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Everything posted by Gooningitup

  1. Which means Davos is fked if its anything like @Spade18 haha jk luv u
  2. Bought a new phone then forgot to sign back on l was checking everyday. Wondered why no notifications lol

  3. Evgeni Komarov is an enforcer type defensive defender. For potential teams looking at drafting the Russian, he has one clear message. Do not expect, him to change his game. He will build some passing but for the most part hes sticking to a handful of skills, checking, fighting, defense, strength, skating. Hes building a foundation, to be the best enforcer in VHL history. Keep this is mind when it comes to drafting him. Ive built my good player and his career was nothing but a disapointment as he managed to accomplish nothing. Now im building Evgeni for fun. I wont pump out likely more than 8 TPE a week, between welfare, practice and VHL articles. Which means he will be a solid number 3 for contender, Top pair for a rebuilder. Dont draft me if your expecting my build to change or my plans. As they will not i have a path with my player im sticking to it.
  4. Sergei Komarovs lack of awards is due to the era he came in during Cornerstone, and by the time he was ready to take the mantle McAllister was a TPE whore. Its disapointing to realize that given im on my last player my best had to come at a time with 2 of argueable the best players in VHL history
  5. So now we have 2 awards based on offensive production from the blueline LOL dont kid yourselves the Labatte was always the top offensive defender with semi decent d stats. Now we just have 2 awards for points further making the point of league wants people to build different ways but focuses on offense forcing everyone to build the same
  6. Id imagine if someone trade for you and needed a LW theyd just play you on the offside as it doesnt hurt in the sim playing wings on off wings
  7. I was shocked too given we are what not even a 1/4 done the season. Everyone made their moves super early. Last year we started dealing what like 40 games in. This year like 15
  8. The Komarov family has been traded before, once out of Davos when Vlad stepped down and ushered in a new era in Davos. Then Sergei from New York both were not shocking moves they both were times of rebuilds for the teams and the agent was told about it. Last night without even knowing he was on the block Evgeni was traded. From the Aces a team his family helped capture a cup for to the newest expansion team the 21st. It stunned the young defender who was carving out a really good stat line one that is likely to take a hit playing on a deeper team. Infact contact between Evgeni and the 21st hasnt even happened yet he still laced up today for the Aces. Its unclear what his expected role is will he be top pair,Secondpair, Powerplay, or penalty kill? So many unclear questions as he looks to play his first games tomorrow with the new threads on. The punisher has been developing nicely, building on his skill set one he does not intend on changing. He will focus on checking, defense, fighting. Well using his strength and speed to get under opponents skin. Doesnt matter who he suits up for thats how hes building. I admit im suprised at the apparent interest in Evgeni, hes not a flashy player and wont light up the VHLM. Depending on my TPE earn rate might not even stay down for more than this season.
  9. Hmm never been traded before atleast that i didnt see coming lol
  10. You wont find his name on the score sheet, probably wont even see him much on the ice due to his 5 foot 6 frame. Where you will find him though is in your face, blocking a shot, throwing a punch, or in the penalty box. The enforcer has done what he was advertised as, hes hitting played like a truck, getting under the opponenets skin in the box, and saving a few goals with his legs, body, and head. Hes not Sergei who stepped onto the VHL scene with a bang racking up 500points well crushing bodies. Hes not Pavel who moved the puck to his forwards with elegant grace, with his slick play making skills. Hes not even Vlad who was a revered defensive juggernaught of the Dynamo. Like the 3 Komarovs before him hes a different beast all together. Even Vlad whose known for his physical play, says he wouldnt be shocked to see his name compete with Edwin Encarnation for the toughest son of a ***** on the ice in VHL history. His tenacity is unmatched for his size, always standing up for teammates waiting to drop the gloves. In a league full of players wanting to be the next Franchise Cornerstone, Gabriel Mcallister, or Mason Richardson. Komarov continues to be a family name that wants to build away from status quo. The toughest family to ever grace the VHL ice surface with over 3000hits in their careers, thousands of PIMS its clear the family wants to be unique even if it means the agent will never grace the VHL HOF.
  11. The Komarov family is known for banging bodies. Sergei and Vlad both have amassed 1500+ career hits. Pavel hit over 1000 after a late start. They all came in over 6 foot 4 and above 240pounds. Its pretty clear the family is full of big boys who love to play the physical game. However Evgeni didnt get the height gene. Coming in at 5'6 150 pounds, but dont let that fool you hes the toughest of the bunch. His skill set reminds hockey fans of Tie Domi who was small but never backed down. Hes comes into Vegas with high fighting skill, high checking, and defensive awareness. Well he may be small his strength is unparalleled for his size. The advantage of his size means he is a fairly good skater able to jump into the play or catch a fast forward for a big check. These will be his main focuses going forward as he looks to strike fear into opposition everywhere.
  12. @Trifecta @ShawnGlade what would my role be/goals for the season
  13. Player Information Username: Gooningitup Player Name: Evgeni Komarov Recruited By: Google Age: 16 Position: D Height: 66 in. Weight: 150 lbs. Birthplace: Russia Player Page
  14. Its sunday hes able to retire now and play his last season so it shall be done
  15. Well i had 2 offers more than half way through the day lol one was from a team that no offense wont win a cup. Or one that maybe can wasnt a hard choice
  16. For the first time ever i will test FA. Sergei is in his last season, hes still an elite 2 way forward. Im looking for a contender. As of right now Quebec is where Komarov is leaning towards returning. However he admits if the pitch is right he would not hesitate to sign with another contender. Komarov family has never tested, and given Sergei will be the best ever in his family line he wants to atleast win 1 cup. As outside of the VHLM as a GM he has 0 rings multiple game 7 finals losses though dating back to Vlad Komarov. We do know that up next is pint sized enforcer Evgeni Komarov who will as soon as eligible be joining the free agent VHLM market as he was not able to declare before the VHLM draft. Evgeni will be the agencies last player as he admits with age and added responsibilities it is time to move on.
  17. You took over offseason. Late in but season hadnt started from what i remember
  18. What happened with Arkander was. Stz stepped down, Spade took over and created Fisher who he named his GM player. Rather than just deal the new GM a huge blow Arkander was allowed to stay a season as Fisher was not VHL eligible yet. However his offical draft year, Arkander was force retired. And Fisher had to play hence why despite New York having likely 1 more season to compete if Ike didnt have to they sold.
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