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Status Replies posted by Dil


  2. ayo it's lil z, make sure to check out my new single in vhl.com articles! uploads will be weekly!!

  3. come play dil's minecraft server with us :D 

  4. it's non binary visibility day, everyone look at me

    1. Dil


      Fishy can I stop looking yet I’ve been doing it all day my eyes are watering uncontrollably 

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  5. Wish me luck in my NAHL main camp tomorrow

  6. Wish me luck in my NAHL main camp tomorrow

  7. ASG will be late this season, I'm away from my PC next week.

  8. rest in peace technoblade o7

  9. My sincere apologies to all the VHL. Super Coach will not happen this season due to a lack of time

  10. What is a VHL?

  11. Don't draft me if you don't scout me👍

    1. Dil


      I already scouted her, you can borrow my report:



    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  12. Discord is annoying... "You are being blocked from accessing our API temporarily due to exceeding our rate limits frequently. Please read our docs at https://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/rate-limits to prevent this moving forward." got this after spamming reacts on a message in Gen chat

  13. happy fishy day, it's my two year vhl-iversary 

  14. Still better than Dil at fortnite

  15. Better than Dil at fortnite

  16. Hey everyone, just a heads up that I am now a famous pop star, even more  than Ariana Grande. 

  17. I can confirm after my vacation that Italy is an actual place

  18. Currently at prom

    1. Dil


      The fact that you’re at prom and you choose to go to the VHL tells us exactly how it’s going

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  19. Was the draft not streamed anywhere today?

  20. Update: since being bane i have learned to derive. I am a changed man

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