pack of smokes where he met an old Irish man who took him out drinking, when he awoke he was in amsterdam, scared and not sure how to get home he hid in the back of various cars until he got back to the usa, then he got back to his apartment he decided now was as good of time as any. He put on porn started to master bate and half way through his heart exploded. He was declared dead at the scene


Tragic, but at least he went out like a champ - waxing the ol' dolphin 

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