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Davison disappointed in Awards Committee


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Finn Davison was runner up for the Aidan Shaw trophy to Greg Eagles who had a fantastic season for Vancouver, but Davison was disappointed in the overall choice from the awards committee. Why would that be? Well, let's take a look. 




Eagles: 37

Davison: 36

Edge: Eagles, obviously by 1 win, but if you are judging your vote by wins, shame on you. 



Eagles: 22

Davison: 30

Edge: Eagles, if you are judging based off losses, shame on you. 



Eagles: 2.15

Davison: 2.28

Edge: Eagles, but hold on this thought for a bit, I will get there. 


Save Percentage

Eagles: .923

Davison: .924

Edge: Davison was the top Save Percentage goalie in the entire league (out of eligible goalies)



Eagles: 9

Davison: 5

Edge: Eagles, hold on this thought too. 


Shots Against

Eagles: 1,651

Davison: 2,010

Edge: Davison by 359 shots. You are telling me that he faced 359 more shots than Eagles did during his time on the ice? 


Goals against

Eagles: 127

Davison: 153

Edge: In the 359 shot difference, Davison let in 26 more goals. 


Adjusted Goals against

Eagles: 154

Davison: 153

Edge: Davison. So, what I did is I adjusted the fact that Eagles would face the same amount of shots as me which was a 1.217 multiplier. That means, we take the stats and adjust it by that same multiple. That is how I got that number using the same Save Percentage (to be fair). 


Minutes Played

Eagles: 3,542

Davison: 4,034

Edge: Davison. So, you're telling me because Davison played 10 more games that it was treated negatively?


If we used the multiple in the fact that Davison and Eagles would have faced the same amount of shots, the edge to Eagles would be in Wins and shutouts. Because of that, he gets the trophy. I am disappointed. 


BIG EDIT: I won the first team all VHL which apparently means nothing since I wasn't the top goaltender. 

Edited by Poptart
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That and the fact that there was already a goalie named Greg Eagles in the early days of the VHL and this guy is just an imposter (unless @Greg_Di is a ghost from VHL past and I just didn't know it).


In all seriousness, it probably could have gone either way in my opinion. I know nothing about the voting but results should have been close. 

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33 minutes ago, GustavMattias said:

That and the fact that there was already a goalie named Greg Eagles in the early days of the VHL and this guy is just an imposter (unless @Greg_Di is a ghost from VHL past and I just didn't know it).

I mean it is the same guy.

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Just now, Matt_O said:

To me it looks pretty even, could have gone either way, but how did you get first team all-vhl but not top goaltender? That doesn't make any sense

cuz I made the first all-VHL submission (post rather than google poll) and I voted Davison, and then everyone copied me lol.


From next season I'll change it so you have to fill out the all-VHL team along with the award ballot, all on the Google poll.

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I can see why you feel sleighted but atleast you got lots of recognition for your performance this season. I know I'm not a contender for the Top Goalie due to games played but I should have certainly been in the conversation for Top Rookie and didn't even get mentioned. 


*edit* Also I got on the Rookie All-Team Selection but not word about me otherwise.

Edited by Spyro
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3 minutes ago, Matt_O said:

To me it looks pretty even, could have gone either way, but how did you get first team all-vhl but not top goaltender? That doesn't make any sense


Seems like a lack of consistency or people copying. One isn't better than the other. 

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2 hours ago, Poptart said:

Davison. So, you're telling me because Davison played 10 more games that it was treated negatively?


2 hours ago, Poptart said:


Eagles: 9

Davison: 5

Edge: Eagles, hold on this thought too. 


So Eagles played 10 less games, but got almost double the shutouts, sounds like a better goalie to me.

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19 minutes ago, Berocka said:



So Eagles played 10 less games, but got almost double the shutouts, sounds like a better goalie to me.

If he was the better goalie, he should have won first team.. 

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47 minutes ago, Poptart said:

If he was the better goalie, he should have won first team.. 

That portion was inconsistent and I agree with. You cannot quiz me on this. I do not believe I voted for the ALL-TEAMS because instead of a simple post, we had to do it on that google shit. Gross.


My post in BoG:

On 3/1/2020 at 5:08 PM, Banackock said:

Greg Eagles (VAN) - 59GP, 37-17-5, 0.923SV%, 2.15GAA, 9SO, 1651SA

Finn Davison (RIG) - 69GP, 36-23-7, 0.924SV%, 2.28GAA, 5SO, 2010SA


I'm voting Eagles here. Unfortunately, Bernard didn't quite have the numbers for me despite playing on a very strong team. I expected him to be a little strong so just a little surprising.. For Eagles, record looks better with +20 on wins v loss, compared Davison's 13 win/loss gap. Furthering, his SV% was only 0.01 worse and still an amazing number. Next, his GAA was 0.13 better than Davison's. Vancouver was explosive and we could compare the two and say that maybe Riga was a tad tougher to play for, but Eagles was nothing short of amazing and also helped secure W's. The team scores lots which secures him W's too, sure, but he's also making sure that puck doesn't go into the net. NEXT, he has 4 more shut outs. 5-9 is a pretty healthy gap for me and really helps Eagles stand out some more.


LASTLY, yes Davison stopped just under 400 more pucks, but he also played 10 more games. Eagles averaged 27.9 and I do believe Davison was 29.1 for SA.


If we want to continue this argument, Eagles was the first star in the game 13 times compared to Davison 9. This impresses me considering Riga was a lot less magic than Vancouver this season. I also am unsure if it means anything, but dividing overall minutes played but games and Eagles = higher.


Just looking at this 

Greg Eagles (VAN) - 59GP, 37-17-5, 0.923SV%, 2.15GAA, 9SO, 1651SA

Finn Davison (RIG) - 69GP, 36-23-7, 0.924SV%, 2.28GAA, 5SO, 2010SA


And Eagles is the better goalie for me. If he would of played 10 more games, the vote would likely have been an even easier one with a less tight of gap which imo we have now. Vote was close but Eagles edged it out for most I do believe.

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For what it's worth, I think the it was very close, and yes there is some real inconsistency with the first team selection/Shaw, but I think Eagles had a better season. At the very least it is conceivable.

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1 hour ago, Banackock said:

If we want to continue this argument, Eagles was the first star in the game 13 times compared to Davison 9.


You can win first star with like minimum shots on net. It's also my understanding that it was pretty close to a landslide win. Eagles sat four out of the last 5 to make sure he won the award because Vancouver could afford to do that. Comparing the teams forwards and defenses, it was advantage Vancouver. I appreciate you bringing in some research into it, I just am still upset I did not win.

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9 hours ago, Poptart said:


You can win first star with like minimum shots on net. It's also my understanding that it was pretty close to a landslide win. Eagles sat four out of the last 5 to make sure he won the award because Vancouver could afford to do that. Comparing the teams forwards and defenses, it was advantage Vancouver. I appreciate you bringing in some research into it, I just am still upset I did not win.

I actually did not sit out just to win the awards. A decision was made at the beginning of the season that @Spyro would play the last few final games if we clinched (we didn't know what my stats would be). I definitely wanted to play but we had a great active player who deserved to get more then the minimum amount of games. It was definitely a close race this season.

I would have also loved to play against some of the weaker teams and pad my stats but we reserved those for Spyro as well. For me it has always been team first over any individual awards and it would have been a shame to limit Spyro to only 8 games based on his activity and contribution to our team and LR

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17 hours ago, GustavMattias said:

That and the fact that there was already a goalie named Greg Eagles in the early days of the VHL and this guy is just an imposter (unless @Greg_Di is a ghost from VHL past and I just didn't know it).


In all seriousness, it probably could have gone either way in my opinion. I know nothing about the voting but results should have been close. 

That was me. Way back when I think the seasons for VHL were in single digits I did create a goalie with same name but I believe I was only around for a season or two. Came back with this player in S66 so it has been a long time.

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@Poptart As someone who did vote Eagles for the Top Goalie, I'll simply explain that my decision making process was about the extra games played (not started though) and the extra shots faced. While it's not always the case, if you take two equal or similar goalies and have one face 400+ more shots the one with 400+ more shots is going to likely have the better save percentage. Given that SV is still one of, if not the most valued stats when it comes to the award, obviously your lead in the category was still considered. But the fact that your SV lead was only .1 better and Eagles literally lead you in every other category is what pushed me the other direction. I wasn't heavily factoring in the extra shots/GP to such an extreme degree that. Literally had you lead the SV by 3 or 4 or 5 or lead in another relevant category it could of clearly went the other way. 


But to say that your extra shots faced couldn't have skewed your save percentage by one or two points seems reaching. It absolutely could have. And while your argument is true, Eagles could of played up to the cap of 64 and added a few more games, but he also could of outplayed you and wound up leading in the SV category in those games too. At the end of the day we can't really say for certain what impact him playing those extra games would of made, and judge it on what we have. 


Anyways, sorry you feel burned, it was a tough decision even with those factors and I don't really think it would of been a robbery either way. 


Edit - Also, I don't really see any merit to the "how did I win First All VHL Team but not top goalie". Even if we didn't do the All VHL vote after this season, or on any season, even if as Victor laid out people didn't copy pasta in some instance, the people who are voting have no idea who is going to win the top goalie award when we vote. How can we possibly have that in sync in seasons where it's a close vote? If anything I'd argue that favoring the SV for the VHL All Team over the other stats probably makes more sense. I mean, the league leader in hits doesn't get favored over others when it comes to the top 3 forwards for All Team. All Team often boils down to "who has got the best base stats period" and skews heavily in favor of offensive players over defensive ones, and the primary stats in general over the lesser ones.

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