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Sansa seems way to confident for my liking. I didn't mind how they played out the whole Lysa death thing, but it seems now that like, she actually has a purpose.


Also, is the attack on the wall going to be ep 10 then?

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Sansa seems way to confident for my liking. I didn't mind how they played out the whole Lysa death thing, but it seems now that like, she actually has a purpose.


Also, is the attack on the wall going to be ep 10 then?



No i think next episode is the attack on the wall based on the preview.

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I'm guessing next week is all Night's Watch, especially since it's the same director as the Battle of the Blackwater episode. Guessing the final episode will be however Tyrion gets the fuck out of his situation, since I assume he has to live for the story and whatnot.

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I'm guessing next week is all Night's Watch, especially since it's the same director as the Battle of the Blackwater episode. Guessing the final episode will be however Tyrion gets the fuck out of his situation, since I assume he has to live for the story and whatnot.


Have you learned nothing watching the past 3 seasons?

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Officially #TeamBaelish.



Also, is the attack on the wall going to be ep 10 then?

Episode 9, next week.


Guessing the final episode will be however Tyrion gets the fuck out of his situation, since I assume he has to live for the story and whatnot.

Exactly what Jimmy said.  "If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention."

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Also, Christ was that gruesome!  This episode was amazing, and they threw in so many foreshadowing non sequiturs that I literally laughed out loud at one off-hand comment, and my family all just looked at me funny.

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Have you learned nothing watching the past 3 seasons?


True, but there is certain information you can pick up without reading spoilers. But for the purpose of anyone who doesn't actually know this I'll throw it in a spoiler tag. 


When I was flipping through the books which my roomate has, not even properly reading just like scanning a few pages in the later books Tyrion is still a character that a chapters perspective is from. So if he was going to die then that assumes the series does some sort of flashback at some point. I suppose it's kind of a spoiler but that isn't that much "digging" to find that information out. Like I didn't even find any actual details of what he goes through or what happens, but seeing his name and his perspective pretty much implies it's likely he lives on at least until that book I flipped through which I believe was book 4.


Also, this show always kills people in shocking ways. With the exception of Ned when was the last time a character died after being "sentenced" to death? Even the Ned thing he was supposed to go serve on the Wall and Joffree had him killed. If Tyrion was going to do die for this it wouldn't happen by Tywins announcement imo. 

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Pedro Pascal ‏@PedroPascal1  15m

i shit you not, i can't get rid of this headache.







Exactly what Jimmy said.  "If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention."


They kill Tyrion off, they kill the closest thing to a protagonist they have left (because Jon Snow and Arya can't carry the show) and piss a lot of people off. He's going to survive a bit longer based on that alone.


And like Devise I may have found some things out that I wasn't supposed to.


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He had him, fuck. I kinda saw it coming because of some vague spoilers I saw (still don't know how this will end). But shit. Quickest rise to favourite character and death since Ned Stark.

At least he got his revenge in the end. (He did right? The Mountain IS dead?) :(

The beetle conversation might have been the longest in show history. #forcedforeshadowing

P.S. still shaking 10 minutes on

P.P.S. Sad for Jorah (naturally I've already forgot about that until I read an episode recap). Daenerys has become a lot less likeable. Also, are we really going to push on with a love story involving a eunuch?

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Also, Christ was that gruesome!  This episode was amazing, and they threw in so many foreshadowing non sequiturs that I literally laughed out loud at one off-hand comment, and my family all just looked at me funny.

Same, except my mom laughed at the same line I did because she's also read it

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Re Gray Worm and Missandrei (and this is all speculation because that's not in the books): Was reading an episode recap this morning, and Grantland's writer said he got a "Luke and Leia" vibe from them because of all the asking of whether Gray Worm remembers his home. Thought that was fairly good insight If they're setting them up to be strangely related, that wouldn't surprise me at all.

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Re Gray Worm and Missandrei (and this is all speculation because that's not in the books): Was reading an episode recap this morning, and Grantland's writer said he got a "Luke and Leia" vibe from them because of all the asking of whether Gray Worm remembers his home. Thought that was fairly good insight If they're setting them up to be strangely related, that wouldn't surprise me at all.

In the books, Missandei does specifically note she has a brother in the Unsullied.  Never specifically states who or shows him though.


Also as far as the books are concerned, SPOILER ALERT, the Unsullied have no dicks.



At least he got his revenge in the end. (He did right? The Mountain IS dead?) :(

No.  >:^D  He did get a confession in front of hundreds of people though, so that was essentially his goal in life.


However, not a super significant spoiler considering you'll find out soon enough, but

Let's just say there was slightly more significance to The Hound and Arya's discussion about the validity of poison to kill people.  I'm saying that Oberyn's spears were poisoned and Gregor is going to proceed to die very slowly and painfully.

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Let's just say there was slightly more significance to The Hound and Arya's discussion about the validity of poison to kill people.  I'm saying that Oberyn's spears were poisoned and Gregor is going to proceed to die very slowly and painfully.

Or is he going to die?

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Spoiler maybe... don't open if you care about what you asked in the post.

I'm fairly certain in the books they said both were removed. Yup.

"In Yunkai and Meereen, eunuchs are often made by removing a boy's testicles, but leaving the penis. Such a creature is infertile, yet often still capable of erection. Only trouble can come of this. We remove the penis as well, leaving nothing. The Unsullied are the purest creatures on the earth."

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And with that, can we stop with the spoilers? Even hidden? Because some of them are jokes and I really don't want to guess which ones.

You guys had a nice thread about the books on the old site, would appreciate if you brought it back. :)

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