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My Honest Opinion : The league should encourage spamming


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''Nice game''




Are those type of post the future of the VHL ? Well, it should. As you may experience, since S40, the recruitment has been lacking. You may also know my feeling versus the BoG. I think they haven't done enough in the recent seasons to keep the interest alive.  Plus, they should lead by exemple, which most member in the BoG don't. Therefore, they should take most of the blame for the recent struggle the league is experiencing...activity wise. I'm preparing myself hear the same story over and over again : ''We tried everything to recruit new members'', ''recruitment ain't easy'', ''We did recruitment drive that didn't worked'' etc etc. Well, that is true, recruiting new member is quite difficult, and not everybody has the time/experience/skill to recruit new member. We should be grateful for what Kendrick and Green did in the S30 era, they brought a decent amount of member which helped the league. Even tho they were demonized for the tpe they were gaining for those recruits (I was one of them), their work were remarkable. But are those efforts lost already ? If you did a basic economic class, you may know that it costs between 4 and 10 times more to acquire a new customer than it does to keep an existing one. It's pretty much the same here, We shall say, it takes 4 to 10 times more effort to acquire a new member than it does to keep one active. Like a client, there's some things that we can't control, like the fact that the member has moved on on his life or had some personal issues. What we can control though, is our ''client experience''. What kind of experience we want to share to those ''clients'' ? A fun sim experience and a fun community. At the moment, the community is DEAD. Straight up dead. And the sim well is...the same as ever. 


What is the Cost of Customer Acquisition vs Customer Retention?



Even though I don't see every locker room, it seems that even after a long day at work (6AM to 7PM), I could see maybe....5 or 6 new posts ? Is everybody lurking out or something ? Are we shy to respond or create a topic ? Well, maybe. Or simply, there is no advantage of posting really. I might have gotten a reputation of being greedy, but sorry if I try to motivate myself with an actual reward instead of working for nothing. I've been here since S32 and S49 will likely be the last one for me. Even though I consider that I've done a lot for the ''good'' of the league, whatever that I've done has brought me fuckall really. I've just beaten the TPE record and the first thing that I'm hearing is that I cheat the system, really n*gga ? What's the point of working hard toward something if we can't feel proud or satisfied ? 


My point being is, in order to keep and existing member on the website, the answer is a healthy community. Yes, we have our ''veterans'' that are able to keep the website ''artificially alive'' for a moment, but bringing new blood (like me and dollar were at some point) AND keeping them active is primordial for the survival of the website. If you want to do so, just start rewarding activity. How you can do so ? Just give a double week every x posts. Could be 300/400/500, I don't mind. Even if the people took 1 seconds to write ''GG'' in the game thread, that might be just enough to create some sort of spark on the website, and maybe eventually create some sort of engament toward creating discussion.  We can all agree that there's none at the moment. Even the GFX section is dead and when I proposed things to keep it alive and active, I was rejected. Anyway, that's only my honest opinion. 



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Are you really done after season 49? You don't break the record for most TPE by not getting rewarded for the work you put in so I would hope you wouldn't leave because you don't think you're getting back what you put in.

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On 5/9/2016 at 8:52 AM, boubabi said:

But yes, I'm kinda pulling a ''I'm leaving this party'' here


sorry for being a drama queen 

If you really are leaving, can you make me a dope sig? :D We ARE World Cup teammates after all.

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