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Everything posted by Gooningitup

  1. Only advantage i got is money out the ass to spend lol
  2. Oslo up untill being picked up in the waiver wire was the only VHLM franchise, the Goon agency has ever known. Much like Davos the only VHL franchise, it makes it exciting again. Trying to figure out where i will land, who i will meet will be an exciting time. Its possible i land is Oslo again, its basically a whole new team now. I will likely only play 1 season so its not a big deal. However i set out with Lidstrom to explore new teams, and meet members ive never had the pleasure to play with before. Davos is out from the running, so that means my VHL team will be totally different. My pace at earning, skills has been at the best its been since i joined. I cant guaruntee it will stay this way, however a 2nd player is interesting to me. Im excited more for the VHL draft than the VHLM, but im excited to meet new members and old that ive never played with.
  3. S53 is another huge draft with big names up for grab today we will take a quick look at many of them, their respective strengths and weaknesses. Left Wing Skatefast McChunky Well, what is there to say about him he can skate like the wind. Combined with decent strength, otherwise hes fairly medicore so far. With his age its a big question mark about his upside to this point. Right Wing Motherfucker Sharpe You want a sniper who can skate this is him. You want much of anything else hes not you boy. Hasnt even been seen training as of yet which makes you wonder about his upside. However we expect some growth soon dont sleep on him. Defender Xander Finn One of the true big boys in this draft so far, he can skate. He can shoot, and he knows how to shut you down. The rest of his game could use some work, but hes a projected top player and pick heading into the VHLM draft. Defender Roman Sokolov Strong skater, i think we are starting to see a trend with prospects here. And great at defending his own zone. However after that dont expect much, so far looks like a high end defensive defender. Goalie Mis4tke Keeps his game tight, doesnt usually experiment in different goalie styles. Reacts quickly, and has solid hand speed. The rest of his game could use some work, so far not logging any hours. However this is not something we expect to continue. Center Franchise Cornerstone Another smooth skating prospect, with a wicked shot. Seems to be the year of those, a top prospect expected to go 1 or 2. He has done some work to add to his two way game, but outside of that the game needs work like all young guns. Goalie Rubber Band The projected top goalie, has put all his focus into his hands with unreal hand speed for a young goalie. Now its up to his to round out the rest of his game as right now its pretty shallow. No cause for concern at this point in time. Right Wing Brock Dragonslayer I feel like a broken record, another smooth skating goal scorer. If your looking for them this is 100% your draft. The rest of his game is like many needing work. Center Fredinamijs Krigars Wait he cant skate? In a shocking move, however his best asset is in the faceoff dot were he looks to establish himself as an ace. Like most prospects he can score too, another guy who has left all his skills to 2 areas so far needing to be rounded out. Center Lukas Muller Most likely one of the top 3 if not 1st overall. Muller is a speedy faceoff ace, who brings a great playmaking ability. Ya you read that right he cant score. He sets up goals. Like most stars his overall game needs to be rounded out. Defender Jonas Lidstrom He can skate, score and play defense. He expects to be a much more rounded out player when all is said and done. However right now like his collègues he needs to work on rounding out his overall game. Defense Marty McDouglas A checking, smooth skating defensemen. Another rare commodity in the upcoming draft. Which should help him stand out in the middle of the pack when people are all close together. Another man who needs to round out his game after his strengths. Left Wing John Locke He can skate and score, like many of his fellow prospects. Where he seperates himself is with his hands. Showing good progress, like all prospects needs to round out his game more.
  4. S53 is another huge draft with big names up for grab today we will take a quick look at many of them, their respective strengths and weaknesses. Left Wing Skatefast McChunky Well, what is there to say about him he can skate like the wind. Combined with decent strength, otherwise hes fairly medicore so far. With his age its a big question mark about his upside to this point. Right Wing Motherfucker Sharpe You want a sniper who can skate this is him. You want much of anything else hes not you boy. Hasnt even been seen training as of yet which makes you wonder about his upside. However we expect some growth soon dont sleep on him. Defender Xander Finn One of the true big boys in this draft so far, he can skate. He can shoot, and he knows how to shut you down. The rest of his game could use some work, but hes a projected top player and pick heading into the VHLM draft. Defender Roman Sokolov Strong skater, i think we are starting to see a trend with prospects here. And great at defending his own zone. However after that dont expect much, so far looks like a high end defensive defender. Goalie Mis4tke Keeps his game tight, doesnt usually experiment in different goalie styles. Reacts quickly, and has solid hand speed. The rest of his game could use some work, so far not logging any hours. However this is not something we expect to continue. Center Franchise Cornerstone Another smooth skating prospect, with a wicked shot. Seems to be the year of those, a top prospect expected to go 1 or 2. He has done some work to add to his two way game, but outside of that the game needs work like all young guns. Goalie Rubber Band The projected top goalie, has put all his focus into his hands with unreal hand speed for a young goalie. Now its up to his to round out the rest of his game as right now its pretty shallow. No cause for concern at this point in time. Right Wing Brock Dragonslayer I feel like a broken record, another smooth skating goal scorer. If your looking for them this is 100% your draft. The rest of his game is like many needing work. Center Fredinamijs Krigars Wait he cant skate? In a shocking move, however his best asset is in the faceoff dot were he looks to establish himself as an ace. Like most prospects he can score too, another guy who has left all his skills to 2 areas so far needing to be rounded out. Center Lukas Muller Most likely one of the top 3 if not 1st overall. Muller is a speedy faceoff ace, who brings a great playmaking ability. Ya you read that right he cant score. He sets up goals. Like most stars his overall game needs to be rounded out. Defender Jonas Lidstrom He can skate, score and play defense. He expects to be a much more rounded out player when all is said and done. However right now like his collègues he needs to work on rounding out his overall game. Defense Marty McDouglas A checking, smooth skating defensemen. Another rare commodity in the upcoming draft. Which should help him stand out in the middle of the pack when people are all close together. Another man who needs to round out his game after his strengths. Left Wing John Locke He can skate and score, like many of his fellow prospects. Where he seperates himself is with his hands. Showing good progress, like all prospects needs to round out his game more.
  5. Bratislva may be eliminated, and the talk of the S53 draft has already begun. Lidstroms name seems to not be spoken, everyone brings up the obvious players but Lidstroms name is rarely mentioned. However should it have been? The Swed finished 4th in scoring from the back end and second on his team despite starting late in the year. Its weird thing to mention when you remember he comes from the goon agency. No player has ever pushed the offenssive side of the game from them, not till now. Sure Pavel has a very good offensive game himself, but he doesnt pride himself on it like Lidstrom. He is quietly developing a very underratted two way game. He likely will sit around the mid ranged prospects in most peoples eyes, but he hopes he can start to turn some heads with his play. The playoffs were his coming out party, it will be interesting to see who in the VHLM took notice of his play. Only time will tell to see where he goes, but he is excited to see how it all plays out.
  6. Davos GM is fired up this year, more active then ever he has 1 goal in mind. Getting that cup that has evaded him for so long. It will happen, season 38 is the last time Davos won. They came 1 win away last year, this year they aim to try and shock. Everyones asking how? You have 2 players on your roster. Well its entirely possible, they swing on every major free agent its also possible to maybe land some too. If they miss big, it doesnt mean Davos GM will just sit around he will chase every avenue. Next season may not be his, but he wont sit quietly. Next season marks 14 with the franchise, amoung the most ever in VHL history something that doesnt look to stop any time soon. He wants to really make an impact, with 1 GM of the year award under his belt, he is looking for more by that he means a cup, awards for his boys. Even is Davos is not moved Komarov is still going to kill himself trying to capture a cup for his franchises fans. Free agents, you guys want a motivated loyal GM? A guy who makes sure his players are happy, bleeds for his franchise. Thats me, take a chance on Davos and lets make Davos Great Again
  7. Im content where i am, well id love to run a russian franchise ill just have to settle for capturing many cups for Davos.
  8. Davos likely staying put but i can guaruntee one thing we wont just sit around time to chase another cup lets do this boys!!!

  9. If i had Rigas roster it be winning the cup
  10. It may not get moved, but you cant say im doing this cuz fuck history. Anyone who thinks that needs to remember how much ive given for this franchise. And given ive found a way to bring more activity to my life since i started my company i dont plan on stepping down anytime soon. I realized it was a long shot, but i wasnt not going to make a pitch
  11. Ya good luck selling that name to english speaking people lol, not easy to pronounce
  12. Still looking please need a logo thanks people!!!
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