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Everything posted by Ricer13

  1. Wooo Go Wranglers! Just a side note the AGM was replaced.
  2. Almost caught up to him in rookie points! Good article @Spaz
  3. They will send you a contract which you will accept. It’ll give you some free $$$ and since Mississauga is currently out of the playoffs you’ll just be brought into their locker room where they will help you learn the ropes and prepare your player for the draft in a couple weeks! Good luck and stay active!!!
  4. 1.) why join the Rush ? 2.) who do you want to draft you in the upcoming VHLM draft? 3.) do you think you can help the Rush sneak into the playoffs? 4.) how active are you on a scale of 10? 5.) are you planning on writing a Junior review before the season end? 6.) what’s your favourite post game celly drink?
  5. Welcome back! Seasons almost over but you could come try and help the Rush sneak into the playoffs! You’ll also be on the top line! Quote and accept if you’re up for it!
  6. Welcome! I am the Assistant GM of the Yukon Rush and we want to sign you to our roster! You’ll start playing on our top line!!!!!! We won’t be competing for a cup this season but that means you’ll get lots of playing time and be able to build your stock for the upcoming draft! If you like what we have to offer “Quote” this offer and respond with “Accept” and we will get into our roster and on the ice right away! If you have any questions or need help with anything please don't hesitate to send me a DM! -Krice13
  7. There are two players that jump out at me as possible future HOF candidates. I have had the chance to get to know both these players over this past season and what I am seeing from them is very promising. Ray Sheilds @Zetterberg is one of the two up and comers who has shown a lot of promise. He started the season out on the Yukon Rush where he tore it up right away. Just before the deadline he was moved by the Rush to the Bulls for a chance to contend for a championship in his first season. While his production has slowed from a "points" perspective his work off the ice is better than ever. Each week he is consistently getting the work in to make himself a better player. He is also a very extremely active presence in the locker room and is liked by all of his team mates (mostly). I have zero doubts that he is going to be among the elites in the very near future. Secondly, Zyrok12 @Zyrok is the next player to catch my eye. The smooth skating defensemen who now calls Ottawa home started the season out on the Rush as well. He lacked much knowledge of the game but was eager to learn and improve everyday. He is now one of the top ranked players that will be drafted this offseason. His passion and hard work is like no other and that is an attribute you need to become a future hall of famer one day in this league. I guess Alex Armstrong is alright too..... @dylanjj37 word count: 264
  8. https://imgur.com/N21a4zbhttps://imgur.com/N21a4zb @Nothing but goals
  9. Thank you @Zyrok! You are very kind. Hopefully I end up there one day!
  10. Ricer13


    I am applying for this job. I’m consistently checking the VHL throughout the day and would make a great addition to the update team. Thank you for your consideration.
  11. Yukon Rush Press Conference week ending on March 1 2020 1. The Rush are 5 points out of a playoff spot with 10 games left to go. Can they sneak their way into the playoffs? 2. Its hard to keep players active in the VHL. What ideas do you have that will help keep people engaged and want to stick around longer? 3. Former Rush member Ray Sheilds @Zetterberg has entered into Nykos Great Graphics Tournament. Have you seen his graphics? Do you think he will do well? 4. For those of you soon to be drafted into the ***VHL***, is there a specific VHL team that you would like to join? ***Get to know ya questions of the week*** 5. What is your favourite movie of all time and why? 6. What are your favourite snacks to eat while watching your favourite movie of all time?
  12. Welcome! I am the Assistant GM of the Yukon Rush and we want to sign you to our roster! You’ll start of on the second line and if you stay Active, you could be playing on the Top line ASAP! We won’t be competing for a cup this season but that means you’ll get lots of playing time and be able to build your stock for the upcoming draft! If you like what we have to offer “Quote” this offer and respond with “Accept” and we will get into our roster and on the ice right away! If you have any questions or need help with anything please don't hesitate to send me a DM! -Krice13
  13. Welcome! I am the Assistant GM of the Yukon Rush and we want to sign you to our roster! You’ll be starting off on the Top line! We won’t be competing for a cup this season but that means you’ll get lots of playing time and be able to build your stock for the upcoming draft! If you like what we have to offer “Quote” this offer and respond with “Accept” and we will get into our roster and on the ice right away! If you have any questions or need help with anything please don't hesitate to send me a DM! -Krice13
  14. Thank you Mac! This looks great!
  15. Welcome! I am the Assistant GM of the Yukon Rush and we want to sign you to our roster! You’ll start of on the second line and if you stay Active, you could be playing on the Top line ASAP! We won’t be competing for a cup this season but that means you’ll get lots of playing time and be able to build your stock for the upcoming draft! If you like what we have to offer “Quote” this offer and respond with “Accept” and we will get into our roster and on the ice right away! If you have any questions or need help with anything please don't hesitate to send me a DM! -Krice13
  16. Welcome! I am the Assistant GM of the Yukon Rush and we want to sign you to our roster! You’ll start of on the second line and if you stay Active, you could be playing on the Top line ASAP! We won’t be competing for a cup this season but that means you’ll get lots of playing time and be able to build your stock for the upcoming draft! If you like what we have to offer “Quote” this offer and respond with “Accept” and we will get into our roster and on the ice right away! If you have any questions or need help with anything please don't hesitate to send me a DM! -Krice13
  17. 1. Spiders and Falling to my death. 2. There are far to many pet peeves that I have. A few small things would be: Saying you don’t have time to clean up but you sit there and watch reality tv all day. Asshole drivers who aren’t kind enough to let you merge into the lane and then flip you off for moving in anyways! 3. I am looking forward to potentially buying my first home. 4. Not looking forward to the Canucks not winning a Stanley cup....again. 5. I am travelling to Florida this April for a friends wedding! I want to go to Costa Rica. 6. Go-to snack would be wings or nachos. 7. cinnamon buns are my kryptonite. Love those little two bite ones. I plan on stealing some of these questions for my press conferences to get to know new members lol
  18. Do you enjoy simming? Does it ever get boring?
  19. Thanks for the opportunity! I had a blast.
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