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And indeed, with all due respect to Dany's all-conquering Essos ways, it does appear Tommen, Rickon, Sweetrobin, the unborn kid inside the one not-ugly Frey granddaughter will die of old age by the time she crosses the Narrow Sea.


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da fuq was that ending. Do the White Walkers have a small council and everything? That's real cute.

Well I guess that solves any remaining doubts about who killed Joffrey. I thought the necklace had something to do with it but thought it was just a sign to act. And Lady Olenna was the only to touch it/look at it so that didn't make sense. But of course if they're planning to marry Margaery (aka the true kingslayer) to Tommen, well that does make sense.

Tyrell + Littlefinger alliance is a fairly frightening prospect tbh.

Kind of stupid Olenna won't even be considered a suspect even though she was sitting next to the cup. There were Kingsguard people around her and everything. Whatever.

Oh and Jaime/Brienne was just :(

Also, White Walker theme (used in credits) is my jam.

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Best quote: Hodor!


Poor Hodor... :(











also ser pounce. fuck yeah.

I can only like this once unfortunately.  /r/asoiaf is losing their shit.  That's a fuckton of implications, possibly.

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I'm just assuming white walkers are the victims and they out up the Wall to keep humans out. #plottwist

It's probably gonna be even better but hey, gotta give it a shot

No, a lot of people are agreeing with you these days.  I might be one of them.

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Arryns are fucked in the head.

Littlefinger though.... he's made out to be such a mastermind it's like he's writing the books. He has now been implied to have directly influenced all of the following:

-death of Arryn

-arrival of Ned

-arrival of Catelyn (though presumably he was certain she wouldn't get killed by the hired killed with Tyrion's sword that Baelish won?)

(this is casting your mind to season 1, btw)

-death of Robert (I assume otherwise the above 3 make no sense)

-betrayal of Ned

-bringing Tyrells into fold

-allying with Tyrells

-death of Joffrey + Sansa's escape

also, the Lannisters have no gold? How convenient is that? And how does no one know about this? 3 years is long enough for people to find out and tell Tywin + family to fuck off.

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Robert just got wrecked by a boar though, didn't he? I have no doubt Littlefinger was plotting -- because when isn't he -- but I think that one was just an accident.

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Robert just got wrecked by a boar though, didn't he? I have no doubt Littlefinger was plotting -- because when isn't he -- but I think that one was just an accident.

Not exactly.




Lancel Lannister, Robert's squire at the time, had been giving him especially strong wine and getting him drunk prior to the boar hunt. Motivations were speculated to be Cersei, although I don't think the show went into it as much as the book did. 

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Robert just got wrecked by a boar though, didn't he? I have no doubt Littlefinger was plotting -- because when isn't he -- but I think that one was just an accident.

More in the sense that he knew and used it to his advantage.

Initially*, I thought his multi-step plan was as follows:

* - upon watching this episode and trying to piece things together

-pretend to ally with Starks

-betray Starks to fully ally with Lannisters (keep pretending you're allied with Starks for Catelyn)

-betray Lannisters to fully ally with Tyrells (keep pretending you're allied with Lannisters)

-get anything that comes from Lannister alliance. Lock up in impregnable Eyrie, prepare next step.

In fact, I'm sure that's essentially it. Only thing is a lot of this depended on what Ned would do. Say he didn't want to win the throne for Stannis (he was predictable so I can see why Littlefinger would bet that he would)? Would Littlefinger have betrayed Ned anyway?

Actually, yeah, he would. Lannisters offer more than Starks. Although apparently they have NO (new) GOLD. I feel this is going to be important somehow.

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