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About HellBillyXIII

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  1. Ill gladly do whatever i have to so you can get credit. Just not sure what to do.
  2. The EFL is the vhl football affiliate...its newer (starting 6th season in a week or 2) so still growing but super active. The reddit drive 2 days ago got us like 70 new members. Nows a great time to join @Banackock and your media post here is worth the same 6tpe when cross posted over there. Very good group of guys, highly recommended
  3. Lol i came from metroho. Logged on for 1st time in years and saw on forums people talking about vhl...its how i found this league. Metroho looked dead af.
  4. When is the draft??
  5. With the Season 60 VHL draft coming up in just a few days Yukon Rush phenom defenseman Billy Pilgrim is hard at work. Billy has had a stellar season and is projected near the top of the pack but there is still work to be done. ”I’ve had teams contact me for interviews. I did not expect that. I am not the smartest guy ever and I sometimes have trouble coming up with words.” Pilgrim says. What Pilgrim lacks in mental capacity he makes up for with his hockey instincts and size. He looms over opponents and is a physical presence who seems to always be in the right spot at the right time. Billy has been training with Rob Blake and Chris Pronger working on his defensive skills and feels he has made great strides. “Rob and Chris are 2 of the best ever, they have made me much much better.” Regardless of what happens at the draft Pilgrim is ready for whatever comes next. “I don’t care too much where I play.” he says. “As long as I’m playing hockey I’m happy.” Nothing is guaranteed but I would bet that Billy is going to be happy for a long, long time.
  6. Good series!
  7. Billy showed up to play!
  8. Unstoppable
  9. Got em
  10. Veran tearing it up!
  11. Billy Pilgrim defense +/- points
  12. Just to clarify this works like im a defenseman so if i choose goals i get 1 tpe for every 5 goals i scored? Thanks !
  13. (Q’s copied from NY’s presser post) 2. What has surprised you the most and least about your player since creating him? 4. Which city is the most fun to play in on the road? 5. What do you hope to accomplish next season? Do you have specific goals targeted, or just general success? ————————————— 2. The most is definitely his offensive production. The least would be his defensive play. 4. Las Vegas! 5. Just keep improving and win a championship
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