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  1. Sad
    Zetterberg reacted to Beketov in [2024 April Fools] An Unfortunate Announcement   
    Normally this would just go to the ban thread but given the circumstances I think it's best that everyone know what's going on.
    It has unfortunately come to the attention of myself and @Acydburn that @Josh has been embezzling league funds for his own purposes. Via his access to the league PayPal he was stripping donation funds as payments for portal, forum, and domain hosting with amounts far higher than were actually needed. Because the line items were things he was paying for we had no reason, for a number of years, to think anything of it and were unaware that the costs were actually far less than what he was reimbursing himself which amounts to potentially thousands of dollars; we're still working out the total figures.
    Obviously we are completely shocked at this behaviour and have immediately stripped Josh of his role as commissioner pending potential future legal action. We have always held firm that the league funds are used exclusively on league related activities so I am quite frankly pissed that a member of the blue team would take donation money for their own uses; whatever his excuses may be. Please be aware that we will be launching a further investigation and audit of all our costs and funds to be sure that no one else has done anything of the sort in the past.
    Edit: In case any future people see the is and don’t see the date; it was purely an April Fool’s joke, Josh was in on it (in fact it was his idea) and the donation money is not only safe but audited.
  2. Like
    Zetterberg got a reaction from animal74 in Player store pay money to change player country   
    The one big thing I personally find hurts international tournaments is the low visibility especially on the portal. Winning a medal doesn't show up on your awards, theirs no easily accessible or obvious way to see past winners, in every other sim league I've seen theirs a team section on the portal, we don't even have official logos for any of the teams in either competition. If your not paying attention the tournament can happen and you'd have no idea. Why should I care about international tournaments when everything is hidden and the league barely acknowledges it even happens afterwards?
  3. Fire
    Zetterberg got a reaction from Mutti in Løvstrøm <3   
  4. Fire
    Zetterberg got a reaction from The goat of hockey in VHLM Logo History   

    After digging around I've compiled a list of almost every logo that the VHLM has ever used. From what I can tell there are 2 logos missing. If you know what these may have looked like or have the logo file please let me know. I don't believe there were more however I could be wrong and if you have any information or logos letting me know would be appreciated. Anyways here is the logo history of every VHLM team 
    (Important notes: around S32 logos moved from being stolen and recoloured to bought or community created)

    Saskatoon Wild:
    Originally the Fresno Bulls (logo missing) in S9 they moved to Buffalo and became the Jr. Bears who had the same identity as their VHL counterpart who had taken it from the Hersey Bears' old branding. after a short stint there they moved once again to Saskatoon and became the Wild we know today. originally they used a Wenatchee Wild concept posted on Icethetics before switching to the current logo


    Ottawa Lynx:
    Originally the Ottawa Ice Dogs, Ottawa borrowed the branding of the Mississauga Ice Dogs from the OHL until S33 when they switched to the lynx and introduced a cougar as a logo for some reason, this was later changed to better represent the team's identity with the introduction of a logo that actually looks like a lynx.

    Las Vegas Aces:
    The Aces have the most rebrands as far as I can tell. Originally starting as the Toledo Scorpions (taken from the new mexico scorpions) the team rebranded into the Bern Royals adopting a lion with a crown with purple and gold colours. This was later changed (probably around S32) into a king and was used until they rebranded yet again into the team we know today the Las Vegas Aces. Originally sporting an Oakland A's inspired crest. There are two known versions of this crest the time frames in which they were used are up in the air as of right now however later they dropped the style in favour of the current logo.

    Minnesota Storm:
    Originally the Gothenburg Eagles, The team started out with an eagle holding a broken hockey stick a pretty common trope around hockey bird logos this was later changed into a much more simplified logo. In S19 the team rebranded into the Oslo Screaming Seamen which branded it's self with an edited version of the New York Islanders Fishsticks jersey. This predictably only lasted 4 seasons before switching to the Oslo Storm. This introduced the Zeus logo (taken from a rugby league team in Australia the Melbourne Storm ) which was later changed (probably around S32) to the logo used by the current Oslo Storm. They moved to Minnesota however a rebrand did not accompany the move.
    Turku Outlaws:
    The Outlaws started out as the Jonkoping Warriors for the first 11 seasons. They would later rebrand into the Kolari Wolves (Finding the Wolves logo was a little crazy I found an old vhlm magazine that had it. Reverse image searched and it only came up on a weird Russian website) They then would shortly after become the Kolari Panthers. This identity would last for 17 seasons before finally becoming the Turku Outlaws. The team would later fold in S42 becoming one of the first-ever teams to fold in VHLM history. (Notice: The Turku Outlaws logo is not the one they actually used as full versions haven't been found. however, using fragments found from the forum we know the colours, face, and hat are all that were used in the original. Basically, this would look like a knock-off of the original)

    Minot Gladiators:
    The Gladiators originally stole their design from the ECHL's Atlanta Gladiators replacing the Atlanta in the logo with Minot. It was used up until a rebrand in S26 had them become the Syracuse Wolfpack (logo missing) (given the context of it being pre S30 it's probably stolen and probably the Hartford Wolfpacks logo) before going back to the Minot Gladiators introducing a new logo which was the base for the current Rome Gladiators. The team folded in S42 along with the outlaws.

    Moscow Red Wolves / Vasteras IK J20:
    Vasteras IK J20 originally used the same logo as its VHL parent taken from the actual Vasteras IK in the SHL. This lasted for the majority of their run before the team rebranded to again match their VHL parent int he Madrid Thunder however they kept their name. This would happen again when the VHL team would move back to Vasteras and got the name the Iron Eagles. During this time they were affectionately dubbed the Baby Eagles In S37 They moved to Moscow and become the Moscow Red Wolves. This became the base that was later adapted into the Istanbul Red Wolves' current logo. The team was later folded in S51

    Brampton Blades:
    Folded in S53 The Brampton blades sported 3 looks the first as the Brampton Battalion stealing the North Bay Battalions branding. They would later rebrand into the Blades again stealing and recolouring the saskatoon blades' old identity. Then around S32 they changed their logo into an original design seemingly inspired by the Winnipeg Jets.
    Yukon Rush:
    The Yukon Rush (rest in peace 😭) Actually had two logos in their lifetime the first was a direct copy of the Rapid City Rush of the ECHL then the beautiful Gold and Blue R you know of today used currently by the Geneva Rush. The Rapid City logo was most likely only used for 3 or 4 seasons before being replaced.


    Bratislava Watchmen:
    Created in S31 the Watchmen used two different logos during their 22 seasons starting with a light blue and black man squinting before turning into the current one being used by its VHLE team. The team was folded in S53 and was brought back later for the VHLE

    Mexico City Kings:
    Founded in S66, the Kings have dawned 2 logos the first being rebranded to avoid promoting offensive imagery.

    Halifax 21st:
    Halifax have used two primary logos and one alternate
    The Rest:
    These are all the current teams who have never rebranded and are still active:
    Again if you have any more information that can help paint a more accurate picture please DM me 

  5. Like
    Zetterberg reacted to Pifferfish in VSN Presents: PiffCast 6 - International Waters   
    World Juniors Review!!!! Hell yeah!
  6. Like
    Zetterberg reacted to Victor in Gianfranco Del Rocco and the Weight of Vasteras' Past   
    Vasteras - the Blessing and the Curse

    Some cities are steeped in history and you can feel it in the ancient buildings, the cobbled streets, and evidence of lives enjoyed and endured centuries ago. Sometimes trying to make your own history can be daunting in a place whose past is so much larger than you. However, it's those who look to seize such an opportunity are the ones that tend to thrive.
    Vasteras is a city which has that level of history in a purely Swedish context – one of the country's oldest inhabited places. But its place in VHL lore is arguably even more mythical. Founded by Lucas Tannahill in S1, the Vasteras IK were one of the oddest locations for one of the four European franchises and this only became more pronounced as other teams moved to more recognisable cities. Combined with the unoriginal logo, an identical VHLM team (Vasteras IK J20) which meant this city of some 120,000 took up 12.5% of the two leagues' locations, and a genuine and deeply-rooted hatred for the franchise started to become part of the VHL's fabric. It didn't help that Vasteras' S1 underdog Continental Cup win remained the franchise's only and despite best intentions seemed genuinely cursed, particularly after choosing to trade away Scotty Campbell in S4.
    Cue the ill-judged move to Madrid, the move back, the curse-breaking second championships for both the Iron Eagles and J20 in S26 and S27, and then even longer cup droughts and moves to Moscow (in the VHLM) and Stockholm (in the VHL). You've probably heard at least some of the stories. By the Vikings' contraction in S57 all Vasteras-based franchises and their successors were removed, permanently it seemed.
    Enter the VHLE. And of course, a good storyline always finds a way. Naturally, Vasteras won the inaugural Renaissance Cup, it wouldn't have made sense for anyone else too. Of course they weren't favourites for it. Obviously they've not won another championship since despite being overwhelming favourites at least once and being the best regular season on three separate occasions. You couldn't a Vasteras rebirth that is more Vasteras than what they've actually done. It's part of the magic that meant the franchise always had some support to not be killed and then to be brought back.
    That is the historic franchise that Gianfranco Del Rocco has joined in S93. Losing in Vasteras isn't uncommon but isn't permanent, but valiantly snatching defeat from the jaws of victory certainly seems to be. The Iron Eagles are considered favourites by some to end their 12-season cup drought in S93 (in truth, barely even a cup drought by Vasteras' standards) and certainly have the players for it. Del Rocco has yet to win much with two first-round exits in both Miami and San Diego and to be honest a lacklustre time in the VHLM in general, not even hitting the point-per-game mark and being overshadowed by multiple teammates. Based on the potential, the skillset, and the alleged pedigree, he still went early in both the VHL and VHLE drafts but there is something to prove. So far, Del Rocco leads Vasteras in scoring and seems to be settling in but the city is quite welcoming at first, when expectations are low. The real challenge comes when the pressure rises, when it feels like this might be the season. The problem is Vasteras has broken the curse just enough times to keep the belief alive, but rarely enough that the sense of dread creeps in before you've even lost the game. Is Del Rocco made of the sterner stuff that can survive that pressure cooker, especially come playoff time? He has a lot to prove to his doubters and equally an enormous weight of history and potentially career-making legacy to contend with.
    Hello Europe indeed... try to make it out alive Gianfranco.

  7. Angry
    Zetterberg reacted to JardyB10 in Games: 1-6   
    First of all, fuck Vasteras.
    Second of all, love a 4-3 win from a 0-3 deficit. 
  8. Like
    Zetterberg reacted to Spartan in VSN Presents: S93 VHL Preview   
    I think MOS is a few tiers too low, no?
  9. Like
    Zetterberg got a reaction from mattyIceman in Player store pay money to change player country   
    The one big thing I personally find hurts international tournaments is the low visibility especially on the portal. Winning a medal doesn't show up on your awards, theirs no easily accessible or obvious way to see past winners, in every other sim league I've seen theirs a team section on the portal, we don't even have official logos for any of the teams in either competition. If your not paying attention the tournament can happen and you'd have no idea. Why should I care about international tournaments when everything is hidden and the league barely acknowledges it even happens afterwards?
  10. Like
    Zetterberg reacted to Beketov in Official Simming Team Post   
    The simming team for S93 is:
    VHL: @Josh
    VHLE: @MexicanCow123
    Backup: @Beketov
  11. Like
    Zetterberg got a reaction from Victor in WJC History   
    Spreadsheet showing every WJC teams placement/medal history 
  12. Like
    Zetterberg reacted to VHL Bot in [S93] (S90) RW - Stefan Nikolaev   
    Stefan Nikolaev has accepted Vasteras's offer.
  13. Like
    Zetterberg reacted to Alex in VSN Presents: S92 VHL Awards   
    All-VHL Rookie Team
    Grimgor Ironhide @FrostBeard - Carson Walker Jr @Cwalker - Joshua Schwarzer @Velevra
    Leif Reingaard @Zetterberg - CGY Janser @Daniel Janser
  14. Like
    Zetterberg reacted to Alex in VSN Presents: S92 VHL Awards   
    For the second time in 2 seasosns we saw a rookie forward score over a point per game, they were Grimgor Ironside @FrostBeard (37 G, 45 A, 82P), they were followed by defensemen Leif Reingaard @Zetterberg (13 G, 49 A, 62 P). Lastly, in goal WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW @rory had a great season for New York, finishing with a 0.932 SV%.
  15. Fire
    Zetterberg got a reaction from Tetricide in Løvstrøm <3   
  16. Like
    Zetterberg got a reaction from Spartan in Løvstrøm <3   
  17. Like
    Zetterberg got a reaction from N0HBDY in Løvstrøm <3   
  18. Like
    Zetterberg got a reaction from jacobcarson877 in Løvstrøm <3   
  19. Like
    Zetterberg got a reaction from Steve in Løvstrøm <3   
  20. Like
    Zetterberg got a reaction from BOOM in Løvstrøm <3   
  21. Fire
    Zetterberg reacted to LucyXpher in Lightspeed: Lucy Leitner   
    As our flight touched down in Stockholm, I couldn’t help but be reminded that I was a long way from home. Having spent most of my life and professional career as a writer in Houston, the prospect of crossing the pond and living in a new country for any extended period of time was admittedly quite mystifying.  Opportunity calls-- or at least that's what I told myself as I disembarked the aircraft and began making my way through the terminal.  After a nearly 12-hour flight, my destination was still an hour's train ride away-- Vasteras, one of northern Europe's oldest cities, approximately 100km west of Stockholm.  Stepping outside, I found myself instinctively buttoning up my coat and folding my arms.  In contrast to the humid heat of Houston, even in the month of March, the air here in Sweden tasted fresh, brisk even, if not a little chilly.  It's a change, no doubt about that, though not an entirely unwelcome one.   
    Last season, writing for VHL.com, I covered the story of the Houston Bulls, chronicling their rise from an early season underdog to a playoff favorite.  Having privileged access to the locker room, the players, and staff, I grew quite fond of the team, experiencing the excitement of their first-round playoff victory, as well as the pain of their semi-final defeat.  The loss was made to sting all the more as I knew that I would be moving on from coverage of the Bulls at the conclusion of the playoffs, not unlike the players who would be moving on to new teams for S93.  Only yesterday, my next assignment was confirmed-- the Vasteras Iron Eagles of the VHLE.  I had known I'd likely be heading to Europe to cover the E, but the city I'd be calling home for the duration of this next season remained a mystery until what seemed like the final hour.  When I finally got the call on Monday evening, my bags were already half packed and I scrambled to put the rest of my life together in short order—coat, scarves, boots, hat... I don't live in the real world and my life is chaos, though I suppose that's half the fun.   
    And while I could go on about my hectic travel schedule, my lack of sleep, or prepping for a feature interview while on an intercontinental flight, this piece isn't about me so I'll spare you my melodrama.  Suffice it to say, the whirlwind that was my weekend surely cannot compare to the experience of recent VHL and VHLE draftee, Lucy Leitner.   
    I had the opportunity to follow Leitner's first professional hockey season in Houston and was impressed with her level of play and commitment to development on and off the ice.  She got off to a flying start, quickly dispelling any doubts that her success at the junior level wouldn't translate to the minor pro ranks.  Finishing the season with 76 points in 72 games, collecting 60 assists in the process, Leitner impressed scouts enough for Riga to select her 3rd overall in the VHL draft.  In the VHLE draft, it was Vasteras that collected the smooth skating defender with the 2nd overall pick.  Notably, in both drafts over the weekend, it was Leitner's Houston teammate, Antonia Bucatini @CowboyinAmerica, who was selected 1st overall, completing a trifecta of 1st overall selections in the VHLM, VHLE, and VHL.   

    Vasteras, Sweden
    I slept through the hour-long train ride from Stockholm to Vasteras and, groggy-eyed, I caught a cab from the train station to the hotel and turned in early (it was only 4pm local time).  The next morning, I met Lucy in the hotel lobby at 9:00.  She was in a chipper mood, almost glowing as she crossed the lobby and greeted me warmly.  She had arrived in Vasteras the same day as I had for a short visit and already had plans to leave in less than 24 hours to fly back to the US—to Salt Lake City, for the World Junior Championships.  Today, she had the morning free to explore the city and I was more than happy to tag along.  
    Unlike Houston, Vasteras is a walkable city. In Houston, if you don’t have a vehicle, you’re not going to get far. If you want to get anywhere, you’ll need to put on your game face, grit your teeth, hit the freeway, and hope to hell you don’t encounter the infamous Houston driver. Sure, there are bike paths down by the bayou and the city has got some nice parks, but it’s hot, horrendously humid, and sweatier than hyperhidrosis if it isn’t one of those precious few temperate weeks in the middle of February. Sound like your cup of tea? At least make sure it’s iced and unsweet, you psycho. By contrast, Vasteras has a beautiful historical district called Bondtorget. With quaint and colorful buildings, cobblestone streets, outdoor markets, a picturesque plaza, and bridges that cross the Svartån river, it doesn’t feel like life is coming at you a million miles a minute. In the chaos of the last 48 hours, taking in these relatively quiet streets with Lucy was a breath of fresh air—and I mean that literally. Back in Houston, it’s muggier than a stein of bulldog-branded root beer... Look, I’m tired and I’m trying, do with that odd analogy what you will. 
    Walking through the narrow streets, we stumbled upon a small bridge over the Svartån with hundreds of locks hooked on the railings. I had seen bridges like this before in Europe and in North America, but Lucy seemingly had not.  
    “Why are all these locks here?” she asked, curiously. 
    “They’re called love locks,” I replied, “Look, you can see the initials inscribed on them. Couples leave them as a sign of their unbreakable love.” 
    Leaning in closer to examine the locks, Lucy had an air of fascination about her, like a kid in a candy shop, a youthful curiosity. I had to remind myself, she was still only 18 and this was the furthest she’d ever been outside of the US. For all of her maturity and composure on the ice and in the locker room, this was all still new to her. Europe was a new world. Moving on from the lock encumbered bridge, we continued picking our way through the winding streets and found ourselves a quiet coffee shop where we could sit and chat. And while I fought back yawns and gulped my coffee down, fiending for caffeine, Lucy apparently had all the energy in the world.  
    “Are you sure you only got here yesterday?” I asked, marveling at her excitement. “How are you not exhausted after all you’ve been through this past weekend? I mean, you were just drafted to the VHL and the VHLE, you’ve been playing in the Junior Showcase Tournament, you’ve flown across the Atlantic to a place you’ve never been, and you’re flying back to Salt Lake in less than a day to play against some of the best young players in the world—what's your secret? How are you not crashing?” 
    Lucy laughed, “I don’t know. I guess I never really thought about all that. I’m just taking it all as it comes and it’s all been so much fun!” 
    “Tell me about that experience, though-- the VHL draft was on Saturday and you were selected by Riga. Did you expect to get picked 3rd overall?” 
    “Not at all! If I’m being completely honest, I didn’t even know Riga was in Latvia until after I got off the phone with the GM when I was drafted. I was just like, ‘where on earth is Riga?’ I guess I had it in my head that it was in Switzerland or something.” 
    Amused, I asked, “Did you know Vasteras was in Sweden?” 
    “Yeah, I knew that because I had a couple of former junior teammates who had been here, actually, for a tournament.” 
    “So how do you feel about Riga? Is that where you would have hoped to get drafted?” 
    She shrugged, “Honestly, I didn't really have any expectations, I was just happy to get picked. The organization has been nothing but great to me so far. I mean, I kind of knew they were interested because they interviewed me before the draft, but so did a bunch of other teams so I was totally shocked when I heard my name at 3rd overall with all the other great players that were still on the board. I’m just super honored more than anything else.” 
    “No, that’s so great to hear,” I say, drinking in her luminous demeanor—and another slurp of my coffee, “And so you were picked 2nd overall by Vasteras in the VHLE draft on Monday, tell me about that experience.” 
    “Honestly, I was still on a high from the VHL draft and when they picked me at 2nd, I couldn’t believe it. It was just such a surreal moment realizing that I could kind of see my future, like, where I would be playing next season and for, hopefully, many seasons after that in Riga.” 
    “What does your family think about you moving to Europe? I’m sure there’s a bit of mixed emotion seeing you move so far away to play hockey.” 
    “Yeah, definitely a little bit, like you said, obviously they’re all super supportive, but, you know, obviously, there were some tears when they dropped me off at the airport. I’m sure I’ll be able to see them a fair bit if they travel here for games. They’re already planning on coming to my first game here in Vasteras so we’re all super excited for that.” 
    “What will that mean to you—your first game in the E with your family in attendance? I remember last offseason we spoke about you making the jump up to the M and I think you proved pretty quickly that you belonged in that league. Do you have any nervous energy going into this season?” 
    “It’ll mean the world to me to have my family there. They’ve been with me throughout the whole journey so having them there for the first one will be super special. Like, I guess I’m maybe a little bit nervous, but, like, nothing crazy. I mean, a little bit of nervousness is good, right? Like, it kind of gets you going and I think it really helps me focus. Like, if I’m not nervous, maybe I’m not taking it seriously enough. So, yeah...” 
    “Do you put a lot of pressure on yourself to perform at a high level?” 
    “I guess, yeah, I definitely have high expectations for myself, but I also just love to play, so I obviously want to be at my best and I expect to play well, but if things are kind of off, I guess I don’t beat myself up over it too much. At the end of the day, I’m just so lucky to be playing this game.” 
    “I think that’s a great mentality to have. Just take it as it comes and enjoy every moment.” 
    “Exactly!” Lucy smiled brightly. 
    “I wanted to ask you about your new teammates—particularly, an old teammate who will be playing with you in Vasteras. Ondrej Vencko @Mutti was also selected by the Iron Eagles, as well as a couple of rivals of yours from the Reapers, Jorgen Lovstrom @Pifferfish and Yermolai Nabokov @fonziGG. On top of that, another high VHL draft pick in Gianfranco Del Rocco @Victor was also drafted by Vasteras. What do you think of being teammates with all of them now?” 
    “I can’t even tell you how happy I am, honestly! I’m so glad Ondra is here. He’s just such a funny and amazing personality and an incredible player, and to have Lovstrom too? Like, our goalies have to be the best in the E, right? I also heard that they’re kinda drinking buddies in the offseason when we’re supposed to be in ‘training camp’, so maybe now that we’re all teammates they’ll let me join them! Nabokov, I don’t know too well, but I’ve heard great things about him too, and he was obviously incredible last season so I’m super excited to have him on the team.  We were actually both drafted to Riga as well, so I’m sure I’ll get to know him pretty well in future. —And Del Rocco! I was honestly surprised Vasteras didn’t take him at 2nd overall, what a player!” 
    “It must be nice that you’ll have at least one other former Houston Bull on Vasteras with you after so many were picked in these drafts.” 
    “Absolutely! I was honestly hoping that there would be more, but of all the people it could have been, Ondra is the best—no offense to anyone else! I love them all!” 
    “What do you think of the team’s chances to compete for the VHLE championship this year?” 
    “I mean, with all the talent that Z @Zetterberg brought in with the draft, plus the players we already have on the roster, I really like our chances! It’s obviously a long season and a lot can happen, but right now I absolutely believe we have a chance, and talking with some of the others, we’re all really excited to get started!” 
    “Yeah, so with the season starting in less than a week, how are you preparing for the start of the VHLE season? I know you’ll be attending the World Juniors for Team USA, but do you think you’ll be prepared once the regular season starts?” 
    “Definitely, I’ve been training all offseason to get better, really working on my defensive game and trying to play bigger. I’m obviously not the biggest person on the ice, but I know the levels go up in the E, including physicality, so I’m just trying to do everything I can to be ready for that. But I’m feeling really confident that my game is in a much better place now than at the end of the playoffs. I’m just feeling ready.” 
    “And what about the World Juniors, how do you feel about your chances in that tournament? It must be an honor being able to wear your country’s colors, right?” 
    “Yes! Oh, I can’t wait. I’ve wanted to play for the national team my whole life, so this is like a dream for me. It’s gonna be so cool putting on those jerseys and skating out against Canada in game one—like, I just can’t wait. I think we have a good chance in the tournament too, like, we’ve got a solid lineup and it’ll be great to be on the same team as Abenduct again for this tournament. I think he and Gul Dukat are going to be a monster pair if the coach puts them together!” 
    We continued our chat for a while longer. I ordered a second coffee in the meantime, still trying to keep up with Lucy’s energy, though it seemed no amount of magic bean juice was going to get me to that level. Just before we concluded, I asked her, “Now that you’ve finished your first full season of professional hockey, have your goals changed at all? When we spoke in the last offseason, you were focused on helping the Bulls win. I know it was a disappointing end to that run, but do you feel you accomplished what you set out to do? And what is your goal for this season?” 
    Lucy seemed to think for a few moments before answering, “Wow, yeah, I’m definitely still getting over that loss to Philly. It was heartbreaking, honestly. I mean, we didn’t get the Founder’s Cup like we all wanted—like I had hoped, I guess, but I don’t think the season was a failure. Just seeing how far we came is so incredible to look back on and I think it’s really kind of changed my perspective. I still want to win— I want to win this season, of course, but I kinda feel like how we came together as a team was even more important in the end. I’ve never had a season quite like that run with the Bulls and I really hope it’s not the last. It would have been so much sweeter if we had won, and I’m not satisfied with losing, but that’s the game, I guess. So, like, not much changes this season really, but I feel like maybe my first goal is bringing the same team energy that we had in Houston here to Vasteras. I really think if we have the whole team on the same page that way, the sky is the limit to what we can accomplish, and a championship will kind of take care of itself. I don’t know, it’s a good question.  
    “Last one, where do you see yourself in five years?” 
    “That’s easy,” Lucy smiled, “I’m having my day with the Continental Cup in Riga.” 

    Riga, Latvia
    For a player with only one season of pro experience, her goals are lofty, but her self-expectation is higher. Certainly, the road to a Continental Cup in five years will be a difficult one.  Still to play her first game with Vasteras, Leitner has a long road ahead of her just to get to that opening faceoff as she heads back to the US for the World Juniors this week. While she exudes the energy of someone who takes every minute as it comes, allowing the moment to shape her experience, her long-term goal is set in the stars. Whether or not she reaches it remains to be seen. 
    Saying our goodbyes, I caught myself exhaling tiredly. I think Lucy noticed it too as she flashed me a knowing grin, leaving the coffee shop for a waiting cab. 
    Light travels fast. 
    Lauren Lambert for VHL.com
    3/14/24 - 2938 words
  22. Like
    Zetterberg reacted to Gaikoku-hito in DCD/MOS; S93   
    The trade makes sense when you understand what I assume D.C. ( frostbeard ) is likely looking to draft at 19th OV; which is one of the remaining goaltenders in the draft. He doesn`t have 1st this season but needs to draft a goalie to replace Henry Tucker Jr so he will be hoping that Aleksanteri Kaskiniemi-Kekkonen, Ondrej Vencko or Herald Benson will be available. Bit of a risk since I think a few more teams are drafting goalies in the first round than the mock showed but with no goalies in next season draft it might be worth the gamble. I think I would have waited until draft started and few picks before 19th to see if a goaltender was still available but sometimes you have to be a risk taker!!
  23. Like
    Zetterberg reacted to Tetricide in (S94) D - Erik Thorvaldsson, TPE: 110   
  24. Fire
    Zetterberg reacted to Tetricide in (S94) D - Erik Thorvaldsson, TPE: 110   
    Player Information
    Username: Tetricide
    Player Name: Erik Thorvaldsson
    Recruited From: Returning
    Age: 27
    Position: D
    Height: 77 in.
    Weight: 250 lbs.
    Birthplace: Greenland

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    @VHLM GM
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