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Everything posted by Devise

  1. Isn't the deadline on Sunday? Can we do our deals now and it will still count from a cap perspective as the 60%?
  2. I set lines up to a Calgary game (219 I believe it was.) COL G was the starter for that game. I'm assuming as it carried over after the fact COL G got set to stay as starter and wasn't fixed or picked up. Because he played against Davos the next game after, Quebec and twice against Stockholm. I realize that I haven't sent in any more lines but I don't think it is too much to ask for our simmers to pay some attention to these little details. I've been setting my back up to play the games he was supposed to and otherwise left it alone.
  3. WHY IS MY BACK UP PLAYING JARDY FFS! He has played all 8 games, I have not set him to play these games. With this one that is nine. Fuck that bullshit. My team shouldn't be punished because of your mistakes. I demand a re sim. Your fucking my team by playing my back up!
  4. Hey Jardy...I never set my back up to play this game either.... I set him to play Calgary only and now he plays randomly other teams? Come on.
  5. Devise

    Conner Low

    Putting Braxton in his place was a highlight, but so to was seeing an underrated and deserving member get the joy of a player who performed well the moment his career started. You kept up the drama by switching to forward. I hope you recreate, although I doubt you'll show the early push you did with Low your still a great member here!
  6. I never set my back up to play this game. Whatever one more back up game out of the hopper I guess. Win is a win!
  7. Glad you are recreating. You are literally one of the best members here, and always bring a smile to my face with your great posts, sigs, and general contributions.
  8. After a near month long Pajodcast hiatus and the stopping of Fan590's many have questioned the motivation levels of Cologne GM Mr. Ryan Power in the VHL. Power who used to be a vocal standout in the VHL known for his three paragraph posts recently underwent a username change and since has shown sporadic activity levels. Realistically speaking it is possible that he was burnt out. After putting a lot of free time into the league over the last few real life years combined with the disappointment of not being appointed to the coveted "blue team" Power appeared to be losing interest in the league. However reports are now confirming that the truth is he was just looking for another spark of motivation. As a long time member in the VHL he was beginning to encounter something that all long time members encounter and that is a lull, a brief period where the motivation to get onto the VHL and get it done seemed to be absent. There is a good chance according to sources that the motivation to come back and get back on that horse is returning for Mr. Power. Although it does seem to be basically out of the blue.
  9. Ha. Glad to see some more sim hate being thrown around. NY2Gud
  10. As a Souls fan I'm going to be playing the shit out of Bloodborne.
  11. I feel like rivalry settings are constantly on for us. Jesus the PIMs game to game.
  12. Yeah I actually dug the narrative. The dramatic ending was fantastic. I really felt that it had some of the best QTE I've seen and had a good frantic pace that was tense very often. It was rather short, could of used some more variety in the encounter design and some more to do with the unique weapons. But this is all stuff they can address if they get a chance for a sequel.
  13. So I beat The Order earlier today. It was rather good to be honest. Some flaws for sure but damn those production values.
  14. Bump. Anything? We have three simmers here I need a modern version of the client file please.
  15. Hmm it appears as if I'm incapable of downloading the latest Client File. Won't auto download through STHS and the client file link leads to a broken page on the index. Any tips there Jardy/Higgins/Draper?
  16. Also not most all of them thank you very much.
  17. Pshh Frank blaming me on typos. Mostly the odd grammar issue, but the graphics guys put it onto the card like that. I'll make sure season 42 has less of those.
  18. The inconsistent shot total issue this season is a strange one. Win is a win though.
  19. I'm with you there. Going back to Destiny, playing The Crew, Hearthstone, Shadows of Mordor and now Evolve it was nice to finally get to a game that actually ends relatively quickly. With the busy of life it's nice to sit down for a weekend and finish a well made product imo.
  20. Surprised nothing from Sandro regarding The Order. I've got it but been to busy to get to it yet.
  21. Season 42, the year of the shootout...dun dun dun! Win is a win, we'll take it!
  22. Sorry Brookside, we should of won that one for you!
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