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Everything posted by Gooningitup

  1. Accept bringing in a same age tpe player just made sense. Spells the end of komarovs career as a forward
  2. Nobody offered more than a 1st i watched all my mail. I needed to avoid a toxic LR. This was the best that came along
  3. Accept tough to do, Gorlab was supposed to be a corner stone of the defense. He asked for a trade, i held my ground lots of good offers but at the end this stood out. I get two guys to plug holes in my line up. A first and some 3rd which can be trade bait later
  4. 6mill i ony got 8mill commited to 5 players lol and the other two still wont hit minimum so ill just spend
  5. Davos GM is starting to get used to making the tough calls, the biggest one facing him right now is, what to do with his son. The young Komarov is a face off wizard, and an elite two way threat in the VHLM. However with Covington, and Adultman Davos is set at center. With rumors a certain defenders asked out it begs the question. Does Komarov move to the wing? His talents and skill suggest it be a poor move. Perhaps defense? Hes a talented two way player. The problem is giving up such a faceoff monster, especially with the risk that Covington could bolt. Its a tough choice for Komarov to make, one that he has to make soon. It looks more like a move to wing, short term could solve it. However Davos defense is not in the greatest shape. If they want to see improvement that will have to start from the back end. It will be an interesting story line to follow as we lead up to the season.
  6. Sorry buddy need to fill a roster and hit the cap floor again
  7. Im running Davos we dont have to worry i got this shit
  8. Worried Davos will be better sooner
  9. Ahhh okay thanks for clearing that up didnt want a Titan Kronos problem again
  10. What? Isnt Kendrick E in the VHL draft? Or did they mess up again and someone going to draft a guy ineligible
  11. Dt just keep drooping ur stock so i can steal u at 8th make up for not winning the lottery
  12. It sucks to be a caps fan :/ it really does
  13. I can guaruntee 8th is wrong given we own it and dont need a goalie lol
  14. Davos GM was barraged with questions, when Covington stated he isnt sure where hes going. Stating it feels nice to have all the power, but Komarov was quick to point out no he doesnt. Already Komarov has shown his willingness to push the young star, playing him on the wing instead of his natural position. Komarov stated hos faceoffs were just too weak, his all around game needed improvement before he saw time at C. Covington didnt like this much, but when the results started pileing up the rookie shut his mouth. Well its true he holds a player option, hes also still an RFA if he uses it. His reputation around the league is tainted, looking more like a spoiled brat. Komarov stated though he is a good guy in the lockeroom and driven to succeed. He would rather keep the young gun around, but not at the expense of his franchise. I want cup rings, not selfish players. I like i did last draft will contact the guys around my spot, and there answers could go along way. This franchise has been set back long enough, Covington holds no cards, hes in a position of weakness. I wont use this against him, but he also knows im not a push over.
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