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Everything posted by CowboyinAmerica

  1. I remember 33 was seen as the God draft, but nobody really lived up to their potential in that one. Even guys who had solid careers like Kellinger weren't the world killers that were expected. (Still think it would have been better for all parties involved if I dropped to 3 like I was expecting instead of 2.)
  2. Congrats on an excellent GMing career, and best of luck to @Spade18! (But not too much luck, you know)
  3. Davos, Switzerland -- Gabriel McAllister’s days in Seattle are officially over. Just after the weekend (and technically before the opening of the offseason, but we’ll ignore that) the Seattle Bears began their rebuild in earnest, trading McAllister, fellow forward Otto Axelsson, and the rights to free agent defenseman Mats Johnsson to HC Davos Dynamo. Heading back Seattle’s way was the fourth overall pick in this draft. The trade was not exactly a shock to McAllister, who had heard rumblings that Seattle may blow up the team this offseason. In Davos, though, he gets everything that he wanted—a young team ready contend, with a chance to be a major piece of the offense, on a franchise that nobody in his agency has ever played for. In fact, Davos marks the seventh different franchise for the CIA agency, with only Quebec, New York and Helsinki yet to be represented. “I’m happy to be here, and I’m happy to feel like I’m wanted,” McAllister told reporters at his introductory press conference. “I know that Seattle and Davos negotiated a long time on this deal, and I’m grateful the front office stuck with it and deemed my contributions worth it.” Indeed, McAllister will be expected to be a playmaker right away. One of the frontrunners for the Season 60 MVP trophy, McAllister steps in as the only skater above 1,000 TPE currently in the league after S53 players are retired. And with a bunch of banked TPE and contract cash in the bank, he expects to be a force for his remaining three seasons. “With the guys we have here, I see no reason why we can’t win right away,” McAllister added. “A championship has been a long time coming to Davos, and I want to be the one who helps break the streak of bad luck.”
  4. To be perfectly honest, this would have been a tough sell. I originally signed through S61 explicitly for the reason that I'd be there until S54 guys retired, then I could figure out what I wanted in FA. If he was getting value from me, now was the time to do it. More a question of whether that's worth one more run at the cup.
  5. Figured as much, but that also means we might have a situation again with four rebuilding teams (Riga, Toronto, Seattle, Helsinki) and one makes the playoffs by default.
  6. It’s a distinct possibility that Gabriel McAllister has played his final game in a Bears uniform. Drafted to the team five seasons ago, McAllister has won a title, a Playoff MVP, and at least the goals and points title this season. He’s had a great run and enjoyed his time on the team. But alas, all good things come to an end, and the Bears’ leadership has hinted at plans to begin the rebuilding process this offseason. McAllister hasn’t heard through his management whether that’s definitively happening one way or the other (he probably should soon, considering he has a No Trade Clause and all), but with one year left on his deal, he would be an obvious trade candidate if Seattle wanted a large haul back. So where does McAllister actually want to end up if he is in fact dealt? He reiterated that he’d play for most teams, but for an idea of his priorities, here’s what he’s currently looking at: 7. Helsinki Titans: They’ve been playing well, but just about everybody’s retiring, and they’re likely headed to a rebuild of their own. I don’t really have any interest in playing on a team with four other players, 1.5 of them are active, at this point in my career. 6. Toronto Legion: I’ve had fun there in the past, and winning isn’t absolutely everything for me since I already have a Cup, but this would be a little too much rebuilding for my taste. I could see Toronto in my send off S63 year or something, but not quite yet. 5. Riga Reign: I like a lot of the guys on the team, but I’m not quite sure where they’re heading either, especially with Krigars and Sharpe retiring. Wingate also played here for a bit as well, and I think I’d enjoy going to a new place if I had the chance. I’m not opposed to it, but it’s not super high on my list either. 4. New York Americans: I’ve never been a big fan of the Kevin Durant school of thinking: joining the top team in the league for the sole purpose of rings. I’d rather be the necessary piece to building something, rather than another in what’s already an assortment of riches. Plus, given that they’ve battled with Seattle the past couple seasons and Wingate most of his career, I’d feel like I’m going to the dark side. 3. Calgary Wranglers: There’s a sizeable gap between the bottom four and the top three in my mind. The Wranglers are an up-and-coming team that I think could be a top contender with one more strong piece, are stocked with members I enjoy, and could be winning for a while. I’ve always been good with the GM as well. The only reason they’re not higher is because Wingate played 3.5 seasons there, and I wouldn’t mind trying something new. 2. Quebec City Meute: Some might be surprised to see them this high, given that they haven’t had much success in recent years. But I find Quebec intriguing for the same way I did Seattle at the beginning of my career – a rookie GM that has had some bad luck but is extremely active and trying hard to build something worthwhile. I think the franchise is going to want to win fairly soon, and I think it’d be fun to be a piece to help contribute to it. 1. HC Davos Dynamo: From a pure player standpoint, I’m not sure there’s many better fits: A young team that’s ready to take a leap now, a bit closer than Quebec is, but could highly benefit from a top-line scorer to pair with some of its young guys. I like a lot of the guys that it has in the locker room, and it seems to be an active and fun team as well. Plus, Davos is one of those teams I’ve never played for, and it would be fun to try to guide a fourth different franchise to a title.
  7. Does that make me the secretary? I feel like that would go poorly.
  8. A hell of a lineup. Feeling good about another gold
  9. What you gonna do. Was a great three-season run though, happy to have been a part.
  10. Lol this is wonderful. I still think the Seattle rebuild's happening, but this is a hell of a first step.
  11. Seattle -- With the most recent games, one semifinal is officially set: The Helsinki Titans will take on the Seattle Bears in a rematch of last year's finals. Similar to last year, the Titans will enter the matchup as the higher seed, though this time there's only a finals appearance rather than the championship itself on the line. But even though the Titans have a better record, the Bears are entering the series confident, both because of last year's matchup and because of recent wins against the Titans. "We've been here before - we've been to two straight finals and haven't been above a three seed. I don't see any reason we can't take this one as well," a confident Gabriel McAllister recently told reporters. "This might be our last shot as a group. We have to take it." The Bears are also bolstered by recent reinforcements, namely forward Verner Reinholdt and his 31 goals so far this season. That sharp shooting on the second line was something the Bears have been missing so far this season, McAllister said. "Our new guys like Reinholdt and King have come through for us so far, and I think they will in the playoffs too," he added. "It's a crapshoot, the VHL playoffs, but one I feel good about. Let's do this."
  12. Ew. Well, bad goalie games happen. Still outshot 'em.
  13. Semifinal preview, I'm cool if this is the way it goes
  14. Better, and another two goals for the tally!
  15. Close. Wouldn't expect anything less given how the teams have been playing.
  16. Gretzky almost with as many shots as Toronto, that's fun
  17. Cool, cool. So just to make sure I got this down, McAllister beating Cornerstone in G, A, P, +/-, shot percentage, P/20, GWG, difference in scoring from teammates - literally everything relevant other than hits. Cornerstone beats McAllister in hits, where McAllister is still in the league's top ten. QED:
  18. Apparently. I'm on fire at the end here.
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