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diacope 2

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Everything posted by diacope 2

  1. When many people recall the greatest game of hockey they’ve ever watched, they think of games like the Miracle on Ice, or the Canada 2010 Olympic Gold Medal Game. However, with me being the oddball that I am I prefer games like when the Canadiens lost to Columbus 10-0 that one time. Alternatively any time the Leafs play Boston in game 7. So it is with great pleasure that I recap my second favourite game of the VHLM regular season, this matchup between Miami and Houston. Preview This was a game that didn’t really matter a whole lot standings-wise. The Houston Bulls had a historically bad season, winning a mere 8 games. Miami on the other hand had a pretty firm grasp on the final wildcard spot, with Yukon and Halifax both tanking their seasons. It was expected by anyone with half a brain cell to be an easy win for Miami, but the result was not so simple. First Period If you take a quick look at the index and look at the shots category, you can immediately see this was a period that Miami completely dominated on paper. With the shots being 16-3 in the first in favour of Miami, your first thought should be “Wow, this is going to be a blowout”. Houston had other plans, however. At 6:40 in the first period Casey Scott scored on Miam’s goaltender Bacon, on what was only Houston’s second shot of the game to open the scoring. To add further insult to injury, Riley Knight Gee scored 39 seconds on Houston’s third shot of the game and last shot of the period, making the score 2-0. Miami had a dominant second half of the period allowing Houston no shots and restored the lead in similar fashion to Houston’s two quick goals. Kosmo Kramerev scored at 16:44, and Dakota Lamb scored a minute and two seconds later at 17:46. Second Period You can expect that Miami’s coach was furious after the first half, kicking garbage cans, throwing water bottles, et cetera. You would expect that they would go out there and really stick it to the worst team in the league. However, in hilarious fashion Houston forward Wilhelm von Luxembourg won the opening faceoff back to Riley Knight Gee, who skated into Miami’s zone and scored 10 seconds into the period. At this point Miami’s goaltender had a save percentage of .250, which is just awful. It’s really a wonder that Bacon stayed in the game at this point. The rest of the period was largely uneventful. The period ended with the shots tied 5-5, and Houston leading 3-2 thanks to Gee’s second goal of the game. Third Period If Miami’s coach wasn’t completely livid after his team’s poor performance in the first, you can rest easy knowing he probably had a complete mental breakdown following the second. Miami really had to pull up their socks, and they did just that. Houston was completely shut down in the third, only managing a single shot. Miami’s offense on the other hand was running on all cylinders. Drew Minott, Houston’s goaltender, really had a workout facing a ton of shots throughout the period. It’s pretty likely that Miami had most of the possession of the puck as well, considering Houston only had one shot. Things were looking pretty good at this point for Miami, but they had just one problem. They were shooting on net like madmen, but none of their shots seemed to actually be going into the net. With time winding down and Houston still in the lead, the announcement came; “One minute remaining in the third period”. It was at this exact moment that Bacon was pulled from the net. They were hoping for a miracle. Miami only managed a single shot on net in that final minute, and it was a desperation shot by Rocket with 9 seconds remaining. It was a miracle that didn’t occur, although on the other side of the ice a miracle had happened for Houston. They won a game. 677 words, using for week ending July 5th
  2. Hello, I would like to apply as a GM. Preference is the Mercenaries team.
  3. I don't know time zones. I have no need to know when the hell cst is. EST is the only time zone that I am worried about. TBH all other time zones don't exist.
  4. Bushito is still MIA so nobody really knows
  5. After the second sim of the VHLM playoffs, the Ottawa Lynx narrowly avoided elimination by beating the WIld 4-3 in overtime. The goal, scored at 4:21 by Kirk Holloway ensured that the Lynx would not be eliminated. The Wild went on to win 5-2 in blowout fashion the next game. Surprisingly for the Wild, the second line of Komarov, Gardner and Frence has been carrying the team so far this postseason. The duo of Brandt and Brown that produced throughout the later part of the regular season has yet to show up. Brown currently sits at 4th in scoring, while Brandt sits and 8th. If the Wild could get both lines to produce they would be a force to be reckoned with. Saskatoon goalie Grekkark Gyrfalcon has done well so far, with a 0.908 save percentage, which currently leads all goaltenders in the VHLM. Gyrfalcon will be the key to victory if the Wild are to make the finals, as goaltenders usually make all the difference in the playoffs.
  6. Hello, I would like to throw my name in. I have no experience with STHS and I would like to learn.
  7. Nice article Patrik. Some of these players have been pretty overlooked. ?
  8. In a shocking turn of events, the Miami Marauders won the first set of games against the first seed Minnesota Wild, taking them 4-2 and 5-1, respectively. This was not unseen between Miami and Minnesota, as Miami won three out of eight in the season series according to the recent VSN article by Mr_Hatter, but it was still extremely unexpected. Following the sweep of eighth seeded Halifax by first place Ottawa last season, Miami has proved that the 8th seed will not be pushed around this season and they are not to be taken lightly. Game 1 The first game was very close, and it would’ve been 3-2 if not for an empty net goal by Rocket at 19:12 in the 3rd period. Minnesota was plagued by undisciplined play the whole game, giving up 8 penalties while only drawing 2. While Miami failed to capitalize on the powerplay, this still most certainly had an effect on the game as that is 16 minutes of regulation time that Minnesota would’ve been down a man. The goaltenders were nearly dead even in terms of save percentage. Miami goaltender Bacon played well enough for the win, posting an 0.889, while Minnesota’s Woody McPine put up an 0.893 in the loss. Bobbie Cheechoo had a great performance for Miami, putting up three assists in a limited ice time of 13:04 and recording the second star. Kosmo Kramev also had an excellent performance in his own right with a goal and two assists and the first star. Kramerev led every skater in ice time at 32:43 and was solid for Miami’s defense. Dakota Lamb scored a goal and one assist, good enough for third star. Another key player in my opinion was Oh Sens of Miami. Although he wasn’t a star in the game and only had one goal, that goal would go on to be the game winner. Game 2 Game 2 was much more lopsided in favor of Miami, who took an early 3-0 lead in the first. Minnesota goaltender Woody McPine did not have a good start to the game, and after the third goal was scored by Miami at 18:03 in the first period, he was pulled and replaced by Bennet Dahl. McPine had a 0.727 save percentage when he was pulled from the game, while Dahl did better with an 0.867. On the other side of the ice Miami’s Bacon had an excellent performance, only allowing a single goal on 28 shots faced. This was good for an outstanding 0.964. Dakota Lamb had a great sim, putting up two goals and an assist in the game and also got second star. Kosmo Kramerev again was named the first star, to no one’s surprise. He posted two goals and one assist and once again played an enormous amount of ice time. Kramerev’s defense partner Wolf Stansson also had a good performance with three assists and the third star of the game It is well known that Miami relies heavily on the first pairing of Stansson and Kramerev for both defense and offense, and it shows on the game recap as they logged over 30 minutes in both games. Forward Dakota Lamb also had strong performances, receiving third star in the first game and second star in game two, for a total of five points in the sim. Minnesota will have to lock down these three players if they want to get back into the series.
  9. In before the Oilers win the draft lottery again ?

    1. Banackock


      The dirty things I’d do for this to happen.. 

    2. rory


      how do they win cup and draft lottery at same time? ?

    3. Quik


      I mean, imagine the hate that would occur if the Leafs win it? Especially since that's the only way they keep their 1st this draft. Prime-Chaos.

  10. I still need to play @Snussu @Devise and @GrittyIsKing09 Don't think I'll be doing much next week so I can play pretty much every day after today
  11. Yesterday, on June 20th, the Saskatoon Wild didn’t have a game on the schedule for the first time since the start of the season. This left many of the players extremely bored, as there is very little to do in a province like Saskatchewan. However, it was especially bad for star winger Timothy Brown. The Wild decided to pass the time by going out with the team, but to Brown's dismay most of his teammates left long before he was ready to go home. Because of this, he decided to go out to a bar by himself. Witnesses say that a very drunk Brown was later seen at a Tim Horton’s, and at a local hardware store parking lot. The Saskatoon GMs and players did not see any trace of Brown until half an hour before the game the next day. Brown, looking worse for wear, shuffled into the dressing room, mumbled an apology and sat down. This kind of incident is becoming somewhat common, to the displeasure of his GMs in both Saskatoon and Seattle.
  12. 1. a_Ferk 2. https://www.chess.com/member/a_ferk
  13. Elijah came back and apologized for lying and said he's probably not coming back. Also his account was wiped
  14. The original Memorial Thread was taken down. RIP the Thread
  15. Elijah joining was the highlight of my season so far. He was truly misunderstood
  16. The latest double sim is in, and the Saskatoon Wild had a strong performance, winning all four. First was a close game against the Miami Marauders, winning 3-2 in a shootout. The Wild’s second game was against the last place San Diego Marlins, and this one was anything but close. Saskatoon won this one in convincing fashion, taking it 5-0. This is where it gets a little bit more interesting as Las Vegas and Mexico are both close to Saskatoon in the standings. The Wild took the Vegas game 5-3, and did not trail at any point during the game. The game against Mexico was another close one, and also a pretty low scoring game, with the Wild taking it 2-1. Furthermore, it was another shootout victory. Although the Wild didn’t perform as well on the scoresheet in this latest sim, it appears that they found a way to win and have a strong grip on second place for the time being.
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