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Everything posted by hedgehog337

  1. 1. It is officially offseason! Does your player have any plans? doing something in Toronto, I believe he said he wants to become better 2. Do you have a favourite graphic maker? Perhaps our very own @Mrpenguin30? Not looking into gfx much tbh. but Penguin made me some GM sigs so he takes the cake 3. Any predictions for the draft? Maybe who goes first or a blockbuster trade? too late. but trades we cool actually this offseason, could've been way worse 4. Connor McDavid has reached 100 points in a 56 game season. Is he by far the best NHL player? idk, playoffs will tell. 5. If your life was a TV show, what song would be the intro? idk, some rap song for sure 6. What's the most useful thing you own? glasses, can't wear lenses all the time
  2. so uhmm I started to do PT's too late and I'm already tired of doing them. fuck these point tasks jfc. Like idk we had some offseason. I drafted a couple of good players and maybe some steals along the way...wait the latter was Ledge and Sus' job. Also some trades went it and stuff. Helsinki losing Emi is a hella blow which puts them below a couple of EU teams immediately tbh. Nice start for Rayz lol. Then Bana grabbing players left and right which I feel might end up badly for them. This team looks to stacked for me. Also, NA conference is something else. We may name a couple of teams who shouldn't miss the playoffs, but this is going to be a war. I do hope sths won't do stupid shit and give us a playoff spot like we deserved last season. Tbh one of the most disgusting thing that this engine has done ever. Absolutely worthless move which took my interest out of this league for a moment. I kinda cooled down by the offseason, but there is a chance that the similar outcome will kill my GM tenure altogether. So let's see. We should make into the playoffs imo. So yeah I wrote something. I already wish my players in sim leagues are becoming vets so I can just cruising along with claiming welfare all the time. That's it and I'm out.
  3. he said you're inactive @youloser1337
  4. the team gotta have at least 12 players and 1 goalie in order to be eligible for the 45M cap. otherwise, it's 40M.
  5. oh yeah backup deduction is up to 2M, already forgot about that smh
  6. Interesting. Whos gonna be traded from Helsinki then.
  7. 1. There are only 12 games left in the regular season. We're 5 points out of Davos' playoff spot. We'll need some serious luck, do you think we can pull it off? it wasn't meant to happen. sths is trash 2. The Legion are on a 8 game winning streak and have taken over the East. Are they the new cup favourite? maybe, idc now 3. Is there anyone you have your eye on for the upcoming S78 draft? couple of them I guess 4. Which comedian has made you laugh the hardest? For me, it's a tie between Trevor Noah and Chris Rock. I laugh very rarely so nobody 5. What is your favourite all-time movie? can't name anything, I don't watch them tbh 6. What is the most binge-able show you've ever watched? neither I have an answer on this one
  8. I'm tired. I guess 4 cups isn't a bad result anyways.
  9. oh god trivia isn't on this week's cards. Victor old meme is getting back in action. So we have that theme week, what could've been type of stuff. I had some moments even with my first ever player. And both of them moments were linked with Quebec. I'll tell you about the first one here. In the offseason after S47 I went to FA with Zeptenbergs since I had nothing to do in Cologne. Yeah some offers came in and at the end I agreed to join to Calgary. However, there was one another offer. The Quebec's GM Kesler also offered me to come back to his team so he would trade me immediately to Stockholm with Weinstein. STO was trying to compete at that moment so this was making sense. But I was thinking for too long and Smarch's goalie went to Boubs by himself and I went other way. Idk what could've been if I was a bit quicker thinker, but I remember STO made a miracle run to the finals that season, mainly thanks to Bushito's inactive player. Tbh I don't think Zep would've changed much in finals, NY beat them in 5 games there and Ben was just a decent but not spectacular scoring option at best. So yeah this was the moment I could've played in Stockholm. As the result I never played there hah.
  10. 1. Well, believe it or not, Rose and Zod are gone. We'll be doin a little more draft picking. Do you think we'll have a strong enough team next season to comoete? I mean we were doing fine in S76 esp at offense. gotta go back to that roster and not buy a thing. 2. Looking at the VHLM, the Mississauga Hounds have only lost 4 games! Is there such thing as a guaranteed cup? Imagine. We all know how S74 went. 3. With maybe too many players in the VHL, the BoG has to do something. What do you think? Expansion? Another league? from what I'm feelingn it, the side league seems plausible. 4. If you could get rid of one month of the year, which one would it be? Any of winter month, hate the cold and it's depressing overall. 5. What is a believable conspiracy theory? (Please don't do any research for this!) STHS is rigged. 6. Why do round pizzas come in square boxes? Imagine trying to make round shaped boxes
  11. That "dummy" GM himself became the first #1 OV first gen in a long time (before that it was STZ(?) in mid 30's). It all figures out I guess.
  12. so this sim gave us a win against Warsaw in my 10000 post party day. fine.
  13. I mean yeah? your current guy isn't gonna do much anymore, better have a fresh start.
  14. damage control szn continues. It's unfortunate that the roster never clicked properly, but at least Zod has a legit chance for a championship now. Good luck in Seattle @Matt_O! Also, welcome to Riga @Dtayl @Jurell Yurki!
  15. indeed. he sacrifised himself for boubs
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