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Everything posted by Banackock

  1. GG Riga. For the sake of what makes sense, hope you prevail.
  2. It’s ridiculous that it happens every seasons. Consistently am I losing to lesser teams for fluke reasons (Stopko is the reason they’re up). 99 shots in a count? You bet your ass he stopped 97 of them.
  3. I don’t even know what to say anymore about this league half the time.
  4. I think i might remember this?
  5. @boubabi ?
  6. Interesting!
  7. So many factors of this series will give me a grey hair or two! Can’t imagine tomorrows sims... lol 13-1 win, Toronto. Shots were 101 to 23 for Seattle. Haha Regular season we were 5-3-2 against you but I think had 170 more shots or something haha
  8. Stopko = Legend.
  9. Though, I don't really mind this idea. I wouldn't see much harm in allowing it, but rewarding nothing. SHL did it for a while and it was somewhat of a cool experience. Similar to brands popping up and competing against one another to land big stars and form a reputable agency. I wouldn't reward anyone for being an agent or the players and would still give players the option to be agent-less. Basically, it would be unregulated, for fun and only for people who would care to do it. Doesn't make much sense but doesn't hurt to let members role-play and enjoy idk.
  10. QUE G will be the goalie who will be remembered forever. LONG LIVE VANCOUVER MEUTE.
  11. You always find ways to make me giggle.
  12. Me too.
  13. Makes me happy. I made some changes to them... also different for game 2 - so about to check that out right now. ?
  14. Good series in the making!!
  15. There is a way to see it.. changing what is showed to you stat wise - as I’m sure you know Just letting Beaviss know.. Obviously it’s starts and not just appearances. Eother way, yipeeewee
  16. It’s such an easy thing to keep track of and if your GM did his job 100%, he wouldn’t be in this mess to begin with. I thought I used all mine up and I had him slated to play his final few, must have fucked up my lines and still caught it to have Devise throw my goalie in when i asked him too! So thanks to @Devise imo, 3 games is a bit much - but I agree with 2. However many games you were under the 8 GP, maybe could be how many he plays in playoffs. Happy the league upheld the rules on this one. Very easy rule that I’ve followed for over 16 seasons straight.. Unfortunate - but it’s more unfortunate that a GM failed to follow such simple, easy and set out rules as opposed to it being unfortunate it happened.
  17. Agreed. He did good stuff.
  18. Wait a second...
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