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Everything posted by Beketov

  1. Beketov


    Finding a download for Helvetica could be tough. It's one of the most used and most expensive font faces. If I'm not mistaken though, Kendrick has a mac which come equiped with the entire Helvetica family. In any case, I agree with the keep it simple notion. I'm sure we've all got plenty of over-stylized fonts from our noob GFX days but they rarely get used. In general its better to use simple text and just play with the kerning and stuff to make it work.
  2. Looks like I just barely based Young this year, interesting that both my newest goalies are in the same spot haha. Also, under 50% penalty shots with Bek, can't believe he was supposed to be built as a scorer haha
  3. Congrats Quebec. You guys had a great season and ended it on the highest note possible.
  4. Just donated 20 Was gonna do a bit more but I remembered that we can only do $20 per season haha. If it's too late to count these for S35 than let me know and I'll use the bonuses during S36.
  5. Not trying to sound like I'm solely blaming myself but I wish I could get my form from games 1 and 2 back. GG Titans
  6. Holy shit, can't say I expected to see you again. Welcome back. Always good to see more early guys.
  7. Sent the two you wanted from me. I did change some of the layer names kinda like you said. Mostly just when I had an applied image or something that looked confusing.
  8. I've got those two on my main computer. I'll upload the PSD's later tonight probably. No guarantee if I'll have time but if I do would you like me to change the layer names to reflect what was done on them in order to make some steps a little more clear? Sometimes its helpful, sometimes it's not. All depends what I did really which I don't recall just from looking at them.
  9. I played pretty bad but our offence kept us ahead, well done guys. GG Titans.
  10. If Kora wants to send me the banner I'll do my best to get it positioned in there. I never actually received a file for it though, just the mock-up that includes it.
  11. You can have any of mine that you'd like.
  12. CnC? Last week the graders thought (rightfully so) that my lighting was lacking so tried to really work with light this time around. I like it more than my last 3-4 sigs personally.
  13. Seriously? My friend said it only took 5 minutes for the 50GB install of Killzone on his PS4. Might be that you can play before its finished though, idk.
  14. Welcome to the VHL. Always good to see some fresh faces in the community. If you need any help pretty much let anyone know and we'll get you hooked right up.
  15. How does that explain the green on his neck? Looks more like the Jersey color was changed and the face was turned green so he erased it which is fine except some got left behind. If this is the case, for future reference, just clip a hue/saturation to your render and only adjust the color channel you need. If you take the drop down off master and switch it, in this case, to blue it'll adjust only blue colors which would do the job here. Red is the only real tricky one since the face has a lot of red hues.
  16. Some of the green from the JC is on his face, looks a little weird. I like the idea with the text but it's a bit too faded in. Lastly, bring the focus more on the center (where you've got the face and text by blurring or playing with the lighting.
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