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Everything posted by jhatty8

  1. wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  2. Congrats! picked an inactive though smh
  3. 1. I have no idea but I imagine he's the best player in the VHL. 2. I'm very excited and hope to become an aGM for one of the future teams. 3. V A S T E R A S 4. All the submissions are incredibly good this year. I voted for 3 personally and 2 is also up there. Not sure why either of those didn't win. 5. I probably won't watch any of them but I hope Tampa Bay loses. 6. Eh, getting a job I guess.
  4. 1. I imagine it was pretty nice if you dedicated a question to it. 2. It's gone by pretty fast as always. 3. Pretty sure I was on Team Asia once so I'll go with them. 4. Cap expansion mean a cap raise? If so that will certainly have an effect on the league parity. 5. No clue what the Victory ProAm is to be honest, though if any NYA bros are in it I hope they win. 6. No. Life is pain. Torts ruined us.
  5. This league seems to be rather an extension to the VHL (or it's own entity) rather than another M
  6. Huge project, excited to see how it turns out. I'm with Bana here on the name considering there are Euro teams in the other two leagues, doesn't make sense really, but we will see. Also, aGM positions opening
  7. 1, 2, and 3 are absolutely beautiful. I'll go with 3 because of how unique it is. If it wasn't a snowy setting with Miami, I'd def go with 1. Putting the players on the same plane rather than cutting it in half is the move.
  8. Interested. Might as well start applying for when I update and become active again
  9. Odinsson's one of your best ever. That and the Krishna goalie sig are my favs from you
  10. you're 12? and have been in the vhl for over a year? w h a t anyway I voted Cordelia because he doesn't deserve the slander
  12. Had to do a double take at the timestamp... can't believe this thread has existed for a year now
  13. A couple weeks ago, I had to do a presentation on the topic of Native American stereotypes. Part of that was the prevalence of this type of imagery in sports teams branding. I think one of the bigger issues here is the constant negative portrayal of Native Americans. The average person today when thinking about a Native American probably still has the mental image of a savage warrior who rides on horses and wears headdresses with warpaint...even though that's a complete misconception. Media portrayal of this stereotype is a huge factor because of the common misrepresentation. When you see a Native American on your TV, it's most likely going to be of an old war movie or a segment on a history channel. Modern day representation is almost non-existent, and when they are shown, it's usually in a negative light. Imo, the Kings logo here feeds into this with the "war bonnet" as found by @solas and the overall warrior-like feel. On top of all that, you of course have the culture appropriation. Seeing the amount of racial and cultural figured being used as a mascot for profit is mind-boggling, and seeing how in a way we are using this logo for money, it's something that needs to change. if you'd like a fantastic website that can explain this stuff better than I can, I recommend this one: https://www.ferris.edu/HTMLS/news/jimcrow/native/homepage.htm there's a section at the end regarding sports franchises.
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