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The Domino Archives

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The Domino Archives last won the day on September 24 2021

The Domino Archives had the most liked content!


About The Domino Archives

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  • Player
    Austin Towbaker
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  • Location
    Sitting Down
  • Interests
    Hockey, Video Games, YouTube, and more!

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  1. do you not believe me?
  2. also, when you hear this song think of me-
  3. I am, aren't I
  4. Checking, not going on Like, checking for notifs
  5. When I first started, I didn't want to stay on this for long, and eventually, I just stopped during the draft. I tried getting away from this so many times, but every time it kept failing. I kept coming back. Deleting my account is the only way I can ensure I don't come back. Yes, multiple posts relating to their problems. Not saying that's bad or anything, but like, it made me wonder while I was trying to sleep. Are we all douches to you? I'm sorry if we are, is there anything I can do? Listen, I'm a helpful guy, but I can't go around wishing everybody good luck like the Flash. I then gave up. I stopped being active, because I was trying to get away from the mess that was the VHL. I remember back when I joined, it wasn't like this. I was actually having fun! But now, I just can't help but think and be sad/mad. I would say %2.98 percent.
  6. Low probability of happening. Just saying.
  7. Yep, I'm quitting I'm going to stay here for about a week and then I'm deleting my account. I'm getting addicted to the VHL, checking every half-hour. Feel free to ask me any questions that you have for me to answer on my final week here. Goodbye guys! Take care of them for me @Ledge and @Red. I'll miss you all.
  8. shut the fuck up with these hot takes




    every single time i go on here i see one

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. fishy


      you're not a stupid fucking idiot and i, by no means, hate you

    3. The Domino Archives

      The Domino Archives

      this was my way of saying "sorry guys, i fucked up big time"

    4. Horcrux


      no one hates you :D 

  9. ight guess that means no dom for a week seeya
  10. I guess I can't keep promises, eh? Thing is, I have tons and tons and TONS of work to finish in school, so that's why I can't stay here for a while. Hopefully, in winter break I can see you guys again. Love ya (no homo) -Domino
  11. i thought this was real
  12. hey look at number 2 thats me in a lynx jersey
  13. should've added 8 more words
  14. I think I used to write them out when I worked in Minnesota. Not saying mine were creative. Why do you think they barely chose us?
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