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Everything posted by Gooningitup

  1. One of my best/worst draft picks lol great VHLMer
  2. Normally id never even ask to be traded. Or make special requests. Vlad went down with Davos, the only reason Pavel was traded is i stepped down as GM. And Sergei was just in New Yorks best interest. I wanted to go out having fun with Evgeni and do something no one evers done as an active. But so far ive just kinda been stuck on contenders
  3. I did reply, and gave who i felt would fit. Actually lol. The 2 messages i didnt reply too were Seattles interested(why would i they are a top team). And if id stick it out. Both of which i had made clear even in the LR before Evgeni was to be drafted. Essentially had a season to trade me.
  4. Litterly 2 days before the draft, i made an announcement. I did not want to play for a contender. My career would be defined hopping from bad team to bad team. The goal behind this was to rack up hits, PIMs, and Shots blocked. In shock to no one i fell despite my great reputation in the league. In no shock i was scooped up by a contender, @Beaviss and the Quebec Muete thought hey lets use a 3rd and trade him for a better asset later. It worked as Quebec fleeced the Seattle Bears GM @Banackock. Acquiring a 2nd round pick for the defender. Mission accomplished for the Muete. As they pulled off the biggest lopsided trade of 2019, trading a player for a 2nd when the player will not dress a game for the Bears in their current state. Problem is somehow instead of moving to a rebuild, he moved to the number 2 team in the league. This shocked Komarov, the Bears have tried to convince him to stay but he doesn't appear to have budged on his plan. Which mean the ball is now in Seattle's court to see if they can move him out. When asked about what was going on Komarov had this to say "это простой запрос, непонятно, почему команды не понимают" the translation this is a simple request, it is not clear why the teams do not understand. Komarov will stay at 199TPE, which this article will out him at. If by the end of the season he is not in his desired state he may choose to retire. Part of the issue became that prospects have 0 rights. They sign 3 seasons or are forced to sit out until they give in. Its left him signing a deal he never wanted and hoping that the team can do what he desires. Thankfully due to stronger drafts Komarov found new power by stopping updates, now teams are unlikely to call up players with low TPE. This seems petty, Komarov family has been insanely loyal to every team he has played for. However he will step away, he will. Evgeni Komarov will be my last player, if he retires early it would be a disappointing end to a agents career. Time will tell what occurs but the saga of the mini russian could come to a close much sooner than expected. Evgeni Komarov currently with the Lynx sits 8th in points, 2nd in shots blocked, first in hits, and first in PIMs. He is playing with an edge that strikes fear into his opponents hearts. It would be a shame to see his talent wasted, and see the last of the great Komarovs leave to Russia due to a simple request. To date Vladimir Komarov was a ferocious defensive defender who still sits on Davos best players list for Hits, PIMs, SB, and games played. Pavel Komarov, the two way center turned, two way defensemen put up solid points though never really reached his full potential. Sergei Komarov, the hulking Russian put up just over a PPG, well racking up hits, and penalty minutes. He was a force on the ice and the best of the family. Evgeni the mini tank legacy is yet to be known.
  5. I mean acquiring Komarov has no bearing on this season given hes playing in the minors ? but thanks for the shoutout @Devise
  6. I sadly have 0 control of where im traded.
  7. Evgeni Komarov was drafted to the Quebec Muete despite stating he only wanted to play for bottom feeders. Hes held pat, and given how close he is to the junior cap it calls the question will he sit pat at 199TPE. Meaning he can stay down in the juniors. This would be a huge blow to the agent. Who has told the league hes ready to step away after Evgeni. He wanted to do something special, but in a move to garner another pick out of a team the Muete selected him. Now they are having trouble, moving him asking him to alter his plans. Which means Komarov has a choice, continue to develop to a future stud defensive defender. Or stall his development hurting myself and the Muete. It goes to show how little power the players themselves actually have. Its hurt themselves or be stuck. Since the league in acted a requirement that rookies must sign a 3 year deal. Evgeni is top PIMs, Hits, 3rd in shots blocked, 8th in points. It would be a shame to see his talent wasted but it could be the choice he makes. As he nears the cap.
  8. What disgusts me is how Canadians are acting towards a 19 year old kid. Like grow up its a hockey game sucks we are out but get over it. Dont threaten the kid or beat him up over it
  9. Ya hard pass, only way this works is if we are a deeper league. Problem being a deeper league means we would have to change the season limit. Because no one will wanna barely play for 3 seasons play 2 at a high level then start the crash. We are running 6F 4D 1G at best for all teams. Which means taking away lower endurance, means less effective player, or players playing less to dress cpus or inactives to help wins. It also have an effect on juniors are your capped so ud have to waste TPE on endurance that takes away from your overall build. This litterly i think would force more than just a simple stat change.
  10. So quebec had 2 enforcers, Evgeni and LPLL and realized it then traded the older goon.
  11. Id say the fact i dont want to play for a contender, and will only stay on bad teams will hurt me more than my build. My first Komarov had less TPE and similar build ans went 6th overall
  12. Good thing no one took this or youd he out a mill haha
  13. @Fire Hakstol @eaglesfan036 Its over hes gone despite denying it yesterday lol
  14. Evgeni Komarov has come from a long history of family who is loyal till the end. Its won the family 0 cups, and only a few awards. Sergei was a great player but came at a wrong time. Evgeni is going to drop a bomb, he will not stay with a team more than 3 seasons. He only wants to play on bottom feeders, and just play. He does not care about titles or loyalty he is looking to just rack up hits, shots blocked, and PIMs. Maybe his last season he will join a contender just for shits and giggles. This is a message to all contenders do not bother drafting the young mini tank Russian. He does not desire to be there, he wants to play for a bad team. This comes as a huge shock as the Komarov family in 24 seasons has logged 14 in Davos, 5 in Quebec, and 5 in New York. Known for their loyalty never leaving a team via free agency. @VHL GM
  15. Weve seen a lot of busts earning TPE faster too though burning themselves out early. Not saying this is the case but even if you use my player as an example. Well im 100% not earning at the rate i did with Sergei my last player. Im a much safer bet as an example as the rounds get later to continue to earn safely at 7-9 TPE most weeks. Lots to factor in as a GM, young members typically can earn faster as they are not as burnt out as older members, but the bust rate is higher as well. In such a deep draft you dont want to mess up 2nd overall
  16. I clearly taught @Dtayl too well won the finals his first year in very me fashion lol
  17. Evgeni Komarov much like everyone in his family prides himself on being an elite shut down, and physical player. In his rookie VHLM season he amassed, 135PIMs which had him tied for 2nd place, 106 shots blocked good for 10th, and 242 hits good for 4th. All this well being new to the league. It shows the type of player he plans to be for the rest of his career. Pros of Evgeni Komarov Checking - He hits like a truck, hes strong on the puck and body leaving bruises. Its very apparent he loves to hit when you look at his total in his rookie season an he is still growing as a player into his body and will only get better. He is very sneeky, when it comes to getting up on opponents due to his size he can almost be invisible till hes up in your face with a crushing hit. Defense - In his own zone for a young kid, hes very talented and only learning. Hes gotta keep improving as he jumps to the bigs but for a young raw talent he looks really good. This will be a strength though his entire career as he solidifies himself as a PK specialist. Fighting - He will drop the gloves and scrap with anyone. His lack of backing down is a huge reason why teams were ringing the phone to aquire him when Vegas decided to sell. Hes a tough customer who doesnt make it easy to take advantage of the teams stars. Pound for pound there is not much tougher customers clocking in at only 5 foot 8 he reminds us of Tie Domi if he played defense. Cons of Evgeni Komarov Offense - He had a decent year in the VHLM offensively, but that is not a sign of things to come. He is an old school defensice defender. He lets his own zone play dictate the game. Dont expect this to change all that much as his career furthers. He likely will see an uptick im assists as he adds abit to his passing game allowing him to play a bigger role in the VHL, but will never been an offensive star. Disipline - One downfall of his style of hockey is the penalties he takes, if your a team that is awful on the PK may not be worth your time. He will be an assest on the PK when hes not in the box though. He will most certianly need to work on this abit, but do not expect him to win the VHL version of a lady Byng. Size - Evgeni Komarov plays like he is Sergei who checked in at 6 foot 8, but the reality is he clocks in at 5 foot 8. He is a very scrappy player and not afraid of anyone. However his size often can leave him overwhelmed against bigger opponents. He wont let that get to him, as he continues to build his strength and skating ability to make him a very effective defender.
  18. Evgeni Komarov Hits = 8TPE Points = 6TPE
  19. For those worried about my activity, i can put your minds at rest. Typically my company sees a huge spike around this time, due to everyone and their light fixtures. This has led to me missing the last few weeks of updates which is out of sorts for me. But it does happen almost every year. People blowing fuses, to asking us to come make sure their houses are still up to code, and wont overload the grids. In about 2 weeks we shut down for the holidays, minus my emergancy guy who doesnt celebrate christmas. After that i will be back to normal again. Just knowing the draft is around i wanted to put some minds to rest about my activity. I still intend to make this my last player. Evegeni seems to be doing just fine as the 21st are up 3-1 in the semi finals. Hoping for a cup! Hope everyone enjoys their holidays. Look forward to a full return in a few weeks
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