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Everything posted by boubabi

  1. Not huge on the background obviously, it's not on your standard at least. I feel like some part are over saturated over too bright, so you could adjust that . The render placement is interesting but the focal point isn't good enough to overcome the emptiness. but double week is double week !
  2. a lot to see here imo I like that you used an older picture, it's original. I feel like the picture is a little bit over sharpen, but it gives it a look I guess. The size could be smaller but it gives space for the players. The player choice is questionable except for O'Malley . Good job.
  3. the render is dope, the borders are well made and the blue light a little bit strong. I would use another color imo. The background is nice, no complaint here really. Good work
  4. Looking good. I feel like there's like 10 pixel at the top that could be crop, so the render would fit better. The dup is good and the textures are decent. I would make the render pop a little bit more with some light effects but I think it's good enough. Keep working, practice makes perfect.
  5. that best version imo anyway, good idea for the design, the most original I guess. The blur and the render efx are nice. The font is interesting and it fits perfectly. The exposure fits great and the lighting too. Fine job gorlab
  6. I like the picture size you chose, it gaves a nice depth to the sig and some space to breath, which is nice. the font could be better but it's enough for me, the texture work is good, so good job. I like how the yellow pops out.
  7. booh v2, booo
  8. gg team
  9. lame
  10. a 14 years old korean took control of leicester city on his ps4 the rest is history
  11. you gotta beat stockholm before reaching helsinki 1st
  12. no u
  13. Oh john scott, the legend between humans. The effects are pretty cool, not huge on the font tho. Personally, I thought it was difficult to add a font for this theme, so I guess writing "VHL all-stars" is fine. It could use a better light source, but not enough really to distract me, I'm nit picking at this point good job
  14. they are teddy bears get your facts straight
  15. How much interest had you for Coach and Harumpf during the season. Was there a market for Sinclair at all ? if you had the 1st oa pick, who would you take and why. Is there a player you would trade the 1st oa to get (1vs1) Do you like your new sig. Which season are you aiming to compete at the cup. Do you enjoy your gm job
  16. Le blur yer vraiment nice, pis la texture grunge aussi moi je trouve. La photo est nice. Pas un grand fan de la font, mais elle n'est pas horrible non plus. Les couleurs sont nice et sont complémentaires. Good job
  17. Looking real good, I love the lighting. The original picture is pretty dope too, which is nice. . Font placement is real great and the blur well executed. No complains, good job
  18. Best player to ever be created, no question
  19. brovy, just trade yourself to me already
  20. never said it was a hat trick
  21. gorlab's new player
  22. http://www.twitch.tv/boubabi1
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