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Everything posted by Banackock

  1. If I’m a shitty GM... what does that make the GM who lost to us?
  2. Good luck next season Stammer. @StamkosFan
  3. Good work on pumping out material, man.
  4. WE GOT SOME BLOCK BUSTER NEWS HERE! BLOCKBUSTER CLOSES THE DOORS IN MORE WAYS THAN ONE. 1. no more cool movie rental places 2. Block Buster (G) lights out - shuts down Vegas. Nighty, night.
  5. Very cool, Steezy.
  6. Good to see ya putting in the work! @Cxsquared
  7. Not a Bears fan, hey? I see how it’s gonna be
  8. Basically described Seattle ??
  9. @SlapshotDragon Good luck buddy! Always wished the last guy was on Seattle. Was a secret admirer
  10. No offence but I do prefer the who next series live simmed. Too good to be true we meet in the finals likely... wanna make sure I don’t get secretly fucked
  11. They were being assholes before the series started on discord. No no diss towards you big guy. Or most of you. For me, just blade. She made it clear she’s still whiney and can’t move on, haha. Good of luck next season dude
  12. MALMO!!!! Are we gonna get the series we always knew was coming?!!? Or wanting anyway
  13. Great series @BladeMaiden. Thanks for setting my guys up for some nice points. Everyone else including @Bushito - thought it was gonna be tougher than that. You all were shit talking hard the other night. Couldn’t back it up. Great season by you guys. Super impressive to retool and somehow pull off beating VAN etc. Great season. See you next season
  14. 3-0 series? We were getting shit talked hard the other night? Now they don’t even post on game threads? GG Calgary
  15. Pretty sure SEA knocked on your door in the off-season.
  16. Fuck off, I'm getting the hang of this. @Tate
  17. Created only an hour ago and already quickly becoming a legend. Thank you for joining the league, my man @Frostbite
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