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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. It's usually just a shitty house associated with drug dealing/taking, I think I've managed to establish that the dealer lived there and I went with some other people to pick up and I really don't know how things got like they did I'll go one better (no previous texts or contact name because of the whole new phone thing lmao)
  2. So I need TPE, and I've also had a fucking weird couple of weeks so I need somewhere to air out my thoughts. Why not combine the two I thought to myself? So here we are. Basically, the last two weeks have been really odd. Not necessarily bad, but strange. It started a couple weeks back, when I first moved back to my uni town to start my summer job and due to extreme boredom I ended up on a night out with a friend of a friend in the local shithole nightclub. I got blackout wasted and came to in a trap house (I wish I was making this up) where I was chilling with some very shady people. I was too wasted to know how, but things turned sour somehow and I ended up running out of the house with a bunch of other people, luckily the aforementioned friend of a friend lived a couple of houses down the road and so I had the genius idea of going there instead of going home even though it was like 5am. I was let into the house, but the people I'd met in the t house also wanted to come in, but the people in the house weren't having it. Things got bad quickly, and before long a guy had been bottled (had a glass bottle smashed over his face) by some girl who was there. The feds were all over the scene quickly, and we were all taken to the police station and had to give statements. It was after I left the police station that I became sober enough to know I'd lost my phone, and of course it was still in the trap house. Figuring it was a write off, I bit the bullet and paid the £150 to get it replaced and draw a line under the whole awful night. So I started work last week and it's actually been really fun, I got a little sketched out on the days I wasn't working living on my own and going long stretches without talking to anyone irl was a very weird thing. Anyway, I was in the store on Tuesday night and I got sent a text by the girl I've been seeing for the last couple months that totally fried my head, like I've had three days to look at it and I still can't work out whether she's trying to tell me she's not interested anymore or she's surprised I'm interested, it's all a big clusterfuck and it does more harm than good to think about it, so it's being pushed to the back of my mind as much as possible. I'm going to Reading Festival next weekend which should be sick, the lineup is unreal this year, and I'm hoping that'll restore some normality as I get closer to the start of the new year at university. Basically, I've had probably the weirdest month of my life and I hope this goes some way to explaining why I might have been a little absent the last couple weeks. If you read all this, you're dedicated. Thank you thank you thank you.
  3. represented at all positions, awesome
  4. I'm in 3 rn and I'm struggling to keep on top of it, especially now with the second player thing. The next month and a half for me is disgustingly busy too so I know that feel bruddah, hang tough
  5. The randomiser hath spoken Accept Brampton @Smarch
  6. Daniel


    handsome young man
  7. Daniel

    NYA/HSK ; S50

    i was juggin finnesin and flexin
  8. Daniel

    NYA/HSK ; S50

    Making moves! Accept this blockbuster
  9. Putin gave me a stipend to bribe Draper and Jardy with to ensure Russian dominance spreads to sim sports
  10. Solid picks. Need to keep that Dadonov 100% career all star thing going ykno
  11. Proly a good representation of how this year's Shaw battle will go
  12. I feel like for both of us the upcoming FA class could be make or break. Looking forward to seeing who falls where
  13. I'm confirmed in@Victor's town at the end of the month, could we make the ultimate OG meets YG VHL meet up happen???

    1. Victor


      Probably not but who knows!!!

    2. Phil


      Hope so! I wanna come back in June, so Victor, pick the best local pints and I'll get the first round!

    3. BOOM


      Rumor has it that if you actually lay eyes on Victor, you will crumble into a million pieces.

  14. I know we want it to be fair for all but there needs to be a line somewhere..
  15. boom showed me his didgeridoo and I was converted to a different path
  16. ...it's not my recreate it's my 2nd player bbe but thank you, i still owe you one for bringing me here
  17. Young Australian forward Kaylan Noffke has caught the eyes of hockey scouts worldwide of late, and today he announced his decision to join the Victory Hockey League via it's S52 Draft. Noffke is heralded for his elite skating and scoring abilities, being able to literally skate circles around his opponents. A hard worker on and off the ice, hailing from a nation not typically known for hockey, Noffke looks forward to embracing the global spirit of the VHL as he joins one of the more anticipated draft classes in recent memory. Little is known about Noffke at this point in time, but more is expected to be uncovered in the following weeks as we approach the point of eligibility for the S52 draft.
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