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6 minutes ago, Spartan said:

Well I got my confirmation message. Not my problem if Eagles didn't give it to you since he can't say anything about it now. But an awfully convenient time to have a game-breaking error.

@eaglesfan0366did he get his message?

This game is so funny, we are all civil and get along outside of this and then in here we are just absolutely cutthroat, ready to run the next guy over with a semi. TOS brings out the best in us hahaha

4 minutes ago, Ricer13 said:

This game is so funny, we are all civil and get along outside of this and then in here we are just absolutely cutthroat, ready to run the next guy over with a semi. TOS brings out the best in us hahaha

beeps beep Get out the way bitch!

Unvote Gus

Vote Spartan


I've put a lot of thought in this. Reason I'm changing my vote is because this provides me with the best chance to win. 


My next move will be to kill Ricer tonight while Maf takes out either Al or Doom


This forces a 1 v 1 v 1 with Mike as a spectator. At that point itd be up to Mike and the remaining townie to decide who wins.


If I were to lynch Gus tonight, then Spartan would shoot Ricer, and there is a chance that either A) Doom saves town or B) Ricer and I double up our kills and then I'm outnumbered 2 to 1.

2 hours ago, Ricer13 said:

This game is so funny, we are all civil and get along outside of this and then in here we are just absolutely cutthroat, ready to run the next guy over with a semi. TOS brings out the best in us hahaha


I consider anything in ToS to be in-character with our roles and not reflective of our true selves. 

2 hours ago, Caboose30 said:

No I am clearly Michael Myers 


Michael Myers would cower before no man. 

15 minutes ago, bigAL said:

So does my vote have any impact anymore? It’s almost night time 

I don't know if they have the votes needed? It's 2 maf and the SK voting for me, the three town are not voting for me. Do they need 5 votes?

1 minute ago, Spartan said:

I don't know if they have the votes needed? It's 2 maf and the SK voting for me, the three town are not voting for me. Do they need 5 votes?



Just now, Spartan said:

I don't know if they have the votes needed? It's 2 maf and the SK voting for me, the three town are not voting for me. Do they need 5 votes?

They need 4, so unless Mike decides to screw the town for the 2nd time lol, we're going to have a lovely standoff. @Caboose30 might as well vote for Gus since we'll have the votes to get it done.

Lets not forget that Doom the doctor can save himself or either of the other two. So if tonight doesnt go as planned the town could still come out on top. Choose your targets wisely @Caboose30 @GustavMattias


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