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diacope 2

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Everything posted by diacope 2

  1. Lately my main struggle is finding things to write about every week, so I'd be down
  2. Also whoever came up with the Jason Vorhees award needs a pat on the back
  3. I would but I'm burning out as it is. Taking on a job is probably a bad idea
  4. One I'm done with this player I'm going to do welfare + the small tasks. Will probably do the theme week media spots just so I don't lose out of the TPE there as well
  5. March 16, 2020. I remember that day vividly, it was the day that everything began to shut down due to covid. The whole Rudy Gobert thing happened and pro sports were shutting down. It was a Monday and we went to school, but we were informed that it would be the last day and then they were sending everyone home. Our principal gave us a timeline of a few weeks before we would return. We were naive back then. I was scrolling through some sports subreddits on my phone at school and eating my lunch and I stumbled upon a VHL recruiting post on r/hockey. I only really used reddit for sports info due to my hatred of social media in general, and I deleted it the next day. Anyways, I saw the post and thought it sounded pretty cool. I kept it fresh in my mind until I was finished with school that afternoon, and I went to vhlforum.com some time after getting home. I joined the day of the draft, making my player ineligible. I got the chance to sign as a waiver player. I chose Saskatoon because of the fact it is in my home province, and that's how my VHL career started. Someone once asked in a press conference that I used, "What's one good thing that happened to you during the pandemic?". I don't remember what my answer was, but I'd say ,"finding the VHL", if I could go back.
  6. The World Cup team with the most Toronto players is in real trouble. I hope it isn't Canada. I like that black and white concept for a graphic, I don't think I've seen one like it. One criticism I have is that the text is in the bottom corner, would be nicer if it was in the centre of the signature. 9/10
  7. Not sure who this dlamb guy is, but he did a pretty good interview I would say. Interesting idea for a press conference media spot that interviews someone else, as opposed to your own self/player. Will be interesting to see how the Americans do in the future. 9/10 article
  8. 65. What are your plans for the weekend? I did fuck all. Just played skyrim and did sim league stuff. 66. Who will win... Chicago or Warsaw? I have a hunch it might be Chicago 67. Who will win... Mexico or Houston? Mexico finally slayed the dragon and took home the Founder's Cup. All it took was rory and hylands leaving. 68. Who will win playoff MVP for VHL? Can someone who didn't even make the finals win it? Lahtinen dwarfed everyone in points. 69. What should the Bears do this off-season? I think we should make some moves and try and get back into cup contention. 70. @Velevra had another good career. He's retiring. How do you bid them farewell? Will be interesting to see what his next player turns out like.
  9. In the 2019-20 NHL season, the top 2 scorers in the league were Edmonton’s power duo, Leon Draisaitl and Connor McDavid. With that in mind, it should be no surprise at all that the best two forwards in fantasy hockey were also Leon Draisaitl and Connor McDavid. Keep this in mind as it is relevant as a comparison in the next paragraph. Meanwhile, in the Victory Hockey League, we had a two way tie at 121 for first place in points this season. As a result Moscow centre Mikko Lahtinen and Vancouver centre Andrew Su will share the Mike Szatkowski trophy for the VHL’s leader in points. Lahtinen finished first in goals as well, thus giving him the bragging rights over Su in that category. That must mean they ranked first and second in Victory Hockey Fantasy League results, with Lahtinen having a slight edge, right? Not exactly. In fact, you would be quite wrong. Why, might you ask? The short answer is that the VHFL has an obsession with hits, of which Lahtinen had many. Su isn’t known for throwing the body around, and this gave Lahtinen a huge advantage. Now you may be asking yourself, “Why are you so mad Ferk? Surely Su isn’t that mad that he got second, he would’ve finished behind Lahtinen anyway.” That’s just it, Su didn’t get second place in the standings. He didn’t get third, fourth, or fifth, either. All the way down at eighth place, we see Andrew Su with 214.4 fantasy points, a whole 55 points behind Su. At second we see Ola Vikingstad, which is pretty acceptable considering that he was third overall in points with 110. The fact that Benny Graves and Christian Mingle are third and fourth is pretty criminal considering they ranked 14th and 16th in points this past season. They shouldn’t be anywhere near the top of this list. They had 94 and 93 points, respectively. Why did they score so high then? You guessed it, they get a lot of hits. Mingle ranked second in the league with 354 hits, while Graves ranked second with 334. Kyl Oferson finished 18th with 97 points and he was 10th place in the league in points. Meanwhile according to the ratings my player was 3 spots better even though he only finished with 85 points on the season. Perhaps the most ludicrous thing on the list is Jim Bob's ranking of 12th. He finished the season with 68 points, but had a lot of hits. If my counting is correct, he finished the season ranked 47th for points league-wide. The main argument that I’ve seen against changing the point system for VHFL is that we should just change our drafting habits. If it is known that players that tend to hit more do better, just draft them instead. I however think this is unfair to the players. As many point out, they like to see their players do well. If you don’t add anything into checking you essentially have no chance of ever winning. Obviously it isn’t required to play fantasy, but for someone who wants the opportunity to draft themselves, why should it dictate how they build their player? TL;DR: VHFL is broken, please nerf hitting.
  10. Do I dare apply for this? I guess so. Been the AGM for Saskatoon for a bit and I'm also the AD of Savage City in the EFL. I don't have a team preference, I'll take anything.
  11. Woah, this is really good! I really like the art style in this graphic. The effect you added around the player is really cool and I like your choice of font for the text. Wish I could make sigs like this for myself instead of getting someone to make one for me. 10/10
  12. The Seattle Bears were eliminated by the Chicago Phoenix in the conference semi-finals 4-2, and they are already looking forward to next season. The core of the team will still remain and the Bears will be looking to do some damage next season. This offseason, the Bears have no free agents although Soren Jensen is retiring and Phoenix Dawson will be coming up to replace him. Dawson had a successful season with the VHLM’s Miami Marauders, leading them with 97 points and bringing them to the playoffs. They lost in the first round to the Yukon Rush in 6 games, however. Minnesota’s Logan Moore will be a welcome addition to the blueline if the Bears don’t decide to move him, as he will be the 5th man. Moore also has an excellent season on a stacked Minnesota Storm roster, putting up 64 points and finishing 9th overall in defenseman’s scoring. The Storm swept the Ottawa Lynx in the first round, and currently sit at 0-2 against the Mexico City Kings. Aksu Maronen capped and is looking to come up to the VHL as Seattle’s new backup goaltender. He finished second in save percentage for VHLM with a 0.898%, and backstopped the Las Vegas Aces. The Aces were swept in the first round by Mexico, effectively ending their season. A few players will likely be hit pretty hard by depreciation this offseason. Odin Omdahl, Jim Bob and Vin Calia will all likely see a pretty significant drop in TPA from this season. Timothy Brown and Randy Marsh will be entering their first seasons of depreciation, but it likely won’t be enough to have too much of an impact yet. A few players had a bit of a down year this season, but that is true for the team as a whole. Marsh, Bob and Brown finished with less points than they did last season. Randy Marsh especially did much worse, finishing with a -22 in comparison to his +22 last season. He also had 15 fewer points than he did the previous season, with 56. Despite finishing with less points, Timothy Brown still led the Bears in points and actually set a career record for goals with 43. Jim Bob took on a much more defensive role this season, finishing with a career high in blocked shots and hits with 309 and 44, respectively. He had a -13 however, and this is likely due to his high PIM. Bob also set a career high in goals with 34, despite getting 68 points when he had 84 last season. Lucifer Olivier Leveque had a breakout season in S76, showing a glimpse of what he was capable of doing in the VHL. He finished with 13 goals again and 64 points. He only scored 6 more points that he did in S75, but he led all Bears defensemen by 8 points while maintaining the second best +/- on the team, showing he was also good defensively. He set career highs in assists, points, hits and blocked shots. Han Jae Kuk is another player that stepped up his game quite a bit in S76. Kuk finished the season with 8 goals, and he only had 1 career goal prior to the season. He also had 53 points, which blew his previous career high of 45 out of the water. He was a -8, but he was nowhere near the worst on the team defensively.
  13. It's a good thing you specified what this was in the title, I thought I was in the graphics subforum for a second! These types of media spots have become kind of common for me as well as of late. I think I will eventually end up doing welfare again at some point. Pretty hard to review these not gonna lie, but you didn't make any noticeable spelling errors so imma give you 10/10
  14. Dude this scared the shit out of me and I'm not even your GM lmao
  15. In that group, I'll take 2nd any day
  16. Looking back, it seems kind of funny that Timothy Brown grew into the player that he did. For those that followed his minors career, it was not all smooth sailing at first. In his first 19 games in the VHLM, Brown did not score a single goal. During his 20th however, he finally got a taste of goal scoring. Little did the few scouts in the stands know that night, they were witnessing the humble beginnings of a future first round pick in the VHL. Brown after scoring his first VHLM goal Game 3 of the S75 wildcard round; Seattle trails Chicago 2-0 in the series, and 4-3 in the game. Jacob Tonn has left the Bear’s net, and they try to get that equalizing goal. With approximately 30 seconds left in the game, Brown receives a pass from Kyl Oferson and races into Chicago’s zone. He tries a hopeful pass, but watches helplessly as Jeff Downey intercepts it and skates the other way. The Bears are able to recover and briefly have the puck in the offensive zone, but are unable to get a shot away. Timothy Brown stares into space as reality sinks in. The Seattle Bears have been eliminated from playoff contention. After the game, he takes a lot of flak from both the media and the fans. He had 7 shots and 9 hits, doing everything in his power to keep his team in the game, but they seem to have forgotten. Such are the expectations of a veteran player. Brown, moments after being swept by Chicago Fast forward to the current season. Timothy Brown has led the Bears in points and goals for the second straight season, and that series a year ago has become a distant memory. The Bears are in a very similar situation as they are heading to the wildcard once again, but Brown refuses to let that get to him. “I have to have a short-term memory”, he explains. “I can’t expect the rookies on the team to learn from their mistakes if I can’t learn from mine”. Brown has never had a letter on his jersey, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t a leader both on and off the ice. He theorizes that it would mean more to some of the younger players on the team, and he prioritizes their needs first. We asked Timothy for his view on how his role on the team has changed over the years. “I was lucky enough to be on the S73 Seattle Bears team with legends like Rayz Funk and Hulk Hogan”, replied Brown. “They helped me improve as a player and as a person. It’s time for me to pay that forward and help the next ones in line”. Brown during a team practice in S76
  17. 1. Where do you think you'll play next season? If you're getting drafted in the VHL, have any preference for what team selects you? 2. Although we didn't make playoffs, what's one good thing that happened to you this season? 3. Since we're done, are there any other teams you're rooting for? 4. Who do you think will win the Founder's Cup this season? (VHLM) 5. Do you pay much attention to the offseason tournaments? World Juniors, etc. 6. Have you ever visited Saskatoon/Saskatchewan? If so, why?
  18. Hello. I kind of like the font you used, actually. Usually simple fonts are better but this one is cool. I think that the graphic would benefit from making the player bigger and the center of attention, as there is a lot going on. The cut is a little rough around the edges as well. I would've rated 8/10, but the lack of embed was a very minor inconvenience so I'll rate 7.9/10
  19. The VHL isn't letting Hunter play because they are scared of him, sounds about right. I like that you changed the color of the interview questions, it makes it easier to comprehend who is speaking. Like your use of pictures as well. 10/10
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