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Posts posted by InstantRockstar

  1. Flashback to the beginning of the year, and San Diego was a write-off. They had sold their S67 assets to compete in their inaugural season, and while the playoffs last season didn't pan out the way they had hoped, they were competitive. Jump forward to this year, San Diego had no assets going into S67, not a single draft pick had been made, the franchise didn't even show up to draft day, because their plan was simple, build from the ground up, sign some brand new prospects, and make it a journey. Even with prospects joining the Marlins left and right, people still had their doubts. Would the Marlins be the worst expansion franchise this season? Would the Marlins be the worst VHLM franchise this season? At first, it seemed like it. 


    The Marlins started off piss-poor, their record was junk and the activity was very, very low. But things changed about one month into the games, it was like lightbulbs went off and things finally began to click. San Diego ran two full lines of solid activity, a ton of youth in the system and proud players among the team. Everything seemed to be clicking, and so the team began to go on a roll. Despite the roll, they had their ups and downs, they still couldn't get past the great wall of Philadelphia, and the Lochness Ottawa was still just like the monster... a mystery. Regardless, the Marlins had fun, they stayed the course, they did not want to leave the team for potential "greater" success, the team was happy. And if that isn't the definition of success in the minors, than I don't know what is. 


    But there still leaves a void, the Marlins have yet in their two-year existence be able to flourish and push past the first round, but that is where the management staff feel optimistic, is that if they can turn a season of nothing into something when all hope had been lost, than what possibilities wait for them in the future? Time will tell, but I can tell you it's been a hell of a ride, and it's all thanks to the team, and everyone who busted their ass for this franchise, you've made me very, very happy :)


    @Frozen Block @stevo @Beerfridge @Jaku @Psyduck77 @Fire_In_Babylon @NumberJ5 @Klrpizza @SJT29 @MexicanCow123

  2. So it's time, it's really happening, by now just about everyone and their mothers in the VHL knows that the secret is out, and we are in fact expanding in the VHL. Now, if you've been around and actually paying attention than this doesn't really come as a secret but to those that maybe were under a rock or admiring @Beaviss big arms on Discord 24/7, then you were likely very shocked by this. So what do I think? Do I think it makes sense? Do I think the GM's are good? Let's talk about that. 


    First and foremost, from what I was told, the amount of applications were enormous, and this is actually a very good thing, because when I was here years ago, as some of you may know, it was kind of hard to say the least to get a GM in the VHL, some people literally had to go FIND their replacement instead of having people apply, so this was very unusual but now seems to be the "norm" around here. 


    As for who was selected, I've been around @diamond_ace for a long, long time. He was actually one of the first people I met here and one of the first people to give me any kind of a GM job way back when, when I helped him with the Ice Dogs, so do I think he'll be good? Hell yeah. He has held very many positions here, he's been through the ringer, he knows what he is doing, and he's going to do an exceptional job. As for @Enorama this one is more of a question mark for me, not because I dislike him, quite the contrary, but because if I am not mistaken, he does not have any prior GM experience, at least that I am aware of without being competent enough to do any real research. That being said, I am in EHM GM' leagues with him and he's very good, so I know his management and activity will lead him to much success. 


    Finally, for team predictions, my bold prediction because D_A and I talked about this all the time is that he's heading to Prague, couldn't be assed to tell you the team name but look out for him to select Prague as the location if he got to choose. With Eno, I just do not know him enough to know his preference of places, but assuming he'll have to join the other conference, we could either be looking at a Canadian team since Quebec got axed, or we could be seeing a more popular North American city such as Las Vegas or maybe even Denver as they are two huge markets. 

  3. @diamond_ace glad you made a C tbh, we really need one. Our 2C went inactive, I'd be willing to drop him for you if you can remain committed (lol, like my joke?) and you'll receive top 6 mins, top 6 pp, top 6 pk, the works. 


    We're a team everyone had counted out early on who has more or less secured a playoff spot at this point, so come make our team even stronger? :)

  4. SUP STZ! 


    We're currently looking to make a big push and I think you'd make our team instantly deeper. Right away you'd be our 2C, and allow us to make a full third line which is something we've never had. I'd also be willing to guarantee you PP time and PK time once you get to about 80-100 TPE, but regardless you'll be about 18-20 mins a night on San Diego. 


    I'm sure you know the drill but quote and accept if you wanna come here, help us make that big push! 

  5. So my vote went for personal experiences solely as I wasn't around active enough to know what the hell happened to get him banned in the first place. I also voted before scrolling through this and I still haven't scrolled at the time of me writing this so if something happened that is utterly disgusting and people hate him, then retract my vote. 


    But from a personal standpoint, boubai and I always got along, I don't PERSONALLY have a bad thing to say about him, he taught me a lot about gfxing in the time he and I were both active here, we chatted a lot, I was present for a lot of his graphic live tutorials and such, he was a cool guy to shoot the shit with, but nothing ever became vulgar, etc, it was just all in good fun and so on. 


    So again, if people do have a serious issue with him I am not aware about, retract my vote and put it as no, but for now, I personally have never dealt with him in a bad way 

  6. On 7/5/2019 at 1:27 PM, InstantRockstar said:
    Denver Wolfe:
    5 TPE
    Doubles Week
    Doubles Week
    Free Week (12 TPE)
    ID: 2964 - 8711 - 5288 - 8191 ($20)
    forgot to post this, donated bare time ago lol. 
    using donation #2 week of 7/15

    using free week. 

  7. It's been a few weeks now since Denver Wolfe found out he was going to be captain of the Vancouver Wolves. He was a huge pickup for the team back in S65, and has excelled in his draft class far beyond the expectations most of the GM's had for him. When he was drafted at 9th overall, most teams obviously felt he'd belong there, he was going to be 'mediocre' and he wasn't going to impact their team in the slightest, however two seasons later, here we are, him being third in his draft class for practice hours, and one of the youngest captains in the league. And his response: 


    "It's like I am in a dream. You come up to the pros and you never know what to expect. My first season was a personal lesson for me that not everything comes easy and that there is a lot of work left in my game to improve on. I came up from a time where I was the best defender in the game during my minor season, and ended up sucking. So when my team voted me in for captain and allowed me to take on this responsibility, while shocked, I was ready for the challenge." 


    This season, Vancouver has certainly made a splash, their big moves have been good and bad for them thus far, but they are posting a positive record and only look to continue from there, they want to see him succeed, and he wants to see his team succeed. 

  8. 1. How do you feel about your player build at this moment in time?

    I am happy with the build, I've gotten asked to a degree to build him to a certain "mold" which is almost identical to how I'd planned it before. 


    2. Who is your favorite team to play against?

    I'd say Minnesota, or Saskatoon, I like both teams, have history with both of them, so it's always fun revisiting the teams. 


    3. Who is your rival on another team?

    Don't really think I have one right now, I generally get along with everyone so I haven't really rivaled someone yet. 


    4. Which goalie this year is the hardest to play against?

    I'd say a lot of them are fairly even right now, not one over the other to make a clear-cut decision yet. 


    5. If you could take over any vhlm team which would it be.

    I run San Diego, and am happy there, I love it in San Diego.


    6. Have you changed your workout routine this year yet?

    Not yet, same old routine haha.


    7. What role do you want on this team?

    Well right now I am captain, which is insane, second year in and this is my role, and I'm super excited about it. 


    8. What do you think our team identity is/what should it be?

    I think right now we're viewed as "underdogs" despite our finish last season, I think we're right where we should be an an effective team. 


    9. What game plan change would you do for team/personal success?

    I mean obviously I'd love to see my guy succeed more, but at the end of the day I am all for team success. 


    10. Have you heard any trade rumors that make you interested in how the rest of the season will turn out/ our team or others?

    Nothing, nope, wish I knew more than I did haha, would make it more fun. 

  9. 3 minutes ago, TheFlash said:



    Okay but as I stated..


    yeah its its not worth it. I hope one of you guys can do it better in the future! Jobs open, feel free to apply! Not dealing with the gang up attitude that you guys have, I guess being a good person isn’t enough anymore. If you aren’t an old boy in the VHL, you just can’t cut it.


    Consider me done, nice knowing you all

    you're acting childish though, saying we're a "gang" and shit, like no, we're people who are concerned someone is getting WAY too much TPE for way too little work. If you were busting your ass, doing ALL the recruitment stuff, and this was a lot of original content, then fine, but it's not... 


    like... I have nothing against you, never have, but the immaturity in your responses is evident, you know you don't deserve the 12 TPE and have nothing viable to say other than "you guys are attacking me"...like stop o.o

  10. ... they just simply stated you should not be paid THAT much TPE for so little... 


    rj th has been posting in all the new players threads and the other recruitment members doing the rest. 


    Because this is copy/pasted and so little is your own content, this wouldn’t even pass as a 6 TPE article, let alone 12 TPE for the job you’re paid for. 


    I think instead of clapping back at everyone and being so defensive you should just accept the fact that this took you all of 30 seconds to do...

  11. bb9b68aea1f00f1a1f5b4f48acbe348e.png

    I have tons of space as you can see, but no further waiver claims, out of my team, there is 3 inactives (Kirkpatrick, Szita and Steel), otherwise everyone is active and happy to be here. 

  12. Hello, I'm going to go ahead and put my name in, cause I figure why not. There is a lot of amazing applicants, an so I just figured it'd be a fun time to just throw my name in. I am currently at what I'd consider to be my "peak" status for activity. I've not missed a single week of updating, I've been very active as both a player and a GM since my return, and I think now would be the best time to come back, my little "resume" over the course of my sim league career includes: 


    VHLM GM (Ottawa, Kolari, Oslo, San Diego)

    VHL GM (Riga) 

    EFL/NCAA GM (Notre Dame x2)

    SBA/NCAA GM (Arizona)


    I've also GM'd in leagues such as VFL, SSN, and so many others I can't even keep track. On top of that, I've also been a grader, updater, you name it, I've probably held every job possible at least once in most of the leagues. 


    I know what to do at this level, I know how to do it well at the VHL level and I'd like to give it another go, with my commitment being this high and my attitude being there and my drive to work being there, I know I can be the best VHL GM I personally can be. Like I said, also with my activity where it is, I feel like now is the best time to take control of the VHL team and really solidify them as my own .


    Thanks for the consideration and as always good luck to all the amazing applicants, from what I've seen I can already tell this will be fun. 

  13. I accept this, and happily. 


    Mindset: Griffin wants to be a career minor leaguer, hoping beyond this year he is ours but the mindset is he is a one year deal, same type of player I'd likely get in S69, but I wanted him now, so... I got him. Steve is active, drafted and I own his rights beyond this season, likely into next when I plan to compete, so a 2nd in 2 seasons versus an active for 2 seasons, why not? 


    welcome @stevo @Sogarn

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