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Everything posted by Beketov

  1. Maybe I should put some points in Penalty Shot at some point...
  2. First W and first shutout; I'll take it.
  3. Assuming I'm not going to be stuck at work forever I will record this tonight so leave me some more questions people!
  4. So like, can we actually claim for this?
  5. Going to be recording this on Friday, slightly earlier than usual this week, so hit me with your questions! @eaglesfan036 @Shaka @ADwyer87 @boom @der meister @Victor @YEAH!stlemania @Phil @tfong @ChrisF @George Costanza @Molholt @Mr. Power @Draper @Banackock P.S @gorlab I did see yours, thank you, I'll include those.
  6. Wow, can't say I expected to win gold, even if I mostly sat on the bench for it. Still though, feels great to do it. You guys have have a great tournament Europe, you fought hard and it was a close game. Congrats on the silver.
  7. Even with a second player I can't avoid the shadow of Higgins. Oh well, still exciting haha
  8. Well I'm up by 3 as of now, so if one of us nailed it on predictions and the other didn't the gap could get wider but apart from that it's tight. I will need to either start doing FAN articles or buy the PT upgrade again to retain the 9 per week though. I know we both have guaranteed 3 predictions right (realistically 4 since Wingate is obviously getting top goalie) but I'm not sure if you doubled yours or not.
  9. I'm just curious how you've been doing it. You must be getting more uncapped stuff then I am? All of S50 I was pulling the full 9TPE a week.
  10. Enjoy it for the next few hours, it's gone once I update this week.
  11. More sigs that will look even better when you have to modify them to say Seattle Bears; how nice.
  12. Anybody else? People other than Boom must have questions for me. @ADwyer87 especially since I just gave him a huge pile. I'll gladly trade @Mr. Power and @der meister questions as well.
  13. I'll ask you questions if you ask me questions haha 1. I feel like I've heard you say before that you don't have a computer; how is it you record these podcasts? 2. When Podcasting do you prefer personal questions or heavy league related stuff that you need to look up? 3. Predictions for where some of the Big FA's are going to end up? 4. Do you think my flub in the CoDCast by saying Unassisted was on Seattle was, in fact, a premonition for Free Agency? 5. How do you think Seattle's chances are next season? 6. I hand you a bottle of Vodka, what do you mix with it? 7. Same question as above but with Whiskey and then Rum. 8. Am I at the annoying number of questions yet? 9. Should Molholt quit running the TCBL and devote his time instead to bring back VHL Wrestling? 10. How long before your VHLM Luck with the Founder's Cup translates into the VHL? 11. What was it like to win Founder's Cups? I've never actually won one. 12. I hate the number eleven so I had to add another question. Are there any numbers you irrationally hate for no reason?
  14. Offense...defence...anybody?
  15. I'm in.
  16. Sexy sig, will look even better in a slightly darker shade of red when he signs with the Bears.
  17. Not sure what you did but well done getting the banner link working
  18. Can't code the element into the link in the same way that you would normally code an image tag?
  19. You know, I was with them last time around so it really would be best if all three just came to Seattle. I mean it would only be right to bring all 4 of us together again.
  20. I said this in the other one since there are 2 discussions on this going on but it seems relevant here haha: I'm not sure if anyone is arguing it here but, anyone saying that it's disrespectful to veterans who fought so that he could stand and respect that flag needs to realize that those veterans fought for his right NOT to stand and respect the flag. Fact is, they fought to keep the country free which means free choice to do and think what you believe in. Protesting the national anthem isn't spitting in the face of veterans, it's respecting what they fought for. He has every right to protest any way he see's fit and if it does something then great. God knows the US needs some major change regarding race relations right now.
  21. Have you even bothered to look at that guy's Wiki Page if nothing else? "Kaepernick was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to Heidi (Zabransky) Russo, a 19-year-old white woman who was single and destitute at the time. His birth father, an African American, left before he was born. Russo placed her son for adoption with Rick and Teresa Kaepernick, a white couple who had two children—son Kyle and daughter Devon—and were looking for a boy after having lost two other sons to heart defects. Kaepernick became the youngest of their three children." Adoption may not be cheap but you can bet your ass that if that family is raising three children in a small wisconsin town (the town there he lived has a population under 45 000) they aren't exactly in the 1%. His wiki page also points out that he was given a scholarship to attend Nevada. Don't claim to know everything about a person's background if you can't even be bothered to do the smallest amount of research. Also, I'm not sure if anyone is arguing it here but, anyone saying that it's disrespectful to veterans who fought so that he could stand as respect that flag needs to realize that those veterans fought for his right NOT to stand and respect the flag. Fact is, they fought to keep the country free which means free choice to do and think what you believe in. Protesting the national anthem isn't spitting in the face of veterans, it's respecting what they fought for. He has every right to protest any way he see's fit and if it does something then great. God knows the US needs some major change regarding race relations right now.
  22. Plenty of time this week to get those questions in so let me have them boys! The last CoDCast was great and I believe this one can be better. @eaglesfan036 @Shaka @ADwyer87 @boom @der meister @Victor @YEAH!stlemania @Phil @tfong @ChrisF @George Costanza @Molholt @Mr. Power @Draper @Banackock
  23. This Having the banner not be clickable doesn't make a huge deal on the computer but getting back to the main board on mobile is way harder with it like this. It's very simple coding to have the banner redirect to the main page so it shouldn't be hard to implement at all.
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