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VHLM Commissioner
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Status Updates posted by Gustav

  1. My lottery survey has reached 28-3 in favor of changing the system, over 90%. Time to do something? 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Josh
    3. K1NG LINUS

      K1NG LINUS

      Clearly this means there should be more lotteries.

    4. TheFlash


      Aaaaaaand nothing is done

  2. VHLGFX has reminded me how much I suck at graphics. But it's also making me better.

  3. Interested in seeing the lottery system change? Add #fixthelottery to your comments on game threads.

  4. 8:00 EST, May 8th.

    Happy Anniversary of Cornell '77.

    Either you get it or you don't.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DMaximus


      Words can't even begin to describe to pure joy derived from listening to that show. I get chills just thinking about how amazing Phil's bass sounds in Scarlet>Fire or in TLEO. Or how amazing Jerry sounds in Row Jimmy or Dancin' or Scarlet>Fire or Morning Dew.

    3. Gustav


      Don't forget the first set's Jack Straw--arguably my favorite rendition of that song, ever. And, well, the entire last set. That show was magic.

    4. DMaximus


      And they pick things right up the next night in Buffalo, at the Aud, with an unbelievable help>slip>frank to open a pretty amazing show. 

  5. Every time I see "S66 Regular Season Index" on the front page I get super excited and then I realize it's the VHL one.

    1. Phil
    2. Phil


      sad michael scott GIFI just checked too....

  6. Congrats to my AGM @Radcow for being hired as WJC Commissioner!

  7. Announcing the existence of Gustav's Mock Draft--coming tonight and featuring all the picks I have the time to write about.

  8. Can't wait to see who drafts Garcia! First round?

  9. Call me crazy, but next season's VHLM could have even MORE talent than this season's. Lots of leftover S66 players, plus our new recruits look good already. Can't wait to see what happens.

  10. #hiregoonie

    1. Gustav


      And me too I suppose

  11. Spent the past couple of days thinking “what the hell Tagger why can’t we see your mock draft now” but today I saw the VHL expansion announcement and it all makes sense now.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tagger


      @Advantage No I knew about it. My original mock actually had an un-named expansion team listed in it since I felt there'd been enough hints expansion was happening, but when I checked to see if I could post it pre-announcement in the BOG, I was told to hold off.

    3. Beketov


      Silly @Advantage, don’t you know that @Tagger knows all haha. Also Expansion this time around was probably the league’s worst kept secret.

    4. Advantage


      I’ve known @Taggerfor a long time.  Definitely doesn’t know all :P

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