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Everything posted by Banackock

  1. So they can't choose where to go. So they take a season off like Greene did and then choose where to go! Obviously right after the draft it shouldn't count, but he;'s been inactive for 2 full seasons. Little different than say me or you holding out and then proceeding. I will do the 3rd. Again, not arguing or upset at you. I just think the ruling on this is a little stupid. I see the effect they want it to carry out, but I feel they can make it stronger for situations like this. If I was';t dealing with you (someone who is a good GM and person) we may have lost a potential active player.
  2. @ADV and I'm not upset with you nor arguing. Just expressing my thoughts on the stupidity surrounding this rule. It needs to be looked at. Peter Quill trade = 1st and 2nd. 30 TPE, 3 year old RFA = 1st/2nd. Makes a LOT of sense.
  3. Theoretically, based off his qualities and inactivity, he resembles someone taken in the 3rd round. Same with Greene! The fact that both of them came back makes them.. not even sure, but us "lucky".
  4. @ADV Rules are rules though. I don't like this one and I definitely feel as though it needs to be looked at. two 2nd's or a 1st and 2nd for a 30 tpe.. get real!!! No one on their right rocking chair would pay that price. So every time we come across this, more players dip back into activity because no GM in their right mind would pay that price. I heavily feel this should be based of TPE and not money... Giving him money HELPS him and his activity. So the team has to suffer and give away huge amounts of future for someone in their 3rd year who is 300-400 TPE behind his peers? LOL I got Peter Quill for almost the same price as the league rules state I have to pay for a 30 TPE RFA.
  5. It really sound like he wants to play for Cologne. We're not willing to sign an RFA. I watched Kendrick not sign with Seattle because he wanted to keep NUCK active. while I wanted Kendrick, I respect his move. Well, you were following the rules in the Zayn thing too. Words are often misled. @Higgins @Will @Devise @Beketov This is a rule that needs to be looked at. The fact that the price for a 30 TPE player is that high is fucking incredible. We want people to be active, but now we have one returning to activity and being forced right back into inactivity. It should be TPE based. Anything less than a certain amount should be zero picks. Than go up. Shouldn't be money based.. that's stupid!
  6. No, but you're an RFA which states we'd have to pay him draft picks. Little silly to pay that many draft picks, or that value of picks, for a 3rd year old player at base level TPE.
  7. Weird that he signed with Seattle than instead of Cologne.
  8. Okay. We'll rescind our offer and lose a member once again to activity. Thank you!
  9. You weren't even going to sign him. I don't see the issue here. It's like you taking Greene.
  10. Okay... I don't see anywhere that states draft picks though.. lol Do you? Also, I could see for a 200-400 TPE RFA... but a 30 TPE one? AT BEST, that's a 3rd round pick.
  11. So what's the payout for a 30 TPE player? a 7th round pick 5 seasons from now?
  12. I don't see you making him an offer? I messaged him and brought him back. All the merrier for bringing back members, right?
  13. Why was Greene an RFA? Thanks for the picks!
  14. SEA offers: S57: 3,000,000* *VHLM @Samee
  15. don't be upset. You got Gtreene.
  16. Mhmm, what defines activity these days? And highlighting @hedgehog337 and it says he hasn't been on since August 12th. We have an inactive GM!!
  17. Seattle already inquired about Petenis and are willing to lay a fairly decent offer down. @Tyler
  18. offers: S57: $1,000,000
  19. Sea offers: 3.25M
  20. SEA offers: 2.75
  21. Always good to have members! Hope eh sticks around for the long haul!
  22. No, no. Just astonished at the coincidence, lol.
  23. Truth. Anyway, keep him active.
  24. But you wouldn't offer them a second year deal if they were already inactive for an entire season. Oh well. I mean, Kendrick does recruit a lot of people. Just a weird coincidence is all.
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