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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. Let me call my buddy who's an expert on jackets
  2. who ever said the VHL wasn't a generous community?
  3. Helsinki are in a position of power going into the next season, without a hint of bias. We've a great young ore of players in place; Odinsson, Gow and Donovan look like players who will easily begin to become some of the league's best after great rookie seasons, young defenseman Maksym Barnyashev is set to join the roster for his rookie season in S51, and if I say so myself, goalie Dmitri Dadonov has so far proved himself to be capable of being a top quality presence in net. What we need now however is the kind of elite players who will be available in this season's free agent market to maximize our roster's potential. We see this as being the first of many seasons that the new generation of Titans will be looking to make a run at the cup, and the quality of free agents available this season presents us with a unique opportunity to make that happen. If you're a free agent, I'd love if you were to take a minute to consider what we can offer. We're a dedicated but fun team (guys like boom, flyersfan, Wasty and Dangles are all fantastic in the LR), we have the capability to win immediately and we all want to prove our worth this season. We can offer you the opportunity to make a real run at a championship this season and to have fun doing it, so if you should find yourself in the position of being a free agent this offseason, expect to receive an attempt to bring you into our group and make you a Titan!
  4. I think our luck is about to run out this time however
  5. Been done dirty by the lottery the last two seasons, I doubt this will be any different
  6. Contracted tonsillitis after the weekend, expect sporadic phone only activity the next few days
  7. Going to Reading Festival early hours of Thursday morning, back late afternoon Monday. Have a great weekend guys
  8. One year today on VHL, what a time to be alive

    1. Devise


      Welcome to the club rookie. :P

    2. JardyB10


      It seems like it was just a year ago...

    3. eaglesfan036


      Best youtube recruit ever

  9. Getting 7 picks in the first 2 rounds of this legendary class should make me a GMOTY candidate easy
  10. If this draft class wasn't so pathetic we'd have definitely been in the hunt, 3 1sts could have had a lot of value but as it is 2 of them are trash and 1 has a high chance of being trash it'll be interesting to see what happens when the market opens again
  11. You know what, I could really get on board with this
  12. irony is I actually met her as a one night stand so it's probably the opposite if anything (proly why she talked about a dry spell because she assumes I'm trying to get another round in)
  13. Yeah that's kinda what threw me about it, it's something that doesn't really read like clearly at all We were banging when we were both here, but she's away atm working on some placement in a hospital in another city so it's been like a couple months. It's weird because she doesn't really text a lot but what she did send would always seem like real keen, like she was saying literally last week she was going to hit me up when she was next here and free so getting this I was a bit like er ok. I only really text her to try and just like arrange actually meeting up and ask when she's around and stuff, I'm not really into like just like chatting over text etc., and that sort of shit so I'm kinda dumb with a lot of this. I kinda get the feeling a lot of the time she's really into playing games, like she would occasionally take like 24 hours to reply to a text but come back really flirty and asking loads of questions. Honestly, just tempted to bite the bullet and be like "can you just straight up tell me what this means please"
  14. I think the problem is we both kinda don't know what we want out of it, like I was in a relationship until March this year and it ended kinda shitty so I'm not sure I'm feeling getting into another one but I definitely am into her. These are always a little confusing
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