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Everything posted by Banackock

  1. I mean, not so much fitting the criteria and there has to be a specific word amount for Pros and cons. I think 150 a pop if not mistaken. Though, clear effort and great work. I’d say passable-ish. @DollarAndADream
  2. @enigmatic almost clicked you a 2nd time. REVREATE!
  3. @Enorama Unfortunately, he’s right. 1,000 words but so worth the 10 TPE
  4. Man, I like you. @Enorama
  5. I gotta ask.. who is Libby @libbyfanaccount haha
  6. Must be your offspring
  7. In all seriousness, she is cute - yes.
  8. https://discord.gg/jPvYq6C join if you wanna
  9. Take a read and look around in the “Create a player” section. You do seasonal, career and weekly tasks though! Just a little busy but if you gander in that section you’ll find it!! Also, join the discord If you want. Gay old time bullshitting with the boys somerimes https://discord.gg/jPvYq6C
  10. @Rad Russian @nymets5 @Enorama @Jubo07 Come on and join the discord https://discord.gg/jPvYq6C
  11. You can be my hero baby
  12. Spoke already but happy to have you. Any questions, ask. So many great members here! If you get stuck or frustrated etc - we also have members for that. @Beketov has a whole jar full of my tears.
  13. Bonjourno, baby.
  14. That’s the perfect attitude. You’ve gained a gold star, little one. A fitting mentor @BluObieZ
  16. Retention is strong with this one. 

  17. Don’t get me excited
  18. I LIKE IT. Every team can use a #1 Finn on the blue line!
  19. Haha, you’ll fit in just fine, buddy. How’d you find us and where do you hail from? I’m from Alberta wooo wooo.
  20. Happy to have you. I encourage you to look around - if you have any questions, let me know. Best place to start is in the create. A player area. Learn how to improve your guy and how to update
  21. @Rad Russian welcome to the league man. also friendly shout out to @RadiatedGold
  22. Lots of Finn’s. @Rykonen is @Ahma happy??
  23. 74 inches.. you wish. @Sllaym isn’t the largest in the word like 18”?
  24. @Sook just a heads up... I’m gonna draft you.. when i see your name I automatically think superhero.
  25. @SupaStu more like SUPASTAR. welcome to ze league
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