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Everything posted by hedgehog337

  1. *this is so random* Many of you know about Kallis Kriketers who is playing for Ottawa and was fighting for the Deverux trophy. Looks like he's gonna lose to Pepper though. Anyways, there is another my player who is playing for Ottawa and is currently ranked 33rd among all draftees in TPE. That dude is named Randoms. Obviosuly, he's a welfare player since I won't have much time to devote as much time for him as for Kallis. But I'm sure he could be a nice third or fourth round steal...SIKE! I don't think this is going to be the case. All TPE are being assigned to random skills and I don't think he would be a good player in future. Well, maybe for the checking thing - the random said the first 30 TPE should go straight to this skill. And now let's begin. This is what random.org is suggesting about the prefered destinations of my second player. *You read it right, August 28th* So... 1. SEATTLE BEARS Ok, this is already getting ridiculous. That site says I need to bury the rivaly between me and 'Cock. I was about to send that engine straight to hell, but I'm not in charge of this player anyways. That means Seattle is the most prefered destination for Randoms. 2. TORONTO LEGION This engine gotta be trolling. Another possible rival for Riga. And another familiar team for me. The random definitely knows Dollar is playing for Riga too so he decided I need to pay back to him. The problem is, Randoms will be nowhere as good as Twinger. But I guess it couldn't think that far. Oh well. 3. RIGA REIGN That's an interesting one. @Will posted some announcements this week and the second player thing was mentioned there as well. However, I don't care much as I won't take him even in the seventh round cause he's trash. So this time random can go and cry in the rain. 4. DAVOS DYNAMO Does this thing reads my mind?! Davos was always an upper tier destination for me and this piece of something agrees with me this time. At least something good comes from that. 5. CALGARY WRANGLERS I'm absolutely neutral to this. As much as random is very neutral to this team. Not the most preferable and not most hated destination. I guess nobody's gonna be mad if Bush is going to draft my player. 6. QUEBEC CITY MEUTE Sometimes I like to joke about how Quebec is a trash team and @Beaviss is a garbage GM. The difference between me and random is it really thinks QUE is not a good team and Beav is not a good GM. The ''!'' response coming in 3...2...1... 7. NEW YORK AMERICANS That's kinda sad the last two teams are the only I never played for. But I can do nothing about it anyway. Looks like this thing is stuck in S47 NA semi's and still thinks I hate NY. I don't, random is. 8. HELSINKI TITANS Pretty much the same as NY. The only difference is I never hated Helsinki, but I assume this garbo thinks boubs is still in this team and it doesn't likes edgy people. Time to end this article. In before Helsinki drafts me and flips a middle finger to this list and this site goes in shambles. That's it and I'm out. 6 TPE goes to Kallis
  2. Aamo knows his job. #1 OV, here we come!
  3. you do realize this is game 253, right?
  4. Kallis Kriketetrs Goalie Randoms Hits Assists
  5. Very unlikely. These two last games were wack for him. It's a shame, but at least he can break Riga record and perhaps he already did when he surpassed Krīgars. STHS finally gives a chance for young players to shine. And looks like playing a middle of the pack team really benefits them all. Iseault had a good try, but last four games ended these talks for ever. Stropko remains as the father of all goalies for now. And probably next season is also his and then it's gonna be a dogfight.
  6. Did you like WJC? What do yo think about Mertz vs Pepper rivalry? Do you think you could be picked in first round? What else you do in LV besides gambling? Are you ready to finally leave Nevada after VHL draft?
  7. 285 Bears 286 HC Dynamo 287 Reign 288 Wranglers
  8. Taking Paolo Nano, doing media aaaaand....DONE
  9. *this is Bolzano, Italy. Why am I putting this as the main pic of my article? I have no ide....wait, I actually know why.* We can already tell that the last two and an upcoming drafts will be known as the revival of this league. These drafts produced (or will produce) a lot of future stars or even HoF'ers. It also worth mentioning that each of these drafts includes different type of members: S61 - mainly recreates ; S62 - a mix between recreates an first-gens; S63 - mainly a first-gen draft. So I mentioned about the players that are about to do big things, but obviously it's not only about them. There is a group of people that are being slept on even after they are being drafted. This was happening in less stacked drafts and this definitely will happen in the S63 draft. The group of players I'm talking about is usualy being called steals. I'm very familliar with this, as my first player went 14th OV and became a decent player. Can't forget about a 11th OV that is close to be inducted into the HoF. As a GM, I could find some of these too. Slava Aleksei at 15 (S54), Mikka Pajari at 22 (S61), even Niko Bogdanovic at 6 (S55) could be considered as the mini-steal. But all of them are recreate players. But how about a first-gen steal? These players are harder to find, there is no science about that. At least you know the potential steal could end up as a decent player if this a recreate. Especially if a member had a decent/successful player in past. With the first-gen, it's a crapshot. He may end up as a good player or he won't. That's it. So I will talk about one of them. This player is one of the most promising steals since S57 (with Pajari and Bronstein) and he actually has a shot at being called up next season as the fourth def. He is pretty quiet on boards, but still doing things which is nice for me. This is the player I'm talking about: D - PAOLO NANO I like a fact that the Riga Reign team is filled with members from different continents and nationalities. That also applies to Paolo since he comes from Bolzano, Italy. He joined the VHL league right after the S61 mid-season. After some time, he decided to join the Saskatoon Wild team. The team was a bottom feeder at that time, but nobody else could afford to sign him. This also gave him a chance to take a big role from the start as there weren't much active players there. Fast forward, he posted a so-so 7 points in 28 games in addition of 54 hits and 31 blocks. Anyways, nobody said this is going to be an easy road and getting an important role from the start can't be bad, isn't it? Usually, not having the best start is one of reasons why young prospects are crumbling under pressure and become irrelevant. Luckily, Paolo knew what he was signing for and just continued to make a bit slow but steady improvements. It didn't help him from being overshadowed by more hyped prospects. But his work didn't go unnoticed as he was picked in the early third round by Riga. The draft had a couple promising steals, like Novacek from a famous player agency or Shawn Mendes from also a known place. However, it looks like Paolo is on the verge of becoming the best steal from the S62 draft. He also went into the VHLM draft as he joined in last mid-season. He was picked by the Oslo Storm team and stayed there after Riga GM decided it's better for Paolo to gain more experience in minors. The Reign team isn't competing at this point so this send down makes sense. So far in 62 games, Paolo posted 32 points (12+20) among with 47 hits and 77 shot blocks. What probably Nano doesn't likes is the fact is that once again he is playing for a non-contender. But this also could make him to not throw a white towel and fight for the D spot in Riga. Knowing that the Latvian team is in midst of rebuild and may end this period soon, it is the wonderful chance for the Italian sleeper to finally join a contender team. So what can I say about Paolo? His skillset are suggesting that he is equally decent at passing as with scoring. The only thing that differs him from your normal defenceman is lack of physical play. Looks like he would rather become a sort of a ''defensive forward'' - he will try to score, but he also will be the first who is going back to defense when the opponent gets the puck. And at this point it doesn't really matter which type of a player he wants to become. As long as he is steadily improving, his debut at pro level will definitely happen. Sooner or later. I like to brag about being the last more or less active player being drafted in S42 draft. I started with a welfare, but ended up as a more active member. And now here I am, managing a team and trying to make Riga a powerhouse. And then here comes a first gen member with a player named Paolo Nano. His player was also being slept on and I bet some of them are thinking he is inactive by now. Right now, he is mainly doing a welfare. Could he end up as the more active member than now? Stay tuned... @leafsman 16 TPE goes to Kallis.
  10. can't wait to see the reason of the retirement
  11. Ok, so that's why you're stepping down from Milwaukee
  12. 162 Ottawa Lynx 163 Ottawa Lynx 164 Las Vegas Aces 165 Halifax 21st
  13. 252 Wranglers 253 Bears 254 HC Dynamo 255 Meute
  14. He scored against Latvia and started their comeback I hate you already
  15. Good. Tagging @BarzalGoat since he's Yukon GM And @Reives is his assistant I believe.
  16. Ottawa can't. Yukon or Oslo are left.
  17. just choose a team and post your decision here either Yukon or Oslo. these teams made an offer for your player.
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